
Bachelor Clayton TRIAL UPDATE- Accuser’s Lawyer Throws Public Insults At Judge & Clayton’s Lawyer


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Bachelor Clayton’s Accuser’s Lawyer Throws Public Insults At Judge & Clayton’s Lawyer

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26 thoughts on “Bachelor Clayton TRIAL UPDATE- Accuser’s Lawyer Throws Public Insults At Judge & Clayton’s Lawyer”

  1. I'm watching a Dr Phil show about a teen who faked tests. Is Clayton ever considered going to Dr Phil

  2. Dave, love the content. Would you consider doing shorts? This trial is messy enough that the updates are constant and I don’t always have time to watch through 20-30 minute videos every day. Would love little snippets for small updates so it would be easier to prioritize long form content when time allows!

    Just a wish from a fan. Wishing you and yours well.

  3. I don’t believe the story above ruining the lawyer. He made that threat to Woodnick but when Megan called him on it, he wasn’t willing to ,give her any names.

    He just makes these random threats and hopes no one calls him on it.

    He’s a one trick pony. Threaten people,e and hope they go away. He has finally found a case where it doesn’t work.

  4. Dingass and Jane can't handle that Dave did the work and revealed this story in full! That's why they dislike Dave. Lol

  5. Please report him to his state bar. This isn’t ethical behavior and the bar will reprimand him . He may even be suspended

  6. she has an oddly formal way of writing… kind of like someone doing a bad impression of Data (STNG)… maybe its chatgpt… like a person trying too hard to sound authoritative… and this same tone and word cadence is found in the writing of Chase, ex-bf, and "doctor's" notes…

  7. Gingras should be careful saying things that imply his disdain for homeless shelters, he may well need one in the near future if he doesn't have an alternative career to law to fall back on

  8. Being homeless can happen to anyone. I’m a nurse in management and unfortunately I had to choose homelessness or bankruptcy as a result of medical debt related to being struck by a car followed by a cancer diagnosis that require long term follow up and treatment. None of us are free from the possibility of financial hardship. This should not be something to shame people about or insinuate people are less than others because of being unhoused.

  9. Maybe Gringas saw all the love and respect that Woodnick was getting and thought that he could get in on some of that. And once he realized he was getting the opposite started throwing tantrums .

  10. Why is this attorney sacrificing what reputation he might have had for that looney toon? Is he the father of her newest fake twins?

  11. So, according to JD's lawyer DG, if someone 'believes' they have a medical issue it validates them behaving badly?
    By that logic, the pressure in my head might be a tumor, I may as well go rob a bank.
    Oh, wait…it's just an allergy season stuffy nose.
    My bad.
    Forgive me.
    No. I am not giving the money back.
    And you can't put me in jail because I BELIEVED I had a brain tumor.

  12. For a guy who claims he's not proud of destroying someone's life, he sure is bragging about it a lot.

  13. She’s going to fake sick on trial day – watch. Dingas is going to show up with her dr’s note – I hope judge plays hard ball with her since she has signed medical releases and all 😏

  14. SWING & A MISS Gringas claims to be a superior counsel however he’s 0-8 DENIED so far. Yikes


  16. I have three letters for you …”LLC”. As a business owner, never have your assets in your own name. Always protect yourself. There is a reason rich people never lose their stuff. Protect your assets at all costs!!!

  17. Since Gingris said he sued this homeless lawyer & client for malicious prosecution since both knew it was lies, does that mean Gingris & JD can be sued for the same? They both know her case is false yet have proceeded. I'm just a Grandma with no legal knowledge but it sorta sounds like the same thing to me

  18. This lawyer is way too invested in a super bizarre and unhinged way. Is this another uncle? He needs to get a life – a professional life!

  19. The bleepshow never ends with these people. The "lawyer" is begging to be disbarred. I'm sure Clayton's lawyer can run circles around this fool.

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