
Attorney Bederow on today’s testimony at Karen Read trial


#Attorney #Bederow #todays #testimony #Karen #Read #trial

Attorney Bederow on today’s testimony at Karen Read trial
lawyers near me , Attorney Bederow on today’s testimony at Karen Read trial


49 thoughts on “Attorney Bederow on today’s testimony at Karen Read trial”

  1. If it wasn't for Turtle Boy, Karen would be in prison.
    Because ifthe CORRUPT DA, Judge, & cops all dept.

  2. First, u are told by any polish lawyer,
    Bev is corrupt, & bias, disrespectful.
    Her contempt for Allen Jackson & David Yannett, also they are everything
    Beverly is not!!!!
    She was a P.O. for 24 yrs always pleaded out on every case.
    Jackson & Yannett are known as "SUPER LAWYERS" & winning 98% of their cases.
    I hope Beverly gets
    What is coming to her for her horrible behavior.

  3. I've just found your channel. I've been loving the discussion type debates. Im from Uk, had very little knowledge either way, and thought surely it couldn't be a stitch up. After watching alot of the trial daily, I've enjoyed LYK channel for his objective analysis. I no longer have any doubt abt this case. It's been a total inept investigation from the beginning. Red solo cups, pieces of broken light collected 3 weeks later by various cops by chance. The Prosecution lost me early on. Ive howled at the stupidity of some of their 'professional' witnesses. Thats not even touching on misogynistic Proctor, and sketchy Mccabe.
    Just to say can't wait for the meat to come from the Denfence ♡

  4. Last year in the Charlie Adleson murder trial the jury found him guilty in 2 hours during which the jury also ate lunch

  5. Who’s to say he didn’t get sucker punched? Or a broken beer bottle over the back of the head? Would explain laceration but not sure about bruising. Point being it could be a number of different possibilities and that is reasonable doubt period. I don’t have much faith in juries but I pray they make the only right choice of NG!

  6. The way the Rittenhouse Judge reacted to the defendants” post- arrest silence” (I may be butchering that), attempting to be used to convict him is how I would have expected a fair and impartial judge to react to the argument that her calling a DUI lawyer is evidence of her guilt in a homicide case.

    …. Unreal

  7. Why does everyone think Dr Russell hasn’t practiced in 20yrs? She retired last year

  8. All three defense attorneys are amazing..I'm so sad that the police officers. The state police and the judge are so
    Disappointing ..I totally supported all Police officers and State Police until this trial

  9. When this is over, I pray the Feds fully investigate the whole Albert & McCabe families also all and any trooper who took part in this fiasco

  10. DA brought up her calling a lawyer as proof of consciousness of guilt?! They are scumbags in the Norfolk DA office!

  11. Bev did rule fairly about the DUI lawyer but instead of admonished Lalli and co-counsel for this stunt, had the nerve to say she apprecitated them for bringing this forward and she'd see if the door opened. What!?

  12. I know this was Thursday night show, but I'm just watching today, Saturday. Again Friday Lally tried to pull another nasty, vile tactic. He tried asking Dr Russell about John's head wound on the back of his head, knowing she was restricted to the arm only. That was his and Auntie Bev idea. I don't blame the defense jumped all over that and called for a side bar. Of course he was made to strike that question.

  13. Remember the McCabe and Albert had the group text saying just say the guy never went into the house in the apple health Fitness said he was taken steps three flights of stairs so he definitely went into that house

  14. If you believe KR did this crime, then she would have to be a cold blooded killer. Took the chance on running him over in front of a LIVE PARTY, in front of a COPS house…and if she missed JO, and just injured him, she's going to jail automatically for a long time! Not to mention, all the effort to cover it up, all cold blooded and calculating, AND acted on an RANDOM opportunity to run him Over that just happen to present itself when he got out of the car…..BS…… I rest my case 🙂

  15. Those phone calls and texts didn’t prove anything regarding her motive to kill. Normal in many relationships. These also made me see John in a different light.

  16. OMG, that testimony was ridiculous. I drive up and down mountains and drive thousands of miles each year across all of Europe, and never have I ever, not once, got credit for the miles as steps or climbing stairs when driving up and down massive mountains- and I check my phone and when I have my Apple Watch on, that one too. No, just don’t happens. My phones GPS location though is regularly off – the same is my kid’s AirTag. Let’s hope these jurors have driven up and down hills before and know that’s ridiculous.

  17. Lally spent his case in chief on defending the Alberts and McCabes …not one single piece of evidence to support his case of Karen Read hitting OJO with her car!

  18. When Mr Green i think his name was for defence said Karens location data was deleted, not sure if jury got that point, but didnt the police have her phone at that time? That would explain about inaccurate route???

  19. Nobody after this case will settle for less we all want JUSTICE for officer JO after this case is done ✅ lots of work to do I hope the Feds come right in and make the right decisions and serve some indictments the world won't be happy!!!!!

  20. Lally is such a dud. The closing statements of the defense will tie it all together and prove what a clown show this case has been.

  21. Lally on opening: "Karen hit him with SUV at 12:45am"; Trooper Guerino: "Karen's phone logged in to the John's wifi on Meadow at 12:36am" 🤔🤨🤭

  22. I think John and Higgins got into a fight. I think John was too drunk to fight back hard. The dog who knows Higgins and Albert but never saw John goes after John's arm. I hope Karen does not testify. Her attorneys will tell her not to. She will open doors that will allow the prosecution to ask questions not good for Karen and who knows if Karen can stay calm, cool and collected under prosecution telling her she is a liar, etc. Prosecution always know if they get the defendant to lose their temper, they are really showing the jury she is capable of "murder." This case screams not guilty because the prosecution can't prove Karen hit the car. Karen should not go on the stand and give a motive that she did it even by accident.

  23. Another thing is that Kerry Robert's said in her testimony she was with Karen and Jen M the whole time and Karen only asked if she hit him. Karen wasn't speaking with the ambulance people, she was in the police car. Kerry spoke to them. And Jen M called the police and said a guy is dead or near dead on the lawn. She wouldn't say a police officer was on the lawn. Also, it is Jen testifying that Karen told her to Google how long to die in cold. That doesn't mean Jen is telling the truth. Jen said in her interview that Karen's car was in front of Albert's home until 12:45 am. But the state trooper that the prosecution called said Karen's car left that home at 12:33.

  24. Sad thing about this apart from what Karen has to endure is that they will never know what really happened to JO unless someone confesses or something happens to find out.

  25. When asked if she loved JO, Read replies: We were dating! Proctor was sooo right! READ IS A Cu*t. Hope the jury sticks to the facts and sends her leaky button knot to prison!

  26. My Apple Watch and phone will often under estimate steps in the moment but will update in 15 mins and “catch up” later.

  27. Wasn't it weird that ME noted John's nails werent probably not a fight?? Women are the ones who use their nails to scratch, not men. He would have had a closed fist or else just trying to block blows. NOT scratching.

  28. Just think about the cases you don't see or know about done by this Judge and Police goons. This is them on their best behavior. They have been corrupt so long they do not know what normal is.

  29. The “free Karen Read” supporters are the most excruciating people on the internet right now. At some point they’ll have to admit that the grift is up and that they’ve all been the target of a sophisticated innocence fraud PR campaign targeting the gullible who are all apparently incapable of logically refuting any evidence presented at trial aside from screeching “they’re all lying!” The YouTubers who have jumped on this (also targeting the gullible) are mostly shameful grifters attempting to profit from misery.

  30. Is it possible that Lally is intentionally throwing this case because he didn’t believe in bringing it in the first place

  31. Whatever happens, I'm gonna miss Bederow's movie references: "Forget it Jake, it's Chinatown."

  32. There's a trafficking scheme below the surface in this area. That is WHAT it is. Drugs, weapons, and PEOPLE. [and little people] You are all ignoring this.

  33. It will be interesting to watch Lally try to cross the defense witnesses especially the experts. He's REALLY so out of his league! 😅

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