
Bachelor Clayton Update – Accuser’s LAWYER Questions Judges Integrity Publicly! Wants To Appeal!


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Bachelor Clayton Update – Accuser’s LAWYER Questions Judges Integrity Publicly! Wants To Appeal!

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31 thoughts on “Bachelor Clayton Update – Accuser’s LAWYER Questions Judges Integrity Publicly! Wants To Appeal!”

  1. Good for you owning up to being called out. Shows maturity. Now just keep calm and carry on.❤

  2. LO and her lawyer would complain no matter what. If it wasn't about the judge's father, it would have been about something else.

  3. Dave, I am from Australia and your laws baffles me at times. I just want to know can her lawyer be charged with witness intimidation especially after the things he said to you, Megan and others. what he did to Mike is the lowest act a person could do, let alone a lawyer who thinks he is the best thing since sliced bread. I really enjoy your honesty and give your baby a kiss on his head, my only great granddaughter is exactly a week younger than him.

  4. So weird hearing you not say Janey Doodoo bird. I love that you’re not masking her name now.

  5. i would assume that if judge mata's father socialized with them, then it's no issue for gingras? laura and her lawyer are just wasting everybody's time and resources.

  6. Anyone know what happened to Megan Fox:Dave Neal interview with Mike Maraccini? I was watching it, got 1/3 way through went to have dinner and when I came back if wasn’t there anymore?!

  7. The funniest part about all of this is how EASY it is to prove you are indeed pregnant, especially after the first tri. And my favorite part is asking for mediation just to tell him that she miscarried. But no, its the Judge's dad who swung the case. I get this lawyer is milking his fees, but he is getting dangerously close to losing that license. Questioning a judges integrity without proof is not looked at too favorably by the Bar.

  8. The county attorney is the district attorney. She is the lead prosecutor for Maricopa County. Laura's being white will be a major deciding factor if the DA charges her.

  9. They are not police officers or deputy sheriffs. They are courthouse security. Her dad was sitting to the right of the security. The only time the gallery snickered is when she lied about being involved in lawsuits since 2016. A great picture would have been when Clayton left the stand and the death stare he gave Laura.

  10. Sounds like a Amber heard replay. When she was found guilty, she went on TV had a interview and accused everybody and their brother of not siding with her. How could they not believe her when there was so much evidence against her? It sounds just like Amber heard all over again. Lose with grace and her lawyer. He needs to be taken up against the bar on the some of the things he has said.

  11. What in the fresh hell is this? Judge Mata could bring her entire family to the courthouse that day but his client is still a liar and was NEVER pregnant. Her paid expert was just a paid mouthpiece and a joke.

  12. Dave, I have been around for years, since Covid. I began watching you during Tayshia’s season. DO. NOT. APOLOGIZE. FOR. ANYTHING. Katie Thurston was clearly drunk when she wrote that nonsense. She was a coward, just like the others with a platform who refused to speak on this. You went this alone for SO. LONG. I love the friends you’ve made a long the way (and while I’m not following them and you’re my main source for this story) you were the only one for SO. LONG. who SPOKE UP. Clayton owes EVERYTHING to you. So many people owe EVERYTHING to you. If you want to feel humbled by that pathetic drivel from an angry narcissist, that’s fine; being humbled is excellent exercise. But you’ve done nothing thus far that has not been admirable especially with this case. Drunkards have a way of getting upset and taking things personally; this is extremely common and I would unfortunately know. Her tirade was entirely unacceptable from an enemy, no less a “friend.” Dave, you and I have butt heads in the past and I’ve not been one to shy away from letting you know when I’ve disagreed with you. I am not one to kiss ass. But you absolutely have zero to feel guilty about. I promise you. The only thing I criticized you on this whole case (mentally, not on your page) is that you were going way too hard for someone who I felt didn’t deserve it. (I did think Clayton wasn’t grateful enough, but I know you guys have a private friendship that we wouldn’t bear witness to.) That’s all you’ve done “wrong,” was care too much for someone. You were thrown into the thick of this and now look? Glory and victory. I have the utmost respect for you. Your valor and your integrity far exceeds what most people will ever display, especially people like Katie. What you did for Clayton, risking it all, arguably taking the most punches, is beyond commendable. You have NOTHING to apologize for here. Nothing. You are so special. You are remarkable. What you’ve done is highly regarded, by us, your true friends, your family, and the universe. “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” John 15:13

  13. Did she forget she LIED! What does the judges dad have anything to do with the court case? They are trying to throw anything to the wall to see if it sticks! Just stop its getting old litterly give it up. NO ONE BELIVES YOU JANE DOE!

  14. I feel like there is an ulterior motive from Gringo. He cant be this stupid! Is he doing this for clout? Negative or positive it still keeps his name out there. Money? Someone that went through lawschool and passed the bar has to have some level of intelligence so he cant be this stupid. .

  15. Can we now consider Gringas a "You Tube" lawyer now that he seems to be obtaining his information & strategies from Dave & Megans videos? I think his accusations against the Judge is just a ploy to take away attention from his & his clients unethical behavior & crimes

  16. This was so publicized and so much information was available online no wonder he thought he would like to see the hot mess.

  17. I guess Gringas is now a " You Tube" lawyer since that is where he seems to be getting his information & strategies from.

  18. “Notify” judge of intent to file notice ? You notify the court by filing a pleading.
    What?? Just file the dang thing.

  19. OH ALSO, why can't I get on my patreon, I can't chat like in the free version but I paid until the first at least . Thanks

  20. He has a whole lot of nothing. The Bar should be interested in how he is handling his client. He should be filing his own Motion Of Candor. Watch. He will be the one under the microscope!

  21. How refreshing of KB ! I love the bare naked truth. Mad respect for her introspectiveness and admitting her “bad facts” out loud.

  22. The County attorney is also the one prosecuting Trevor Bauer’s false accuser and people should go to the Maricopa County Attorney website where is describes her background. She is just the type of lawyer who will go after false accusers.

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