




This is Attorney Ron Durbin out of Tulsa, Oklahoma! After exposing a criminal judge, he was threatened with contempt, almost lost his license, and was ultimately arrested! He sat down with us today to discuss this real-life villain!

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criminal law , ATTORNEY ARRESTED FOR EXPOSING DRUNK JUDGE!, 1st amendment audit,first amendment audit,1st amendment audit fail,first amendment audit fail,accountability for all,id refusal,id refused,cop,cops,police,cop owned,cops owned,owned,destroyed,james freeman,lackluster,audit the audit,audit,ron durbin,1a audit,first amendment,1st amendment,first constitutional amendment,5th amendment,judge sharon holmes,tulsa


  1. She has been drinking a long time to be able to drink that much.She needs to check into a program.

  2. When lawyers work for government they also become tyrants city,state or federal mostly become tools for the elites rich true patriotism for the we the people is rare as hens milk!

  3. Dude would you shut up with your stupid commentary so we can watch the story, your commentary isn't as good as you think

  4. Been watching Ron for awhile, thanks Josh for reaching out and getting an interview. ✊✊✊✊✊✌️✌️✌️✌️

  5. The problem with tyrants is, they are only ever going to understand one thing….and it comes out of a barrel at 1350fps. Gooberment tyrants, religious tyrants, tyrants of all shapes and sizes. They understand ONE thing. Period. The same goes for pedos….

  6. 🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

    03:17 🍸 Attorney exposes Judge's drunken behavior
    – Attorney Ron Durban captures footage of Judge Sharon Holmes repeatedly getting drunk at a bar with her grandson and driving intoxicated.
    – Durban's actions lead to his arrest and threats to his legal license, highlighting the challenges of holding judges accountable for their behavior.
    10:33 🚫 Judge attempts to silence exposure of misconduct
    – Judge Holmes retaliates against Attorney Durban by filing bar complaints and arrests, attempting to silence his exposure of her misconduct.
    – The judge's bayith intervenes to obstruct Durban's efforts, showcasing a systemic resistance to accountability within the legal system.
    16:46 📹 Confrontation at the Hunt Club
    – Durban confronts restaurant staff about Judge Holmes's habitual drunkenness and driving with her grandson, emphasizing the importance of public awareness and accountability.
    – The exchange underscores the challenges of confronting powerful figures and the importance of citizen activism in seeking justice.
    18:41 💼 Discussion on the legal implications of over-serving alcohol to intoxicated individuals
    – Over-serving alcohol is a felony in Oklahoma, particularly when done knowingly.
    – Law enforcement and prosecutors frequently charge bartenders for over-serving, especially if it leads to incidents like drunk driving.
    – The likelihood of charging a bar for over-serving diminishes when the intoxicated patron is a prosecutor or a judge.
    19:52 🚔 Police response and behavior regarding a drunk judge and over-serving allegations
    – Despite clear evidence of potential criminal behavior, police response to a judge's intoxication and possible over-serving is notably lenient.
    – The discrepancy in police response highlights issues of favoritism and privilege within the legal system.
    – The role of law enforcement shifts from protecting citizens to safeguarding the interests of a sitting judge.
    23:28 🍺 Witness testimony regarding the habitual drinking behavior of the judge
    – Testimony from a bystander reveals the judge's regular consumption of alcohol at a local bar, often in excessive amounts.
    – Concerns are raised about the judge's ability to perform her duties effectively while engaging in habitual drinking.
    – The witness provides firsthand accounts of the judge's behavior, shedding light on her potential alcohol abuse.
    24:36 ⚖️ Legal system's response to the judge's behavior and its implications
    – The legal system's handling of the situation appears biased, with efforts to cover up the judge's actions and silence those who speak out against her.
    – Attorney Ron Durban's actions in exposing the judge's behavior have led to attempts to discredit and punish him, reflecting systemic issues within the legal profession.
    – The case underscores the importance of accountability and transparency within the judiciary to uphold public trust and ensure fair treatment for all

    Made with HARPA AI

  7. She needs to be reported to the Oklahoma Bar Association, and, if Oklahoma has a OPR (Office of Professional Responsibility) reported there as well. I would also alert every television station in Tulsa to come document her and film her drinking and driving. If she is an elected judge, she should be removed from the ballot barring re-election. If she is appointed, she needs to be removed from the bench at once. She may be sitting on the bench drunk, and ruling on cases that seriously affect people's lives. This has got to be stopped at once. I think one can even petition the state Supreme Court to have a judge removed from the bench, but I'm not absolutely certain of that, as I do not live in Oklahoma.

  8. “Some other black car”

    I logged out loud at this and then realized what the guy actually meant. Then I laughed some more.

  9. This is a message for the lawyer, I need you, I have a case for sure, I'm looking for indictments, please reach out to me.

  10. What is Porky babbling about here at 12:20? His entire unintentionally hilarious script would have been a lot funnier if it had been intentional. His entire thing here is preposterous, from the script all the way down to his mannerisms playing with his facial and hand gestures.

  11. There’s two ways to look at this. If the cop could prevent a crime and keep the juvenile safe from being driven around by a drunk grandmother, it would be negligent for him to simply allow her to get behind the wheel and put herself, the child, and the public at risk. I’m not defending the government defending the government, I’m just pointing out a different way of looking at this.

  12. <>Nice video and I thank you for breaking it down!! Even with the current crypto dip, I'm still glad 😊 I can smile back at my portfolio of $53,700 made from my weekly trade within a short period of time

  13. What doesn’t make any sense to me is say they WERE ONLY a restaurant …. When did restaurants stop serving alcohol?

  14. The citizens/employees of that bar should be ashamed of themselves! I don't care who you are and what "status" you have! I would never EVER sell out or defame my morals for ANYONE or ANYTHING! Absolutely not, would I stand there making excuses for that disgusting woman!
    At any point, that pig woman could get in her car and cause the accident involving their loved ones! How pathetic of them!

  15. He should have just told the officer that he witnessed a woman at the bar getting drunk, and her 8 year old grandchild is with her. He should not have mentioned she was a judge yet. 💯✌️🫡

  16. Any judge caught doing something they have convicted people for should have to serve sentences equal to the total combined time and or fines of all sentences and fines they dished out to others previously.

  17. can you get the credit card receipts from the court and see if they are using government money to buy "food" at that bar? seems like they all go there for some reason. seems like the court's hangout.

  18. How is a kid allowed to enter the bar in the first place 🤔 I've never seen a bar that allows 7yr old kids in and I played in bars for years, I've seen it all but I've never seen a 7yr old in a bar till now that is, 🤦🏻

  19. There is a paragraph in the Declaration of Independence, the basic meaning of which is: Not only do you have the right, but the obligation to stand in the face of tyranny, for those who can not stand for themselves. On that value alone, this man should not lose his license.

  20. He is doing a public service. She should be removed. Need someone with his tenacity in Mohave County Arizona.

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