
ANOTHER ONE: Trump lawyer loses law license


#Trump #lawyer #loses #law #license

— Jenna Ellis, former Trump lawyer, has lost her law license for three years

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Broadcast on May 29, 2024

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lawyers near me , ANOTHER ONE: Trump lawyer loses law license


49 thoughts on “ANOTHER ONE: Trump lawyer loses law license”

  1. That is why trump fits in with what used to be the GOP. The whole cult of them are the destroyers. That is all they do – destroy.

  2. Dave, I’m gonna stop you right there and be petty for a moment………HA HA HA HA, I mean I don’t wish anything bad on anyone but…….HA HA HA HA.

  3. It's sad how many of Donald's lawyers have been punished after representing him for following his directions. But more pitiful are the many people hurt by Trump's actions which they enabled. It will be worse still if he gets elected President again, he will tear apart our government.

  4. Excellent analysis David. Just another reminder of the way people are breaking the law for Trump, to try to maintain his favor and financially benefit, only to have consequences with no support from Trump or others in his circle. He cares for nothing and no one but himself. How Americans can be so blind to his despicable behavior is depressing.

  5. Good news I was able to work an extra ship so I can donate another $100 this week to the RNC.

  6. They all need to be held accountable for lying and spreading misinformation, all these crooked lawyers need to loose their law licenses !

  7. Trump always leaves polished turds in his wake. Why these people willingly jump into his meat grinder is beyond me. They all end up fuqqed.

  8. 3 years???!!!!!!! She offended the entire country to a degree unimaginable in our history. She should NEVER get a law license again. It's nuts.

  9. Good Lord!! How can you go through law school,.pass the bar,and still be so completely stupid?? They should add classes in common sense in those schools!!😏

  10. This is just the beginning before more Republicans are arrested !!! Everyone who fails to follow the patriotic Socialist Democratic Party is going to face jail time !!!

  11. If Jenna Ellis lost her right to practice law for holding Rudy Giuliani's briefcase, other purported "lawyers" like alina habba and Christina bobb, who continue to knowingly promote maga lies, should lose their membership in the human race!

  12. Its just SAD . Here is a young women that can't work because she drank the kool-aid .

  13. Biden is a terrible president vote him and Dems out they are destroying our country. Boarder economy energy police woke and foreign policies and no common sense..wake up people

  14. Maybe it's really not a good idea to waste your lifetime on a notorious liar, narcissist, racist and overall highly criminal blender.

  15. If you told me that Rudy Giuliani farted on her, then she cried while reading her plea deal, and then she lost her law license for three years? I would smile. So I am smiling.

  16. okay…you are wrong !!…it is about relishing the trials and tribulations of Jenna Ellis. She was not forced to go along with anything. She did so willingly with knowledge of the facts. Had her attempts yielded the success that was hoped for , I find it hard to believe that she would be lamenting her involvement as an accessory. She should have been disbarred totally. That line of work is simply not for people do what she did.

  17. BIDEN:

    1.) Low inflation (current US inflation 3.5%; average worldwide 2023 6.8%)

    2.) lowest unemployment in 50 years

    3.) record high markets

    4.) Best GDP growth of all G7 nations after the pandemic

    4.) Inflation reduction Act

    5.) Pact Act

    6.) Chips and Science Act

    7.) Violence against women Act

    8.) Infrastructure Package

    9.) Lowered prescription drug prices

    10.) Endorsed by workers unions

    11.) Codified marriage equality


    1.) said we should "terminate" the constitution

    2.) said he WOULD be a dictator

    3.) said US soldiers are "suckers and losers"

    4.) stole top secret classified documents

    5.) tried to overthrow US democracy

    6.) frauded $450 million

    7.) guilty of sexual assault

    8.) extorted Ukraine for dirt on Biden

    9.) wants the economy to crash to make Biden look bad

    10.) said he would put troops on the streets on day 1

    11.) wants mass deportations and concentration camps

    12.) election interference hush money payments to porn star

    13.) gave out pardons to criminal friends and vows to pardon Jan 6 rioters

    14.) received millions from China and Russia

    15.) abortion rights repealed by stacking SCOTUS with far right zealots

    16.) wants to remove social security and medicare entitlements

    17.) supported by the KKK, Nazis, and Christian Nationalists

    18.) told GOP legislators not to fix the border so that he has something to complain about

    19.) wants to impose a 10% “tariff” on all imported goods meaning 10% increase in cost

    20.) promised more tax cuts for the rich if re-elected (trickle down economics is a scam)

    21.) had an affair while his wife was at home with a newborn baby

    22.) wants to monitor women’s pregnancies by a police state


    24.) Trump administration was all felons: his campaign chairman, deputy campaign manager, personal lawyer, chief strategist, National Security Adviser, Trade Advisor, Foreign Policy Adviser, campaign fixer, and his company CFO. ALL FELONS…

    Seems like an easy choice for sane non-cultists…

  18. Deep state at work again-
    The $ of George will eventually run out –
    Save America vote T24

  19. He didn’t force them to do anything. People make their own decisions!!!!!!!!!!! Trump 2024

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