
Are Police Required to do a Defence Investigation? #shorts


Are Police Required to do a Defence Investigation? #shorts

#Police #Required #Defence #Investigation #shorts

From EP#112 | What People Don’t Know About Criminal Law –

Criminal Defence Lawyer Joseph Neuberger and legal researcher and host of the UnTrue Crime podcast Diana Davison, sit down and discuss the aftermath of their trials and the emerging and alarming changes to our legal system. A behind the scenes inside look into real courtroom drama.

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For more information on criminal law issues go to Neuberger & Partners LLP

Produced by Benjamin Dichter & Max Silverberg

#notonrecord #law
criminal law , Are Police Required to do a Defence Investigation? #shorts, Diana Davison,Criminal defence,True Crime,Legal,law,podcast

11 thoughts on “Are Police Required to do a Defence Investigation? #shorts”

  1. One of the many reasons our court system is so packed. If the police would do an actual investigation before pressing charges, a lot of cases would never even make it to a grand jury, let alone a hearing. They aren't going to arrest you for murder and put you on trial without an investigation and the belief that there's enough evidence to possibly convict, but when it comes to misdemeanors, they'll just book you and assign you a court date without a second thought.

  2. NO Attorney IN HISTORY ever said "Oh thank god my client gave a statement to police when I was NOT present" why? BECAUSE YOU SHOULD NEVER SAY ANYTHING WITHOut YOUR ATTORNEY PRESENT!!!

  3. And this is everything wrong with the world we live in. Used to be a requirement back in the day to have some kind of proof. Aka, where the constitution comes in, stating innocent till proven guilty. Ben Franklin said, "It is better a hundred guilty persons should escape than one innocent person should suffer."

  4. Unfortunately we changed the caution in the UK and added "it may harm your defence if you do not say something now that you later rely on in court. In other words you don't have to say anything but best you do. Bloody nonsense

  5. Exactly what happened to me. But the judge was awesome, she actually looked at the prosecutor and said" so if you had made 1 phone call you could have save all of us here from waiting our time?" Xase dismissed with prejudice

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