
Are “Auditors” journalists, or are they breaking the law?


Are “Auditors” journalists, or are they breaking the law?

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Delve into the contentious realm where ‘Auditors’ straddle the line between investigative journalism and potential GDPR violations, as they push boundaries through urban exploration. Uncover the complex ethical dilemmas arising from their documentation practices, navigating the thin divide between accountability and potential harassment allegations.
Mentioned: @CharlesVeitch

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42 thoughts on “Are “Auditors” journalists, or are they breaking the law?”

  1. the auditors definatly do push the boundarys , and personaly i am adverse to plebs running about pushing cameras in peoples faces, BUT The currupt state and police are always filming, and these tyrants need to be kept in check, they are public servants, not judge jury and executor

  2. Do old telephone directories fall in-to the category of DATA, over the time of my life I have kept old telephone directories spanning 50 + years, these directories contain names,addresses and phone numbers.

  3. It's perfectly possible to do something legal but still be a dick. Most of these 'auditors' are just doing it to provoke reactions to feel good about themselves because they got bullied at school.

  4. As much as i know some auditors provoke police. I cant deny that i have learnt a lot from them in regards to what my rights are.

  5. The only ones doing the harassment are the ones being filmed and filming using body worn cameras .
    The attitude and unprofessional behaviour of some of those individuals is unacceptable .
    members of the public are being filmed all the time .
    Police film individuals with body worn and dont tell their victim they are being filmed .
    Thats a breach of GDPR .

    Government Stooge Channel with Government and corporation Stooge presenter .

  6. I'm usually outraged by content just before I subscribe so I can continue to be outraged.

  7. Look into the background of 99% of these Frauditors. You'll find an extensive criminal record
    Mark Evans of UK meet the tyrants is a convicted sex offender,

  8. I have started to make fishing videos for YouTube, and in some of them there are people in the background, these are filmed in public spaces during weekends. They may be identifiable, but they are in the background and not easily identifiable. When we have had people approach us, or can hear them talking as they pass we cut that or remove the sound. We do what we can to avoid data protection issues, but it is, of course, always a concern that we might fall foul of the law. @BlackBeltBarrister your videos have helped us get a better understanding of the issues. Thanks.

  9. An interesting intertwining of Security staff seemingly unaware of the right to film in public, with (well it’s surely not that interesting to anyone not on the ASD spectrum )
    β€˜Man with a camera and/ or drone’ filming dull Industrial sites or Police stations etc…..
    I would feel they should be subject to the GDPR as they are publishing it on YouTube for financial gain….

  10. Actually I saw a guy videoing a port and it actually had a court order preventing protestors, actually several places ive seen they have laminated the order and stick it to the post like oil refineries.

  11. Reasonable belief will be a hard one to prove or disprove if someone truly believes something like in Santa Claus then that is subjective. And harassment and stalking would only apply to targeting the one person like going to the same office window every day for a week and filming this one person, or I guess it could apply to a company or organization if you keep constantly going to the same place. But then think of protestors who target the same places? Its all very iffy at best.

  12. Every where you go there’s a camera! Whether it’s a council funded device or some fool β€˜auditing’. I used to ride my motorcycle with a camera for insurance purposes but when I thought about it, the pro’s and cons for doing so cancelled out so I stopped. I had a little 125 gram flying selfie drone. It’s great! Designed solely to take a picture of me and return. A great gadget. But now anything that hovers off the ground and takes a holiday snap β€˜can take someone’s eye out’ or bring down a passenger jet, so that went in the bin. I stopped making paper aeroplanes for my grand kids because I’d have to register them with the FCA. We even have to check with the police to make sure that kids can play hopscotch in the street without committing an anti social behaviour. πŸ˜‚ Every where you go, someone is trying to get money or issue blame. That is a dictatorship. Democratic yes, but still a dictatorship.

  13. most of these so called auditors seem to be out of work/on benefits and have expensive drones – how? I block them and have stopped watching their output sicne it pretty much seems that all of their output is them aiming to get ar reaction/being provocative – tying up valuable police time.

  14. I can't really understand these so called Auditors. They're just a nuisance and waste of police time.

  15. I'm unsubscribing.. you upload videos for views and payment.. how hypocritical are you..

  16. This is great, thank you. What if you put a security cam on your tree to catch someone who has been steeling things off your fence?

  17. must be a certain criteria for alarm and distress…. A camera cannot cause this if it does it's a failing in the person not the activity of the auditor.

  18. People get all moist about auditing but when I was working in England I was taken to the secret centre in Brixton where the security camera footage is viewed, and stored. Where is all the anger and concern about cameras hidden behind the metal grates in the kerbs, or in other places you would never suspect. They film and record people who are not performing any unlawful act, but very few people care.

  19. I'm the public they interest me. I want to see how the public are treated when they're holding a camera.

  20. I wish they would bring in specific laws to stop these auditor people they just waste everyones time

  21. Most auditors are happiest if there is no reaction, this is why they do what they do, they would not be necessary if everyone did not react to the exercise of a lawful activity. So no, they are not looking for a reaction, they are looking for a day without reaction and their job is done.

  22. Then put blinds on the darn windows if you don't want people to see in. I see U.S. Auditors and at least the constitution still protects them for filming anything and everything in public. We are a lost country of bureaucracy, legislation and dictates.

  23. Yea, my exemption is it's my absolute birth right to photograph whatever I want whilst in public, (they'll be saying eyes and brain are a recording device soon, especially when we start to use wearable/implanted tech). As usual they make the regulations and requirements larger, more costly and restrictive up until only the state and corporations can jump through all the "required" hoops. This method of removing individual birth rights is used for many things. Don't forget we are one of, if not the, most surveilled country on the planet, but it's okay when they do it.

  24. What a disgusting opening statement you made about why people audit ,the reason people audit to push back at a tyranical system.If the police / authorities stuck to the rules or laws, then there wouldn't be anything to publishπŸ˜‚

  25. The biggest difference between an Industrial estate Auditor and a low life looking to film others in their cars in order to destroy their lives…. yeah!

  26. I think that the very point these auditltors want to make; is what they are doing is completely legal and allowed.

    If companies don't like what these 'auditors' are doing; the best thing these companies can do; is to completely ignore them; because if you do that; you are not falling into what the auditor wants to happen,which is to give them content to make the video for the channel interesting. Ignore the auditor, and it makes for a boring video for their channel; so boring in fact; they might not even post it at all.

  27. Article 85 also covers artistic and journalism, this is why street photography isn't illegal, you have no expectations of privacy in public and an individual filming or taking photographs in public isn't illegal or a data handler. Just because you can argue it's not journalism doesn't mean they're a data handler lol πŸ˜‚

    This is from the MET website-

    We encourage officers and the public to be vigilant against terrorism but recognise the importance not only of protecting the public from terrorism but also promoting the freedom of the public and the media to take and publish photographs.

    Guidance around the issue has been made clear to officers and PCSOs through briefings and internal communications. The following advice is available to all officers and provides a summary of the guidance around photography in public places.

    Freedom to photograph and film
    Members of the public and the media do not need a permit to film or photograph in public places and police have no power to stop them filming or photographing incidents or police personnel.

  28. You seem to be blaming the auditors, while there are a few bad actors, most are given as much respect as that is given.

    As long as there is no trespass……

    The response from security/owner should be to β€œrequest” id and reason for filming. If they refuse then the interaction should be recorded…..any relevant info and possibly report to the police. This is what a proficiently trained security guard/owner should do, unfortunately 90% of auditor videos are popular because security/owner goes beyond their purview. They cause trouble by reacting unprofessionally, demand ID from somebody in public, make up fake rules/laws, bully them to follow β€œcompany” policies and even threatened violence. As for GDPR, auditors are great for changing bad company practices like job centres facing their screens to the public street. I have seen auditors showing up companies that have been polluting, breaking road traffic rules and very dangerous site practices…….. I am a parttime security guard and think auditing videos in whole are fascinating and defiantly a news service that we normally never see.

  29. someone's image is not classed as an identifier under gdpr ….otherwise all cctv would have to be taken down and all photography banned

  30. Sorry but I will no longer subscribe to your channel. Your blatant use of advertising to supplement your income is disgraceful! Greed is not a virtue!

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