
Anti-hate crime law protesters rally at in Scotland as JK Rowling invites police to arrest her


Anti-hate crime law protesters rally at in Scotland as JK Rowling invites police to arrest her

#Antihate #crime #law #protesters #rally #Scotland #Rowling #invites #police #arrest

Protesters rallied outside the Scottish Parliament on Monday, 1 April, as the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act came into effect.

The act consolidates existing hate crime legislation and creates a new offence of stirring up hatred against protected characteristics.

Women have not been given protection under the law; the Scottish Government says separate laws will tackle misogyny.

JK Rowling, a prominent critic of the Scottish Government’s stance on transgender rights and the legislation, appeared to challenge police to arrest her if her social media posts break new laws.

“If what I’ve written here qualifies as an offence… I look forward to being arrested when I return to the birthplace of the Scottish Enlightenment,” Ms Rowling said.

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criminal lawyer , Anti-hate crime law protesters rally at in Scotland as JK Rowling invites police to arrest her, The Independent,Independent,Indy,News,newspaper,Politics,Scotland,Hate Crime,Protest,Holyrood,Public Order (Scotland) Act

27 thoughts on “Anti-hate crime law protesters rally at in Scotland as JK Rowling invites police to arrest her”

  1. Good way of raking in money through fines. To spend on anything but health services and schools.

  2. Millionaire women pokes fun at the fact she has way more rights than most people while trying to stop a marginalised group be protected…She's a total ego maniac.

  3. Imagine waking up one day and thinking to yourself "Hmm, anti-hate laws. That sounds like a great thing to stand against!"
    Clearly not thought this one through. If you're against Anti-Hate, you're stating you want to be hateful.

  4. Where the hell do these people come from??? What did they used to do for a living?? How did they contribute to the Welfare Pot of money that pays for our health service, our local authority budget??? For example, Sally Wainwright from Scottish Lesbians, her question was her 'right to argue for women only and lesbian only spaces'??? Why on Earth do these people think that the World has to revolve around their needs all of the time! If I was to say that I, as a Middle Aged White Male wanted my own space away from anyone I didn't associate to, would that not make me a chauvinistic pig??


  6. The guy who says there are too many white people in Scotland is a racist and has to go.

  7. As she so badly wants to play the martyr don't arrest her. Let her carry on making herself look like the bigot she truly is.

  8. Out of all the countries to destroy free speech, I never thought my home country of Scotland would do this. So much for “FREEDOM” sorry Mel Gibson

  9. So the British government are gonna have to get involved again to keep the women/girls of scotland safe. SNP have gone from hating the english to now hating women. WHO VOTES FOR THESE HATEFUL PEOPLE

  10. hate crime law to protect the immigrants racism to protect the immigrants is this the uk or Pakistan

  11. Actually, guys, we can still use hurty words and offend. This is from the Act…

    9 Protection of freedom of expression

    "For the purposes of section 4(2), behaviour or material is NOT to be taken to be threatening or abusive solely on the basis that it involves or includes—
    (a)discussion or criticism of matters relating to—
    (iii)sexual orientation,
    (iv)transgender identity,
    (v)variations in sex characteristics,
    (b)discussion or criticism relating to, or expressions of antipathy, dislike, ridicule or insult towards—
    (i)religion, whether religions generally or a particular religion,
    (ii)religious beliefs or practices, whether religious beliefs or practices generally or a particular religious belief or practice,
    (iii)the position of not holding religious beliefs, whether religious beliefs generally or a particular religious belief,
    (c)proselytising, or
    (d)urging of persons to cease practising their religions"

  12. It would appear that the SNP will never learn and continue to be oppressive. They have been practically unopposed in power for far too long. They have become very dictatorial and Tory-like in their dismissive approach to the Scottish public. It is not looking good for the next election……..

  13. The Scottish government are totally mad and should be sent to court for endangering their own people with this utter nonsense.

  14. Theyre men lock them up if they go in ladys toilets 🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪☘️☘️☘️☘️

  15. With all the problems Scotland is facing, I can't believe the SNP is wasting time on such an ill thought out new law. They are going to lose votes because of this nonsense.

  16. A direct attack on the freedom of thought and speech.
    These Orwellian Laws are born out of ignorance and directed against everyone who dissagrees with a government or ruler for whatever reason.
    A limitless ruling that negatively encompasses every normal natural behaviour and belief.

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