
Bachelor Clayton’s Trial Is Over – Tilted Lawyer Predicts A Winner!


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Bachelor Clayton’s Trial Is Over – Tilted Lawyer Predicts A Winner!

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29 thoughts on “Bachelor Clayton’s Trial Is Over – Tilted Lawyer Predicts A Winner!”

  1. What I love the most about all of this is the community that surrounded you Dave. She tried to harass and intimidate you, tried to manipulate and control the situation as narcassitics do, but the community that surrounded you and supported you means everything. Megan Fox, Law Talk with Mike, the Tilted Lawyer all rallied around you. It brought all of these amazing and smart people together. That's the blessing in all of this.

  2. The part that made me laugh was her "You didn't check L.A." demonstrating to the judge that she lies.
    The whole case is did she lie to get her way and right on the stand she does a live lie for the judge.

  3. Dave Neal Cardinal is latin for pivotal – so meaning a point of change of direction, as in Cardinal sin = a sin that changes the direction of ones life, Cardinal rule = something that is fundamental importance and changes everything there after. But the colour Cardinal as in the bird comes from the robes worn by second tier Catholic clerics, actually probably was purple but purple dye was expensive and inherently unstable only ancient purple /blue dye that was stable was the very expensive that of the Sea Slug dye as used in the Techelet colour of the seventh string of the Hebrew Tzitzit.

    So the word Cardinal is in a similar sense to the word Major in English, meaning important, and of rank. Not a pretty American Birdie.

  4. Are they asking for her to pay for attorney fees or are the going to charge her criminally?

  5. I thought it was funny when Gingras was all confused and asked for a date (Nov 2 or something?)…and then his response was, “Oh, that was before my time…”. He recognized the wheels were coming off of the bus and he needed to get one butt cheek on that ejection seat. 😄

  6. Cardinal Rule” is a rule that is so important that, if you break it, there are dire (… evil in great degree; dreadful; dismal; horrible; terrible) consequences.

  7. Gingras stated on twitter multiple times to others to wait for trial for an explanation. I think he knew JD was going to say she went to Planned Parenthood in LA.

  8. I don't know what has been better, the pre-trial coverage or the post-trial coverage. JD has really given us a lot of entertainment.

    I have plenty of rage for all the hurt she's caused all her victims, especially Dave. But I think there will be nearly infinite people grateful for Dave highlighting this.

  9. We need a video with Megan’s responses in the mock trial with Omar next to Laura’s real responses. Megan has her pegged to a tee with vocal fry and all.

  10. Gingrass booked that vacation in advance knowing he did not want to hang around after court to be anywhere near LO! I bet he’s dreading coming back and facing her. They both put on a s**tshow!

  11. I keep screaming "HIPAA" whenever she says she faked where the test was. Even if he was threatening, he can't get any info anyway, what does it matter what name she used or where she went?

  12. She is a menace! Arizona needs to arrest her for perjury and obstruction of justice! This needs to stop!

  13. Omg! I was in Target n heard someone say yessssss. It was LO tone and very triggering! lol 😂

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