
Attorney Bederow on Friday’s Karen Read testimony


#Attorney #Bederow #Fridays #Karen #Read #testimony

Attorney Bederow on Friday’s Karen Read testimony
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45 thoughts on “Attorney Bederow on Friday’s Karen Read testimony”

  1. As for the female expert data nerd, I understood everything she was saying due to my computer science background but I definitely can't wait for the defenses' expert in digital analysis of "Hos long to die in cold"!

  2. Blood spatter on Officer JO's clothing in a downward fashion is consistent with John being upright when bleeding. As for multiple DNA contributors, I suspect a bit of knuckle blood mixed with JO's?? Whatever it is, it still doesn't prove that Karen murdered John with her car.

  3. The military started collecting DNA samples in 1991. That should give the Feds what they would need for BA. And BH

  4. I got time out on this channel when he did a live video a couple days ago, and i swear i didn't say anything offensive or feral like ive seen hundreds on here! IVE NEVER BEEN BLOCKED/BANNED/TIMEOUT IN 10YRS OF BEING ON YT!
    Bro needs to grow some thick skin! We're all here for the same reason! I'll go support Brian LTL MEDIA, you dont have to be a sub to comment on his live even though i am, nor do you have to pay to get your comment read! ❤

  5. Everyone better stop rooting so many horns. We have no idea what the jury thinks. Every corporate news channel holds the CW up like shining beacons of hope. No one leads with negative prosecution headlines. Not the majority. It’s depressing

  6. Will the defense put dna experts on, The Albert's that are cops, Brian and Brian Higgins, and possibly Collin Albert, the TWO UNKNOWN ID's of Blood and dna on the jeans, both shirts and the tailight and the dog dna too this should give us answers … does anyone know if the dog is still alive and exactly where it is in Vermont? Brian Higgins and Brian Albert were both in military, won't the military have there dna on file? The answers are there … how can the defense get The dna comparisons that we all know will be there on the cloths … and even if John's dna showed up on tailight, it could have been planted. But Brian Higgins and Brian Albert's dna on John's bloody clothes …that's physical proof!!

  7. As far as the theory of John Okeef being hit with the rear of the Lexus and hitting his head at the curb, Ya think the state may try to convince jurors that after hitting his head John was kind of like what some call "walking wounded" to rationalize the distance from impact to where he lay on lawn? 1:00:42

  8. Here in PA, in an effort to bring awareness and curtail incidents involving Pendot road construction workers and vehicles running into those workers as they travel through thru lanes … pendot put together some comparison data of different speeds of a vehicle coming into contact with those workers

    20mph = some bruises, abrasions and cuts and scrapes

    30 mph = possible concussion, bruising, a couple days of hurting, possible broken bone or two

    40 mph = multiple Fractures and laceration s, possible week in the hospital, possible internal injuries and internal bleeding, two weeks in hospital

    50 mph = multiple weeks in hospital with multiple injuries internal and external, critical condition – to death

  9. The accident reconstruction Trooper:

    Friday's cross was just a voir dire, Is it legal for the defense to approve of a states witness as an expert only because the defense feels they can discredit him later with there own expert?

  10. I actually thought that when either side brings in an expert witness, the witnesses describes their credibility in depth and then the atty is supposed to ask the judge if the witness can be accepted by the court as an expert and the other side has to accept or reject? But I never see that happening in this trial, and I thought odd! The female forensic tech had expert qualifications IMO but this last MS State Trooper did not. If I were a juror, I would actually disregard anything this Trooper witness had to say in full because to me as a reconstructionist expert shouldn't he be able to explain exactly how the body could have performed a quadurple+ axil, hit head on curb, bounce 10ft up lawn, and then shattered polycarbonate plastic was able to fly from flagpole all the way to fire hydrant too. Too me, none of this guy's testimony was credible; a witness IMO would need to use physics and Newton's Law on Force to show it could actually happen, which it absolutely can't!!

  11. Proctor had this case wrapped and closed 16 hours after the event. Why are these people even on the stand?
    Aside from my sarcasm, what happened to John's belt? Why did the defence not demand dna of the dog? Dna of everyone else involved – McCabes, Alberts, Higgins?

  12. I don’t understand why the defense didn’t use investigative genetic genealogy testing to get the DNA profile from Jeans / shoes ? Of course now it’s probably too late bc it takes a lot of time!

  13. and the part we didn't ask the homeowner for searching the property when defense lawyer asked about the house or get a search warrant , then how did they search the homeowners property ? the lawn is the homeowners property and they used the leaf blower so it wasn't in plain sight to , and he said he didn't ask the homeowner for permission so he searched it illegally

    + they search it for over 2 weeks then and then

  14. Anyone else see the tik tok of the girl who spoke to a Boston Cop last night, she asked him what he thought of this. His answer (I'm paraphrasing) is that nothing happens by coincidence. Think about how many coincidences occurred in this situation. *raises eyebrow

  15. An autody accident repair expert could be useful. Somebody who has replaced 5,000 broken tail light lense assemblies. It requires more tonnage to trim a piece of plastic in industry than required for an equally thick piece of steel. The answer is in the physics.

  16. His physics are wrong. I am an engineer. The vectors of a heavy mass moving linearly into an animal does not produce a rotation. It is not pool or baseball pitching.

  17. There is a discrepancy in Trooper Paul's data. Key Cycle 1194 is the Testing and 1192 is the hit on John. I think the hit on John is Key Cycle 1189. 1190 is Karen leaving at 5am to Jen and back to John, 1191 is Lexus to Dighton, 1192 is putting Lexus on Tow Truck, 1193 is putting Lexus in Sally Port, 1194 is testing. The data for 1192 has mileage consistent with the hit on John and is inconsistent with the Tow Truck. There needs to be an explanation for the missing key cycles. If 1192 is really the hit on John, then the K turn trigger happening 9 minutes before the 24mph trigger hitting John is a mystery. I think as Karen was going West on Cedarcrest, the argument with John made her miss the left onto Fairview and she did an angry K turn to come back to make a right on Fairview. That is when Ricky's F150 met her and the F150 let Karen go first. 9 minutes later, John is hit by the Lexus.

  18. Wouldn’t there be pieces of tail light imbedded in his arm or at least pieces in heis jacket, if the lacerations on his arm was caused by the taillight?

  19. How do you think Defense knew Higgins went to a military base and threw phone and SIM card in two different dumpsters? Higgins face showed complete shock of how in the hell does he know that.

  20. I am still not sure whether we will see the defense presenting their case. I hope we will see it but I kinda have doubts. For Karen Read it would be best to be acquitted by a jury verdict "not guilty" . Because if let's say the case is closed through motion to dismiss there will always remain some kind of bittee aftertaste such as "she did it but got lucky because of lack of evidence ". So I am curious whether we will get to see the defense"s case. I hope though we will.

  21. Do we know what specific cases officer John O’Keefe was working on prior to his death. My question is going from What happened to “Why?” Was officer okeefe about to make a drug bust or investigating a sexual harassment claim involving Colin? The McAlberts? Higgins?

  22. It's the JFK magic bullet. It doesn't make any sense that he was hit by her car split is head on tbe curb and then he's found 10-12 feet into the yard on tbe lawn.

  23. I think all the state troopers shaved their heads to show solidarity to their theory. Hence, that is why some of their heads are so white.

  24. "WE THE PEOPLE"…….stands for "ALL PEOPLE"….. who have had encounters with corrupt law enforcement…….. It appears all 3 troopers are sporting same hair cut…..shaved to the bare skin……are they skinned -heads,…..white supremacy…….or WHAT??? Sad to say when corrupt law enforcement decides on a narrative against someone, they will fabricate and make it all fit their narrative regardless of one's innocence!!! The smoke screens they are able to put in complaints are very lengthy but remember where there's smoke, it's not always fire….. what about the appearance of smoke that comes off of "DRY ICE"! It's irrelevant to them because should a defendant be able to fight and expose the corruption, the officers are protected by qualified Immunity and know they are protected!

  25. I’m glad the attorney said it! Outside has become a circus.

    With each day that passes, the seriousness of this case is diminished by dress actors and such.

    It is one thing to be supportive but it’s quite another to act like they’re waiting for a rock star to take the stage. No one knows how this case will end — and if you want jurors to take your plea seriously, at least act like adults.

    People are revealing themselves as groupies rather than advocates for truth and justice.

  26. When you compare the behavior and latitude that Judge Belvin Perry Jr. gave Jose Baez, Casey Anthony's defense, compared to how this Judge seems to be interjecting, there is a vast difference, in my opinion only.

  27. That hip hop is garbage…and the lecture you gave to your followers ( i am not one😉)was quit insulting to those who follow you.. dude, don’t take yourself so seriously, it really does not reflect well on you..the grift is real… is OBVIOUS . “

  28. Nancy Grace and the dopes on The Behavior Panel thought they’d get some of the KR attention and yet both lacked any knowledge of the case and just went with the CW’s insane “theory.” Both shows are getting slammed with comments and emails explaining every detail they missed. Grace was just repeating falsehoods and ignoring massive problems while the Behavior Panel dingdongs showed yet again while reading facial expressions etc isn’t some magical art of discernment that “discovers” truth.

  29. Both sides are missing a clear motive. The CW may have been able to get an accident related manslaughter but they won't get murder. Same with the defense, they need to have a motive of why someone else would have killed John. Neither have established motive.

  30. Amazing coverage all!! Watching from good Ole England & thought I'd clear up the money thing 😂🤣 £/P is Our Pound/Pence sterling & the only currency we use, even when were part of the EU we had this… € is Euro mainly used in certain countries now & replaced their original currencies…We however wouldn't do that & kept to our own English money 😂🤣😂🤣

  31. If the Judge makes a mistake that causes her to dismiss a juror – that is suspect !! Corrupt bias Judge Regarding the data – it’s simple – she did not look at all the data – it is like you looking at the sky full of clouds and you say there is only blue sky.

  32. This Judge takes responsibility for nothing. Not her fault she failed to let the camera person know a juror is coming up, not her fault the trial is taking so long (half days, zero days, defense has to voir dire most every witness/expert….(CW does not), attorney's must come to side "bahh" for every objection. Everyone to blame, except Bev.

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