
Attorney: Manhattan jury pool selection ‘tough’ for Trump


Attorney: Manhattan jury pool selection ‘tough’ for Trump

#Attorney #Manhattan #jury #pool #selection #tough #Trump

“A lot of times in criminal law, you play for the fumble,” says William J. Brennan, who represented the Trump Organization in the fraud case before the same New York judge as the hush money case. “If you get one juror is a holdout that hung jury can really be a game changer…..but I think it’s tougher when the defendant is this particular defendant and it’s just the island of Manhattan that provides the potential jury pool.” #CNN #News
criminal lawyer , Attorney: Manhattan jury pool selection ‘tough’ for Trump, latest news,Happening now,CNN,Donald Trump,Trump Hush Money Case,Trump Gag Order,Justice Cynthia Kern,Judge Juan Merchan,Stormy Daniels,Michael Cohen,Election 2016,Trump Legal Troubles,Emil Bove,Trump Attorney,Matthew Colangelo,Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg,Michael Smerconish,Smerconish,John Berman,CNN News Central,William J. Brennan,Jennifer Rodgers

44 thoughts on “Attorney: Manhattan jury pool selection ‘tough’ for Trump”

  1. Of course, it will be tough. Nobody sits on the fence when it comes to Trump. You either hate him or love him. So where will an impartial jury be found? Impossible.

  2. The top law enforcement officers in the country said Trump didn't commit a crime but yet all these folks on here says he's a crook and must pay!

  3. Finding someone in New York that trump hasn’t fucked over will be a challenge 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  4. No war under Trump, this is why they go after him. Democrats love war and the money from war.

  5. But yet..all you democrats said President Trump would have the world in this situation,but Biden has gotten us in this mess,plus said Trump was imbedded with Russia,and democrat special counsel said it was fake Wake up democrats,everything this station and all democrats accuses us/me of ,they actually are doing it. Lookup Hillary Clinton’s destroyed her government phone so all evidence couldn’t be found,or all democrats saying Russia collision after democrats got their special counsel and he even come out and said all democrats are a lie. Wake up people!

  6. Good.
    consonant vowel consonant consonant deserves no quarter.

    Thank you free internet for the descriptive.

  7. Rom 3:23
    For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

    Rom 6:23
    For the wages of sin is death;

    Psalms 9:17
    The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.

    Acts 8:37
    And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

    Rom 10:9
    That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

    Corinthians 15:3-4
    For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

    Ephesians 2:8-9
    For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

  8. Fun fact. Alvin Bragg to this day hasnt even told Trump, his lawyers or even the judge what felony he supposedly committed that trumps (no pun intended) the statute of limitation misdemeanor charges. Anyone who believes that is just and not North Korean-Esq tactics need to have their heads re-examined. And congrats, you have TDS.

  9. 42% say Trump`s Presidency was good for America. Biden only 25%. These fake charges are a fit up that will fail.

  10. all the jurors had the same response and had to be released back into the flock ….TRUMP bah ah ah ah ah ah ah ddddd

  11. They have to find something to put Trump in prison for with 91 charges against him,if they don't hurry up and put him in prison before the election he's going to win,then he will go after everyone that tried to stop him.

  12. Well the defense attacks the witness of saying they are liars dearly what about Twickenham twice impeachment xxxxxx priestent Donald John Trump done against his lies that he saying above the law he s not above the law noone in the United States of America is above the law dearly not even we the people but Trump culture thinks they are ,and just think of all the January 06,2021 people whom are in jailed for the Trump administration republican party leaders that said Trump had made them belive that the demcatric party had rigged the elections i seen it with my own eyes that trump posted come to Washington DC January 06,2021 dearly its going to be wild and looked at what he said. HE DANGEROUS TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA WE THE PEOPLE DEARLY NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH SO HELP ME GOD WE THE PEOPLE SEEN IT ON ALL THE TELEVISION EVEN OVER ON THE CANADIAN TV SHOW THAT SO WHO IS LAUGHING NOW HUH TRUTH NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH SO HELP ME GOD BECAUSE TRUMP DID IT AND HE AFRID OF WHATS GOING TO HAPPENS TO HIM HE SHOULD BE DISQUALIFIED FROM OFFICE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA WHITH HOUSE AND FROM ANY OFFICE IN THE GOVMENT 😊😊HES DANGEROUS TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 🇺🇸 DEARLY VOTE BLUE BLUE 💙 IN ANYTHING THAT COM❤E TO THE STATE YOU'RE LIVING IN 💙 FOR ACROSS THE UNITED STATE OF AMERICAN, WE THE PEOPLE DEARLY HAVE TO STAND UNITED TOGATHER 💙 😊😊dearly 💙 to save our democracy for the future of our child or children growing up in times we the people are in history Repeating it self and to the furture for our child and grandchild 😊😊

  13. It's a mitracle anything let alone justice gets done with a judicial system as faulty as the American.

  14. This Imbecil shouldn't have committed the crime in New York in the first place,,,What do you mean tough? New York is a tough place and if you can make it there, you can make it everywhere,….if not, then you're not Presidential material..😎😎😎😎😎😎😎 Duh….

  15. STOP CALLING HIM EVEN THE EX-PRESIDNT. He is not worthy to even be recognized as an ex in Presidential history.

  16. I don't blame that Irish woman saying that she spoken the truth in court room dearly so much i,I thinking that's Trump should be changes should be guilty for everything he a dangerous guilty to the United States of America

  17. Trump is going to have a hard time finding a jury? Maybe he shouldn’t have ripped off NewYork.

  18. This campaign records case would never have been brought against anyone other than Trump! In fact, the FEC, DOJ and the previous Manhattan prosecutor said there was no crime and didnlt pursue the case. And you've got a partisan judge who CLEARLY should have recused himself bec. his daughter is a top Democratic party operative whose company has made $ millions representing Vice President Kamala Harris' 2020 presidential campaign, Kamala Harris for the People, the Biden-Harris campaign and Rep. Adam Schiff's super Political Action Committee (PAC)!

  19. and here's CNN again, trying to remove completely innocent posts because they're not anti-Trump enough, or tell the truth too much, which automatically means it's unfavorable to Dems…

  20. and here's CNN again, trying to remove completely innocent posts because they're not anti-Trump enough, or tell the truth too much, which automatically means it's unfavorable to Dems…

  21. and here's CNN again, trying to remove completely innocent posts because they're not anti-Trump enough, or tell the truth too much, which automatically means it's unfavorable to Dems…

  22. Trump better remember that Cohen went to jail because of him in this case…'Bully Boy' has got to realise that his days as the 'KingPin' are over…


  24. They didn't believe Ashley Biden.
    They didn't believe Lucy Flores.
    They didn't believe Vail Kohnert-Yount.
    They didn't believe Amy Lappos.
    They didn't believe D.J. Hill.
    They didn't believe Caitlyn Caruso.
    They didn't believe Ally Coll.
    They didn't believe Sofie Karasek or Tara
    They believe Stormy Daniels, who literally had sex for a living.
    They believe E. Jean Carroll that said on air that "rape is sexy".

  25. I have been a juror twice in NYC. I can tell you all walks of life are here and given the instructions by the court, everyone takes this duty seriously. People on the panel with me were respectful of the process, because the court demands that from us, and people were willing to work through the evidence and defend their position. The weight of someone's freedom isn't a casual thing to anyone on the jury panel.

  26. Trump” I had the best prison sentence in history . It was a perfect 20 year sentence . Many say it was the best prison sentence of any president ! “

  27. Trump attorneys acting like they can't get a fair jury in Manhattan. I guess a man who "built the skyline" needs a jury of felons to feel like he has a jury of his peers.

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