
Anybody else ever play this game? (Co-write with Andrea Kelley)


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lawyers near me , Anybody else ever play this game? (Co-write with Andrea Kelley)


46 thoughts on “Anybody else ever play this game? (Co-write with Andrea Kelley)”

  1. No it’s the pastors fault for releasing everyone at the same time. 😂(Not hating on church, I love church)

  2. hey guys. mold and trash on the ground should not be in restaurant kitchens right? and dishwashers are legally required to get breaks, right? and forging a signature on legal documents is illegal? trying to get the red robin my friend works at in trouble cause they are doing some shady stuff

  3. Everybody eats at aprox the same time everyday three times a day.
    Everybody, including the customers, needs to recognize that. 😂❤

  4. As a former dishwasher at red lobster i can attest this is accurate and then when i moved to baker it was worse. Theres no communication and management only cares about max profits not how everything moves smoothly to make that profit.

  5. I went to a restaurant that literally stopped sitting tables because they said the kitchen was swamped. They made us all wait 30 mins for the kitchen to catch up. I get it but that us not the way to do it because then at 30 mins they sat ALL OF US at the same time and I told the person I was with great they are gonna overload the kitchen again. There was tons of us waiting. It was a Saturday evening… I get having us wait a bit 10 15 mins they had lots of tables open so it appeared to be the tail end of that rush but they could have sat us at 10 to 15 mins apart and it would have balanced out but the repeated their mistake with this rush

  6. Shoulda had Oscar at the and just passing by with his half eaten sandwich half way through his break and noticing the pile of dishes that are waiting for him as he curses out everyone 😂

  7. My brother and I were both servers at the same restaurant. He once got sat 3 6+ tables at the same time. That man charmed the hell out of everyone, got a big tip from at least one table AND a phone number. I don’t know how he did it.

  8. Yes and oh god please have mercy on me when it does. We don’t have reservations. And on Sundays, we are only open for 4 hours. So who ever is running lobby is having a hell of a time trying to move people around. Whats worse is the fact that people believe they can just come in a sit down before paying because they have someone in line that will. Thats not how it works. If there is a long line WAIT YOUR DAMN TURN!!

  9. I was a hostess and my manager said “seat them in order unless they want a specific side of the restaurant” (we had a bar side and a regular dining side) but 80% of the people who came in wanted to sit in the bar side and another 10% would go sit at the actual bar. And then I’d get yelled at because I triple sat the two servers on the bar side while the servers on the dining side were like “where are my customers” and I’m just sitting here like 🙃🙃🙃 how is it my fault that the rule is essentially “seat customers where they wanna be sat”. I mean it was a sports bar and grill ffs obviously most customers want to be in the bar where 70% of the TV’s are. The only nights of the week where people were actively trying to get into the dining side were Thursday nights-Saturday nights. Oh and if someone complained that they wanted to sit in the bar side and we put them in the dining side to not piss off the servers, the boss would then yell at us some more for not doing what the customer asked

  10. Everytime someone bitches at my restaurant I just say “that’s restaurant life for ya.” I’m not “staggering my seating.” You can handle the flow or idk don’t work at a restaurant?

  11. i love how 2 years later and the comments still seem to be either people understanding exactly what this feels like or people who have never worked food service a day in their lives who think they know better

  12. I would often give the BOH a pre-shift of how many reservations there were that was over a party of 5, give them daily projections and VIP and when just so BOH and FOH knows how to prepare. I was the venue trainer, so I covered both BOH and FOH jobs as well as taught new managers the culture of the job. I taught the hostess so well that they got him to replace me as lead. I never taught him how to be me; only how to do the job. It took about 3 weeks to realize I was the backbone of the venue. My trainee wanted me back at the venue, the GM wanted me back at the venue, even the wait staff hugged me as soon as they'd seen me and asked if I'm coming back. I said no. Vivo was closed before the pandemic even started and finally reopened well after the pandemic was over. The GM who let me go was fired and it's 2024 and I'm still getting messages from HR asking how I'm doing. Idk if Leslie is allowed to do that. I haven't worked there in 3 years.

  13. Nah, it was always the customers standing in front of the host stand looking around talking about "but that table is empty, why can't i sit there?"

    Because Karen, the party 12 spots ahead of you in line just got called for it, fucking Christ.

  14. When the host cant stagger i stagger my tables myself. I dont care if i get 5 tables at once, ill stagger the intros and drinks and set the pace of orders myself.

  15. As a patron, I don't care if I have to wait before I order if you just tell us you're busy. Just let me sit down and have a drink.

  16. my lovely gm loves to say over the radio when the hosts have us on a wait – “there’s no such thing as double seating or quadruple seating 🙂 sit the guests as fast as you can” meanwhile all of us are in the weeds and dying

  17. That's why I hated hosting, they catch crap from managers, cooks and servers. Oh and the servers telling me to pile it on and then bitching me out about over seating them…oh and the bar back bitching at me about too many people in the OPEN SEATING bar area…yeah it sucks. Now if a person sat down where they weren't supposed to or wanted a dirty table I'd be the one to say no or make them move. I was appreciated one hour and then the next public enemy number one. The cooks were the only ones to see through the BS and not be asshats to me a lot of the time. We all bitched about one another a lot during rush then were buds again after it was all over. Working in a restaurant helped me a lot with my people pleasing, putting up with too much BS issues though.

  18. GOD they kill me with this. A customer is going to be a lot more upset waiting at their table for their server to get to them than they are spending 5 more minutes in the lobby.

    5 minutes in the lobby is nothing, but 5 minutes at the table is “where is our server we’ve been waiting here forever and nobody has even brought us water and all of the other tables already have their food.”

  19. Its insane how accurate your videos are. I went from hating these sketches to watching everytine i come across

  20. I just had a visceral reaction and exclaimed "UGGGHHH this is so accurate it's f*cking PAINFUL" 😭😂

  21. The contradicton part gets me. 😅 That's just rude and can mind f someone. Get off their back and let them butterfly. 😅

  22. Omg, i used to HATE when my manager said, "Why are we on a wait, we have open tables?" Because if i seat a full house, then the wait time will now be an hour or longer instead of half an hour. And when that happens, I will thwn have to deal with a line of annoyed people. He did not care, we had a full house, the wait was long and upset the customers, and the waiters were overwhelmed and annoyed.

  23. his skin looks really good in this epusode. are we doing some creams and lotions behind the scenes? hes glowing

  24. just today at work I got in trouble for using the wait-list when we "have tables open" honey I'm sorry I don't wanna sit two people at a ten-top 😒

  25. Only time it is acceptable for the manager to say this is if they jump on the line to help

  26. I dony even work in this industry and i know this feel. It is ABSOLUTELY always the manager 😮‍💨

  27. I had to explain to the owner what staggered seeding was so that way it didn't fuck over the rest of the staff and they said and I will quote "That's what they get paid to do. See everyone"
    When people start coming up to me blaming me for shit going on. I told them what the owner said and then people started getting pissy with the owner

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