
Ballerina Murder Trial: Did Defense Blow It With DNA Evidence? DAY 5 – Lawyer LIVE


#Ballerina #Murder #Trial #Defense #Blow #DNA #Evidence #DAY #Lawyer #LIVE

Is former ballerina Ashley Benefield a cold-blooded murdered? Or a victim? The issue is being hotly disputed in a Florida courtroom, where Ashley Benefield is on trial for shooting and killing her husband, Doug Benefield. Were they estranged? Back together? Today the defense rested after a contentious day filled with big wins — and some huge losses.

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33 thoughts on “Ballerina Murder Trial: Did Defense Blow It With DNA Evidence? DAY 5 – Lawyer LIVE”

  1. Women are worse abusers than men but they just do it in more cunning ways. There is a reason men unalive themselves 9 times more than women during a divorce. A woman may get slapped or punched but a man gets threatened with losing his kids and half his assets.

  2. New sub love your hair !!

    You are a very young grandma. Well put together and gorgeous bright colours !!😍

  3. STFU!! Get a degree first before you start trying to answer questions that have no relevancy to the case!

  4. As I watched the trial I thought the defense raised reasonable doubt. I never came to the conclusion she was definitely not guilty but not definitely guilty either.
    If I were on the jury I'd have to find not guilty due to reasonable doubt.
    But, It seems no one on the jury had reasonable doubt on the manslaughter charge.
    I still don't know what differentiates between second degree murder and manslaughter in this case.
    Also first degree murder and second degree murder in this case.

  5. Jury blew it. She had the right to defend herself. Keep your hands to yourself. No false imprisonment. No shoving boxes into someone’s side. No striking someone in the face. No cornering someone or blocking their exit. No stalking. No terrorizing someone with weapons or property damage. Good riddance to Doug Benefield.

  6. Seems this was a very intense dysfunctional relationship on many levels. Obsession,control,jealousy and underlying motives! I believe she played Doug and it became clear to him,but he was in too deep with his emotions. Of course it ended tragically! Much sympathy for Eva .

  7. Bless you Lee for being professional and unbiased and allowing us to really learn the law. It's not perfect by any means, but you help us understand it better. You're the best!!!

  8. I don’t believe a word she says. There was plenty of evidence to show that this was murder. She is a manipulative narcissist who is lucky that she was only convicted on manslaughter.

  9. I had a few concerns as a DV victim myself
    If you feel you’re in danger, you won’t send your mother to the park
    You will make sure you have someone to support you, anyone even the police will act as peace officers
    The one cop said she actually continually called and insisted they arrest Doug
    She had NO consideration for Eva to begin with
    She stayed with her mother during pregnancy, she hid the birth of her child from Doug

  10. 41:04 I think it’s not necessarily about the chain of custody as much as it is about the generation of the report. Who generated it? How was it generated? How should it be interpreted? Why does this person know how to interpret it?

    Just playing devils advocate here, but you don’t show a photographer a report about the convexity of a lens they use and expect them to be able to explain to a jury how the lens was manufactured, and the importance of the lens’s tensile strength. There is no reason to assume that knowing the application of the product is the same as being able to explain it.

  11. Well, it doesn't matter now.We're on verdict watch the jurors have the case they're still going.I can't believe that there's still in deliberation.It's after 6:30 PM Eastern time on Tuesday.And I guess they're gonna be bringing in food pizza and soda so we're on vertic watch

  12. I was originally on Doug's side because of her fake re-enactment of the attack and her crying and sobbing with no tears!!!!! Now, I'm just confused! Did he do all those things? Punch a dog? Wow! I hope the verdict is correct in this case!!!!

  13. Honestly there were 872 different easier ways she could have gone after him with a firearm and make it appear to be an accident. They were firearm enthusiasts who concealed carry all the time. Surely they went hunting or to the shooting range or whatever.

  14. And he just wanted to be near his child since she decided to get in the way of that unjustifiably and unlawfully. It’s his child.
    How dare she do that ?
    Unfortunately, many women get away with that in today’s society.

  15. Fact check…
    He wasn’t trying to “buy” the house.
    Rather he was looking to possibly “rent”.
    But did not.

  16. I didn’t know anything about this cast prior to the trial. I was open to both sides. The moment the prosecutor pulled Ashley off the stand was appalling, and was the moment the prosecution completely lost me.

  17. She lost me when I found out he was turned to the left when the fatal shot went through. He was turning to run. No one runs towards someone holding a gun at them.

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