
Are You Allowed to LIE to COPS!? 👮‍♂️🤥 #KnowYourRights #ConstitutionalRights


Are You Allowed to LIE to COPS!? 👮‍♂️🤥 #KnowYourRights #ConstitutionalRights

#Allowed #LIE #COPS #KnowYourRights #ConstitutionalRights

Is it actually illegal to LIE to the cops!?

Short answer, it depends on what you’re lying about. If you’re lying as a witness, it is. But, if you’re lying when being questioned about your own crime, it is NOT. Some cops love to say it is in order to scare people into confessing to a crime, but this isn’t true. The best thing to do when getting questions is invoking your right to remain silent and asking if you’re free to leave.

criminal law , Are You Allowed to LIE to COPS!? 👮‍♂️🤥 #KnowYourRights #ConstitutionalRights, attorney reacts,body cam footage,cop cam,cops,criminal defense,criminal defense lawyer,fifth amendment,lawyer reacts,police,police cam,we the people

36 thoughts on “Are You Allowed to LIE to COPS!? 👮‍♂️🤥 #KnowYourRights #ConstitutionalRights”

  1. Not in this state. If a person gives false information about themselves, the coppers can charge you.

  2. My ex wife admitted on a police statement she lied. She was charged with false reports and the ADA dropped it. This is a game. It’s nothing less than that.

  3. So I will get in trouble for making a false report, only and not for lying to cop…. so can I give out a fictional name when I'm detained? No right… can I decide not to tell the cops he's hiding behind them? No because that would be aiding and abetting

  4. Just don't talk to them. It is not illegal to simply exercise your 5th amendment and 6th amendment rights.

  5. Lying to cop is an inconvenience for the cop now lying to a judge under oath well that’s the whole ballgame the cops try to scare you with

  6. THE truth is that I am invoking my 5th amendment right copper!
    To boot, I’m not under oath to tell the cop any stories other than the one I just made up, in my head.

  7. remember!rookie's,are the most dangerous 1's. these bozo's, are not friend's. never get caught off guard,in public.they make thing's up, as they go along.

  8. A Cop accusing citizen of lying? Cops are proven habitual liars. They are proving it everyday all by themselves.

  9. In GENERAL, you're not supposed to LIE to a peace officer, it's "Obstruction" (in CA, 148 PC). However, that's not an excuse for the officer to ask you a question that would, if you answer it truthfully, make you incriminate yourself, THAT'D be in violation of your 5A right. And you don't OWE the officer any answer as to what you were "aware" of anyway, indeed, the only thing you "owe" him, aside from providing DL, POI, and current registration, is the proverbial "name, rank, serial number". Just say: "Officer, I invoke my Fifth Amendment right to remain silent and not answer any questions, nor do I consent to a search of my vehicle, effects, or person. Am I being detained or am I FREE TO GO?" If the officer berates you, just repeat like a broken record, and, with your phone, record, Record, RECORD the encounter.

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