
Another Quitter in The Chad Daybell’s Case… Let’s Talk About It!


Another Quitter in The Chad Daybell’s Case… Let’s Talk About It!

#Quitter #Chad #Daybells #Case.. #Lets #Talk

00:00 Docket
00:27 Intro
00:55 Delphi Case Update
09:28 Another Quitter in The Chad Daybell’s Case
11:10 The threat of imminent incarceration… Jennifer Crumbley
13:36 Should we charge the Sheriff?
19:27 Guess what he was charged with?
23:49 Dumb Criminal

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#richardallen #chaddaybell #jennifercrumbley
criminal lawyer , Another Quitter in The Chad Daybell’s Case… Let’s Talk About It!, ScottReisch,,legal,law,lawyer,criminal law,CrimeTalk,scott reisch,chris watts,crime talk,breaking news,true crime,dumb criminal of the week,lawyer explains,lori vallow,chad daybell,lori vallow daybell,jj vallow,tylee ryan,idaho news,boise news,chad daybell lori vallow,richard allen,richard allen delphi,richard allen delphi indiana,richard allens former attorney,jennifer crumbley,jennifer crumbley attorney joke,jennifer crumbley update

47 thoughts on “Another Quitter in The Chad Daybell’s Case… Let’s Talk About It!”

  1. I disagree with your comparison of the Crumbley case and the sexual assault. It’s a bit of a stretch to align the act of buying a gun for an underage son and being asleep when an assault took place.

  2. No Scott…how bout your work made you protective, like a good dad should be. Your the best!!! Your right…she won't be mother of the year, but she is also not guilty of the crime her sicko son committed. On point again, Scott…what a surprise…

  3. Who gets violent on mushrooms..I guess if u only took 2 grams you would be pretty pissed off if you actually wanted to go places .

  4. So any parent who has s a hobby or cheats should be criminally charged with child neglect. That’s what’s happening here…

  5. if charging the Crumbleys is justified, why not then hold ALL parents accountable for ALL crimes committed by any other person?!?!?! and all work colleagues, teachers, neighbors, friends, relatives,…

  6. If they charged the parents then why not the school too? They put the other children in danger by allowing the shooter to go back to class!

  7. Crumbly's mom describes herself as a helicopter mom. She is the polar opposite of what a helicopter mom is.

  8. Scott…help! Watching the attorneys on both sides in the Jennifer Crumbly trial is like death by a million stinging irritating cuts….its PAINFUL. At times the Judge sounds like a Mom trying to get two kids to share a toy while they are in full blown toddler tantrums. This is the most unprofessional displays ever. And what is with the “death by power point closing argument” by Prosecution??? It’s horrible for those viewing the slides to have more than three or four points per slide with a max of eight slides; they put so much unnecessary info and points on the endless slides it is bordering on inhumane. I haven’t even watched the Defence yet because I think my mental bandwidth is fading fast. I know you try to be politically correct so I don’t expect much of a reply but a face palm would say it all!! Lol
    Edit-The Defence closing argument was much better than Prosecution. She spoke to the jury, reviewed her key points and made the defendant relatable. It was much easier to digest. We will see how this goes.

  9. I think you're trying to compare apples to oranges with the Police Chief's step son and the Crumbly's. Huge difference. One knew their son was having issues and the father bought him a gun. Unlike the Chief who was just sleeping in his own home.

  10. Chin Dumbbell needs to be offered a plea deal to avoid the death penalty just to prevent another trial, but he won't plead because he'd rather have the "out time" each day going back and forth from the Courthouse, rather than plead out, get LWOPOP and have no more "field days!"

  11. Did he have warning signs or drawings of what his son was going to do or did his son beg for help? That is the difference.

  12. I absolutely think the parents should be charged if a child commits a crime. As an adult it’s a different story, but you are not being a great parent if your child commits a crime. I’m just not sure what to charge them with. Maybe neglect.

  13. Totally skipped over the fact that the defense has multiple motions that the crazy biased judge hasn't set a hearing for! She just keeps showing how incredibly skewed towards the prosecution she is, and Gull is 1,000% violating RA's constitutional rights!

  14. 1:00: 🔍 Discussion of a hearing for motions filed by the prosecution in the Richard Allen case.
    4:05: ⚖️ Prosecutor's tactic of adding charges to prompt a continuance in Chad Daybell's case raises questions about the nature of the killings and the prosecutor's motives.
    7:48: ⚖️ Discussion on recent court developments and advice for the prosecutor in the Chad Daybell case.
    11:42: ⚖️ Jennifer Crumbley faces 60 years in prison for involuntary manslaughter after her son's school shooting. She blamed her husband for neglecting to lock up the guns and revealed an extramarital affair.
    15:51: 🚨 Alleged sexual assault case involving teenagers in Colorado, potential severe charges and accusations.
    19:58: ⚠️ Alleged sexual abuse case involving a former teacher with multiple victims and legal implications.
    23:52: 🦜 Alabama man, high on mushrooms, arrested after altercation with deputies and found with a parrot on his shoulder.
    Recapped using Tammy AI

  15. I don't think Mr Allen is going to get a very fair trial. When the first attorneys pushed and won the right to stay on the case seems like they poked a bear or two. A lot of pettiness going on.
    When describing your world view, i think the word you may have been looking for is jaded. You've seen enough to make you jaded. 😊
    Thanks Scott

  16. To say a child should have told someone just goes to show how little you understand victims , I have no words to describe how disgusted I am with your thoughtless comment.

  17. Your use of that police chief's story to defend the Crumbleys isn't as strong as you think it is. Yes, the cop deserves punishment for it. So do the Crumbleys for their blatant, willful ignorance of their kid's increasingly alarming behavior. Jennifer bought a gun for her mentally disturbed kid; even after she'd been informed of his issues. Hold all parents accountable for their parenting (or rather, lack thereof). Make parents afraid of not taking care of their kids' mental health. Make parents afraid of giving weapons to their kids. Make parents afraid of not locking their weapons and booze. Make them afraid. Because if they're afraid, they'll do everything they can to avoid making the same avoidable mistakes that have resulted in hundreds of unnecessary deaths. The Crumbleys aren't the first to be responsible for their kid's actions, they're just the first being held accountable. They could've stopped him, and they laughed it off. Under the jail. They belong there.

  18. No absolutely parents should not be held liable for the sins of their children unless they are specifically found to be colluding with them being a bad parent isn't reason enough to send someone to prison.

  19. Scott, I will be very surprised if the jury convicts. I couldn’t really see any evidence to prove guilt. I saw a regular Mom feeling the burden of supporting a household and dealing with difficult teenager and also, she appeared selfish as far as her sex life and personal time, but that didn’t cause her son to kill those children. I do feel that she is guilty of child neglect. I wish the prosecution handled this case in a whole different way and charges. The defense attorney is tightly strung and excitable, but she held my interest through her closing. She made the closing too much about her life but was successful reaching Mom’s everywhere.The prosecution should have chosen the male atty to deliver their Closing. He could have matched the defenses energy at closing. —“Just Saying…”

  20. I thought Richard Allen admitted to his wife on the prison phone he committed these crimes…… Is that not evidence??

  21. Scott, love the channel but you do know that the slippery slope argument is a FALLACY. Meaning the argument is invalid. So using it regarding the Crumbley case is also invalid.

  22. Beloved middle school teacher, took kids everywhere, coached, took them camping to the beach…. You get the idea. As an adult I tried to report him to the school district but was told their hands were tied because statute of limitations were up. He got to retire after continuing to teach for many years after the report. They knew…

  23. E. Jean Carroll got to sue Trump. Guess New york planned on this stuff happening, too. New York Didn't need an education system anyways.

  24. Yes Scott i remember them calling you an IDIOT , And you proved them Wrong , My Prob is , People Call me an IDIOT , and i'm Starting to think they might have a point .

  25. You absolutely know the situation where grown-ass adults rape a 17-year-old child is totally different than the Crumbly case. Stop pushing your GOP agenda…disgusting! I'm done watching you

  26. That teacher looks just like you think a pedo would look like. I bet there is a pic in the dictionary.😂

  27. Where's the hearing about the Judge recusing herself??? Does she really think she'll get away with her continual refusal to acknowledge the defense. At this point she's setting it up nicely for Allen to get his conviction overturned if he's ever found guilty.

  28. I love You Scott! Your sarcasm cracks me up. And I love the new ending that the Constitution Matters! Also I love the magic 8 ball! 🎱 I have one as well.

  29. The sheriff's step son was neither a juvenile or had mental issues that I heard in that story. So no comparison to Crumbly case. But if you don't know what's going on in your own home I think that's an issue.

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