
Asian-owned businesses feel targeted by Portland lawyers who filed dozens of ADA lawsuits


#Asianowned #businesses #feel #targeted #Portland #lawyers #filed #dozens #ADA #lawsuits

Of the 47 ADA lawsuits filed by attorneys Jessica Molligan and David Foster, almost half involved Asian owned businesses, according to public records and interviews.

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lawyers near me , Asian-owned businesses feel targeted by Portland lawyers who filed dozens of ADA lawsuits


20 thoughts on “Asian-owned businesses feel targeted by Portland lawyers who filed dozens of ADA lawsuits”

  1. Our business (California) got a similar letter, but from an individual. I looked him up. Dude’s been doing it for some years and apparently it’s legal in this state for individuals with a disability to demand money up to a certain amount. In our case the guy said he was legally blind and we didn’t have a sign with big enough letters, or some stupid shit like that. We ignored it. Searching online brings up a few people who regularly do this here in Ca. Their game is hoping the business will just write them a check to avoid a lawsuit. Easy money.

  2. this happened all over LA. san gabriel valley area years ago. this wannabe asian gangster got shot and wheelchair bound went around suing all the asian owned business as his new career

  3. easy enough fixes, through it require "gov oversight" that many don't like:
    any complain about such violation has to be first filed at both the business owner and the local "oversight" office (either ADA/OSHA and all the gang, according to the type of violation), with evidences and the victim testimony.
    make it that any business get a set delay, say 1 month? to fix the issues, a delay being increased if there are problems from the authorities to make the changes (maybe they don't want work to be done on some building or parking areas or whatever).
    If the fixes are not made or planned, then and only then the lawyer/plaintiff can sue…
    also, put a low enough limit to the attorneys fees the filing lawyers can ask for from the business/entity "at fault" to make it not profitable to mass files complaints. Or better yet, the fees can only be paid by the plaintiff that can of course get them repaid at judgment…
    all this is possible because of the lack of regulations, not because of too many regulations… if it's blurry, of course some scammers will exploit and abuse the few existing rules

  4. It's a scam, even if she don't really have any violations they want to "settle for the attorney fees" and see hope he business pays up. They know they're unlikely to get anything in court but the cost for the business to defend themselves in court would be higher than the settlement cost so most businesses would be inclined to accept and pay the extortion.

  5. Then bring the so-called ADA administrator and the court personnel to the location and point out what is wrong.

  6. This shit had been happening in California for yeats. They go find small businesses and threaten them with lawsuits unless they pay. Nothing but a mob style shake down.

  7. Keep it up Molligan and Foster. If Karma plays out like it normally does, you both might end up being the ones needing those accommodations.

  8. The law firm wants money and by going after small businesses you can either pay them off for $6k or drag it to court over years spending $30k or more

  9. My question is how is an out of state firm finding these violations .I would advise all these small businesses to ask for a review of all the requirements need to operate there businesses from the city ,county and state for a start .this is and obvious harassment for the making of money by an out of state company .

  10. This lawyer was suspended in 2021 for failure of professional conducts to her clients. lol

  11. Seems pretty clear, KGW. Good work.
    Unrelated, how are you liking this unusually cool weather? Pretty great imo.

  12. Pretty sure I got reported and this won't show up. It's Jessica molligan not Mulligan. She probably has fake accounts on here now trying to stop people from knowing her name. Whatever.

  13. They should do a class action lawsuit between those two law firms. For filing frivolous lawsuits.

  14. My father was a lawyer for over 30 years and one thing he always told people .. no respectable lawyer works from a P.O. Box.

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