
Attorney speaks on YSL powerpoint | #INALB


#Attorney #speaks #YSL #powerpoint #INALB

Guest Attorney Stara Roemer on tiktok @attorneystara

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36 thoughts on “Attorney speaks on YSL powerpoint | #INALB”

  1. I love how real and down to earth this attorney was! Knowledgeable, calling a spade a spade & seeing things for what it is!

  2. I want to thank you both for getting us educated! I love the guests and the knowledge they give us , but most of all both of your energys to learn and encourage us to learn as well! I just appreciate you❤️

  3. It’s was the “Can I cuss?” Like a child asking their mom can they repeat exactly what they heard 🤣🤣

  4. This was a great episode!! I was getting acupuncture treatment and her commentary was so great that I found myself smiling and laughing…it was awesome!!! Her thoughts were so on point….i love it

  5. All of this evidence is cumulative but can’t tell if that’s because the RICO law opens up that possibility or just nonsense state and judge decisions

  6. A year into the trial and the prosecution doesn't know which exhibits they're going to use? This 💩 show needs to end!!

  7. The violence, destruction, and untimely deaths associated with these “gangs” is beyond comprehension and truly tragic. I understand why Judge Whitaker is spoon feeding and being extra special sensitive with the State, she wants the perpetrators off the streets as well. BUT as the representative of the Court, Judge Whitaker is supposed to be neutral and unbiased. I’m sure she’s been privy to evidence that the public hasn’t seen, but I plainly see her affinity for the Prosecution team (aka her colleagues outside of the courtroom.) This is not justice. The major issue I have is this: what if, what IF it were me or any other innocent person going through a situation similar to this one? I think about all the unethical practices of the Prosecution to ensure their case holds up. I would be wrongfully convicted based on the State’s lies and the Court’s favoritism to the State, the CORRUPTION runs deep. This trial, like any other trial, sets precedent for future trials, that’s a scary thought. It is past time for a mistrial to be declared. The longer this goes on the more embarrassing and shameful the whole District Attorney’s office and Judges in Georgia look. 🤦‍♀️😡🛑✋

    “Must I forever see these evil deeds? Why must I watch all this misery? Wherever I look, I see destruction and violence. I am surrounded by people who love to argue and fight. The law has become paralyzed and there is no justice in the courts. The wicked far outnumber the righteous, so that justice has become perverted.” Habakkuk 1:3-4 (New Living Translation)

  8. I feel if the jurors were really tired of this trial they would have spoken up by now.. They realize this is a media sensational case and they are enjoying the ride and want clout at the end also 💯💯

  9. Love the conversation. At this point the case is so big why hasn’t the supreme court stepped in? Is it like “let the kids hash it out” kinda thing?

  10. And I all I herd when that lady came on was valley vocal fry lol but let me listen I just had to say that

  11. Lmfao that first slide with the planters peanuts lmfao who put that together using pp2002 cause that looked a mess they don't know how to edit Pictures they just clipped it right from the top suggestion lol 😂its so funny and so bad

  12. Greg and Mel, do you remember in the opening Attorney Love told the jury that YSL caused terror in Atlanta for 10 years. What I keep asking myself over and over is why did they want that long to bring this case? I feel so sorry for the residents.

  13. That PowerPoint looks eerily similar to something that would be shown to a grand jury to get a false indictment. 🤔

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