
Bankruptcy Fraud | Criminal Law | White-Collar Crimes


Bankruptcy Fraud | Criminal Law | White-Collar Crimes

#Bankruptcy #Fraud #Criminal #Law #WhiteCollar #Crimes

And sometimes you’ll also find in the federal system an occasional bankruptcy fraud case that’s brought, and it’s always a person who is filing bankruptcy who fails to include — disclose assets, things like that; they’re trying to hide assets. Or the allegation could be they’re overstating what their situation is as far as liabilities go — in other words, trying to defraud the Bankruptcy Court in some manner, whether it’s trying to get a discharge of debt or by the fact that they have fewer assets than they really do or that they have more liabilities. You’ll often find a situation where you’ll have someone who’s alleged to have committed bankruptcy fraud to have just simply or purposely left out a number of assets, who are just trying to hide assets and use bankruptcy as a screen or as a hiding mechanism to either just maintain debt — maintain assets or to get out of debts that are hanging over their head.
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5 thoughts on “Bankruptcy Fraud | Criminal Law | White-Collar Crimes”

  1. How BANKRUPTS courts, judges, lawyers and other similar =mafia can make anyone particularly CREDITORS=people???!!! They-BANKRUPT can NOT declare anybody bankrupt. That is FRAUD on global scale!

  2. same case: within a month after verdict the plaintiff transferred family home, condo in florida and comercial building total value over 4 million dollars. in deposition when asked where the $175,000 car was their answer was '' I dont remember '' there must be a way to get this matter brought to the attention of criminal prosecutors

  3. Same case; I can prove the Fraud, transfer of real estate change of company name all of it. How do I get the Judge and the Trustee to see that the filing is a sham.The plaintiff in my case lives in a million $ home and spends money like crazy but claimed assets of 0 on application. The entire application is a lie done only to drag the matter on for ever. Filing was 265 days ago and still motion afer motion is filed by plaintiff to delay. they now owe me over $20,000 & attorney fees over $60,000

  4. I won a civil suit in 08 / a wage & overtime claim. The employer was ordered to pay me & atty fees over $50,000 no appeal was filed. The employer told me & my attorney they would never pay & would file Bankruptcy to avoid paying me. They made it personal & spent over $100,000 in legal fees. After verdict in my case they transferred all their Real Estate into husbands name & created new bank accounts with new company name. The amount of Fraud is stagering & the trustee is trying to recover assets

  5. Thank you for being honest about prosecutions of bankruptcy fraud: "it's always a person who is filing bankruptcy who fails to include — disclose assets". Please follow up on the issue that EVERY false statement is fraud. Specifically: a lawyer for a bankruptcy estate must swear under oath that his firm has no conflict of interest, there are no hidden clients among the creditors & stockholders of a bankruptcy case. Why aren't there prosecutions of lawyers, like the liars in the eToys case?

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