
Awful Trump Lawyer ADMITS DEFEAT live on air


Awful Trump Lawyer ADMITS DEFEAT live on air

#Awful #Trump #Lawyer #ADMITS #DEFEAT #live #air

Even Trump lawyer Alina Habba is admitting that Trump is likely to lose his criminal case. Dina Doll reports. Produced by Francis Maxwell.

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40 thoughts on “Awful Trump Lawyer ADMITS DEFEAT live on air”

  1. America has some important decisions to make….uniform designs for the military parade , new song to praise dear leader ..etc etc…

  2. He committed the crime in Manhattan so it’s kinda tough if he gets tried in a blue state.😊

  3. 1:42 "There is a reason why HER and other MAGA spokespeople are out there…" ?! WTH?? Since when is that a grammatical construct?? Since NEV-er. But educated English speakers are being assaulted with that foolishness for a couple of years now on the internet and it makes ZErO sense. Would you say, "There is a reason why HER is out there…"? Of course not! So what possesses you to use such abominable grammar in either the singular OR plural, when you are supposedly an educated person?
    SMH One of the reasons to listen to Meidas Touch Network is that we can hear current events discussed in a cogent manner. So to hear this … sorry … IDIOCY crop up here too is more than jarring, It is unacceptable. Sorry MTN, but you are better than that.

  4. This newsmax journalist (said tongue,,, in cheek as he’s a journalists backside) should find a different job. His commentary is that of a petulant child lacking substance and completely devoid of any common sense. Who is this idiot.

  5. I hope alina is being well paid. I don't think she will ever work again as a lawyer . Oops, I'm not sure if she's working now

  6. Alina is not even on that legal team or in that room with Trump so she doesn't even know firsthand what is going on in the room. She gets the information from Don Snoreleone.

  7. Republican women are embarrassing and setting ALL females back. I worked FOR ERA aling with Jane Fonda.

  8. No likes for this one guys. Why is that ASKDINADOLL's video so chopped up. What is she really saying? I quit at about 5 min. It was as you say disgusting to see how bad it was. Come on get it together! And please get some sleep. I normaly enjoy your videos.😊

  9. Is this video edited weird or is something wrong with my brain? This is like watching a strobe light!

  10. Come-on Alina, don’t be a party pooper now ,,, I’m sure somebody out there in the legal world could use your brilliant strategy to help them 🤪🤪🤪😎

  11. You wonder how Blanche keeps a straight face listening to trump tell bald faced lies and whine like a spoiled brat.

  12. Lock him up already…he should have been in jail right after the jan6th inserection caused by him

  13. Alina the reason the trial is in New York is because he chose to commit crimes in the State of New York.

  14. Think about it everyone….
    If He doesn’t want his own family around the court house..
    Guilty!! Guilty!!! Guilty!!!!!!!!

  15. Dina, I wonder what is the Point of the equivalent of a detailed analysis of the preceding round of a boxing heavyweight title fight. It doesn't affect the fight either way, it doesn't prove the outcome. At best, it adds to the entertainment (?).
    What it doesn't do is discourage, what to me is, pointless self flagellation. What it doesn't do is solve anything worth solving.
    All this Fixation on Trump, that pitiful lawyer's lack of real skills while jeopardizing her (sic and very sick)“career”.
    In reality, all this really shows is the utter legal and Justice dysfunction flawed, inconsistent system.
    And yet NO ONE is interested analyzing for the root causes and suggest solutions to stop this MONSTROUS abuse of this system of justice to enable a functioning government. I.e., providing justice and reaffirming of discouragement/deterrent to those who would abuse this system. So far, all it's doing is proving the system can be bought (by those with the most money)
    And confirming to the public of its impotency at combatting the wealth/power of the Plutocrats.
    The reality is Trump is a symptom and it's Trump Version 2/3 we need to worry about.
    What stands out to me is the American ignorance of their own constitution as writ, preferring the Plutocratic Kool aide version.
    Despite all the hype, it is an urban Myth that America is or ever was a Democracy, either by Definition or intent. I wonder what would have happened if like Real Democracy conditions had applied in America.
    — Firstly, he would have been banned from business years back, because of his business practices, and his Bankruptcies.
    — Secondly, he would fail a security check because of his business dealings in Russia and China
    — Thirdly, he would have been ineligible from standing for elected office because of his attitudes to women, and his racism
    — Fourthly, He would have been denied enough public media time because he breaches their Free speech guidelines. Denying other people's rights, Lies, misinformation, disinformation. , political speech, politicians, corporations, and other Non-voting entitlement created entities are obliged to tell the truth.
    Note Exchange of opinions, PoV are rife, but they can't be presented as TRUTH, even Murdoch has a right leaning media empire but is bound from the likes of FOX.
    — Lastly, their system has systemic filters that mainly eliminate the Extremists… they have an exclusion of -by Mental Defect given he is a Sociopath he would have been removed and if not he would be ineligible to stand.
    My point is that there are a number of fixes that exist in the constitution now. So I wonder why the medias support advocate those FIXES OR strategies to implement them.

  16. It is not uncommon for the courts to place gag orders on defendants so they can't intimidate witnesses or jurors.

  17. Habba has a lot to learn as an attorney arguing a case. She has to prove her knowledge and mettle as an attorney instead of wearing clothing which she thinks will titillate the Judge and male members of the jury and get them to find for her instead of listening and analyzing the evidence presented during a trial.
    I just wonder if the Orangefuhrer told Habba what she should wear instead of her deciding to wear more comparable, conservative clothing like her male counterparts. With her low cut sweaters and blouses I expect Habba to be the next conquest of and become the next Mrs. Orangefuhrer when he dumps Melanomia.

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