
Ancient English Sound


Ancient English Sound

Ancient English Sound || old english sound


english , Ancient English Sound , #Ancient #English #Sound
, Ancient English Sound,old english,english sound

30 thoughts on “Ancient English Sound”

  1. Called germanic english basically german and latin that became lazy , and formed english, birth of a language that the world didnt know amazing how it just popped up out of nowhere, i think God did it truthfully, europe had to much religious conflict snd the bible needed a safe place and language well britania was it , those to the east didnt know english so it worked out , what is spoken now in the uk is about 40 different dialects some of which sound like the southern states, makes sense , we dont draw our vowells , like the north does listen to an english farmer then listen to an old american farmer youll hear the yorkshire and south britain in it , Crazy

  2. Old English/Anglo Saxon was only til the 11th century (Beowulf, SGATGK, Wanderer)
    After Norman conquest 1066 they spoke Middle English til 1400s (Chaucer)
    then by 15th century they spoke an old dialect of Modern English (Shakespeare, King James).

  3. We conquering the vikings with this one 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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