
Are Police K9 Searches SCAMS!? 🦮👮‍♂️ #KnowYourRights #FourthAmendment


Are Police K9 Searches SCAMS!? 🦮👮‍♂️ #KnowYourRights #FourthAmendment

#Police #Searches #SCAMS #KnowYourRights #FourthAmendment

Would you be surprised if I told you that there is no specific certification for drug dogs in most U.S. states?

That’s right, drug dogs usually take a certification course, but there is no set standard set by the U.S. Supreme Court. Why is this a problem? Because it makes the alerts from drug dogs highly subjective. A cop could pretend to interpret an alert, then violate a citizen’s Fourth Amendment right to no unreasonable search and seizures,

So, what should you do? Always say NO to k9 searches. If a cop asks for your permission for a k9 to search your vehicle, that usually means they don’t have probable cause to search you. Do, say no and ask if you’re free to leave.

criminal lawyer , Are Police K9 Searches SCAMS!? 🦮👮‍♂️ #KnowYourRights #FourthAmendment, 4th amendment,body cam footage,constitutional,constitutional rights,dash cam footage,fourth amendment,k9 search,k9 searches,know your rights,police search,police searches

31 thoughts on “Are Police K9 Searches SCAMS!? 🦮👮‍♂️ #KnowYourRights #FourthAmendment”

  1. Court misruled that even though the dog isnt a drug detecting dog it doesn't mean it isnt a qualified drug dog.

    Up one of staggeringly many misrulings that get mistreated as effectively reweighing laws to what the dishonor spewed instead.

  2. Cheeseburger wrapper! Cheeseburger wrapper! My K9 alerted, you are going downtown. Plead that 4th Amendment stuff now!

  3. But 87% of the time the cops find nothing after a supposed alert. Just recently i had a Pima county cop use a dog on my car. I was made to stand behind his patrol car so i could not watch the search being done by the dog. Now cannabis is legal in Arizona. I had nothing in my car. I asked him what he was going to do if he found something legal in my car. And was he going to apologize when finds nothing. Well he found nothing and didnt apologize. I mean why should he, hes a hero doing his job.

  4. The dog is certified to look for dog treats. It's enough to justify probable cause if you have dog food in the car but cops are looking for Fentanil, the left sock, and life purpose.

  5. I continue to say and think drug dogs are the most blatant and obvious form of interference with our rights and we literally only don't talk about it as severely as we should because most people like dogs.

  6. that shit should be illegal 😤
    fucking court got to stop siding with cop and allowing to get away wit this shit
    Fucking Loopholes 👎🖕

  7. I still dont understand how if an officer doesnt have legal authority to search that we just let a different animal search first.. i mean if officers dont have a legal basis to go into your property and search then how does it make sense we allow a police dog to search from the outside.. the dog is still sniffing the inside.. it would be like if officers had xray vision goggles and could just look into every part of your property from the outside and then said well we didnt technically go into your property… Its the same fucking thing either they have legal right to search or they dont and therefor no searching should occur no matter where the officer/dog are physically standing.. same shit with the whole plain sight bs.. yes if they see something fine, but if they are obviously looking in amd checking everything out for the sole purpose of searching then it should be against the law. such as an example i heard of where officers went to a gouse for noise complaint, but they walk around the property and look in all the windows first and use the plastic bag sitting on a table as reason to enter without a warrant.

  8. Certified for what, exactly??? And if they give indication that you have something in your vehicle that wasn't there — because a corrupt officer planted it and gave their dog some additional training to do this– how exactly would you be able to scrutinize or cross-examine these types of accusers?

  9. They're trained to follow triggers and what their master wants them to hit on. That's why the dog is always looking back at the trainer. The dogs also know they get rewarded for it.

  10. Thats a stupid decision, certified as to what, being a dog. So if a dog alerts on a hamburger then that is justification for a search?? Must be more to that opinion.

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