
Are You Policy Enforcement?


Are You Policy Enforcement?

#Policy #Enforcement

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43 thoughts on “Are You Policy Enforcement?”

  1. It's amazing that he's wearing the black flag hat but yet doesn't even know/respect individual rights.

  2. How is any of this improving our world? This serves no one but you for likes and attention

  3. Google GLASS is a camera in EYE GLASSES ANYTHING SEEN WITH YOUR EYES so doesn't matter if it's a camera or not YOU CAN SEE IT!

  4. He does not have a constitutional right or protected right to film in public buildings. And let's be honest: he does this to wind up local law enforcement, not for any other purpose.

  5. Just wonder, when they say, can I help you? Do they really think they can handle the camera or is it as usuall , bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla 😮😅😅😅😅😅😅

  6. So he don't know if you film across the counter, who's problem is that? Sounds to me he have no legal ground to interfer.

  7. Whats the news story? Where do you publish? If you're an independent journalist, cool. If you're with an organization, who are you with?

    Don't claim 4th estate protection without knowing what it is. The sovcit shit is funny for a 15 year old.

  8. You auditors should be telling these government people that you’re out documenting government corruption

  9. Officer, I’m here because I failed the psych exam to join the force and secretly want your finger in my butt

  10. Keep exercising your rights or Nazis like these guys will not allow you to have any rights!

  11. The policy only matters if it is enforcable, and unless you work there, there is nothing they can do to enforce it.

  12. Don't get it you filming and I see cameras up on ceiling why they.dont care about them cameras

  13. Says the Man with a desecrated American Flag on his Hat… Might as well wear the Nazi Symbol…

  14. suggestions for auditors familiarize yourself with Wilson vs state and USA vs Powell to start…u can be trespassed from public buildings and u can be refused entry for any reason seen fit if acting under the onus of ownership

  15. im so tired of auditors and this bs. NO you are not allowed to do what ever you want in a public building, publicly accessible building, or public property. this is nonsense, the state has the right to make rules for conduct and or trespass anyone from the property in which they have the onus of ownership. The supreme court has upheld the reight to trespass ppl from public areas and has upheld the right of state own property to make rules of law its called of another. Can u walk into a school and start recording, No, a hospital, NO…can u borrow a police car NO..can u borrow a snow plow…but why they are all publicly owned ..why can u go into a building that publicly owned after hours ..because of rules of law like of another..yes recording itself is not a crime and this is where auditors police and the lower courts have failed the public and the legal system. The rules of "of another" are also what allows the postmaster general to make poster 7 and the rules within. You would not be allowed to record in the post office if it was not for poster 7. the same works the other way. Again recording is not the crime.. trespassing is. When u are in a building owned by the "taxpayers" the state, acting under the onus of ownership has the right to make rules regarding behavior on its property…and if u are recording and they dont want u to if you refuse you can be asked to leave…and when u refuse then it becomes the crime of trespassing. google is amazing these auditors need to start using it..and once the lower courts start enforcing the law correctly this type of auditing will be done with

  16. Jesus christ im so sick of people arguing with police….if you havent done anything wrong….dont cause a scene…..these kids with cameras are seriously arrogant its annoying….you cant just pull out cameras in public and expect people not to not want to be on camera….or while in a government building….he literally said hes violating policy…..jesus

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