
Am I not human? A call for criminal justice reform | Marlon Peterson


Am I not human? A call for criminal justice reform | Marlon Peterson

#human #call #criminal #justice #reform #Marlon #Peterson

For a crime he committed in his early twenties, the courts sentenced Marlon Peterson to 10 years in prison — and, as he says, a lifetime of irrelevance. While behind bars, Peterson found redemption through a penpal mentorship program with students from Brooklyn. In this brave talk, he reminds us why we should invest in the humanity of those people society would like to disregard and discard.

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36 thoughts on “Am I not human? A call for criminal justice reform | Marlon Peterson”

  1. A society is gaged on how it chooses to treat it's criminals. As an American and also as a former addict and criminal I gotta ask, can we not do better? Every person deserves second chances.

  2. You cant create a community without law and order. The pursuit of mattering? What shyt is that? Trauma? Every human being has trauma too..why do yall shoot and blame your traumas….and yes you are truly garbage. Am blk too ..yet I domt buy your love of criminals.

  3. These guys advocate for their criminal cousins….and sistas march for them…and they want everyone to love like they live…violent lives….they know no other…and this system blindly obliges….more deaths more crime..more shootings….enjoy the ride….

  4. 18 elderly and health compromised prisoners died wrongfully of Covid19 in Utah's Draper Prison. Now families are still not able to hug those that survived Covid19. We are only allowed one video visit or one in person visit behind a barrier each month. I have not hugged my father since January of 2020. I'm not the only one suffering from this (parents, spouses, children, and loved ones) many have lost loved ones to Covid19 and didn't get to say goodbye. Why are we being punished when Covid19 was brought in by the staff working at the prisons. These people were treated less then and died in horrible ways and the surviving prisoners and families are still suffering and are victims of the prisons handling of the pandemic. Prison reform and medical care should be at the top of the list for change!

    It's not a coincidence that in Utah the Correction Executive Director resigned when many prisoners started dieing at Utah State Prison and then is placed as the Executive Director of Utah Board of Pardons and Parole. Makes sense why none of us could get compassionate release and my father still struggles to walk and has advanced stages of parkinson's and type 2 diabetes.

    People need to be aware of what's going on and these people were neglected. More prisons need to be reviewed on their handling of prisoners during the pandemic in each state. Many deaths that were preventable occured and these people didn't deserve a pandemic death penalty!!

  5. I totally disagree but in my opinion if you murder u need death don't like the punishment don't do the crime.

  6. I am huge criminal justice reform advocate because I made some mistakes when I was in my late teens until 22. Nothing like what this guy ever came close to doing. However, this guy should have got more than ten years in my estimation.

  7. Another NPC claims to live in the netherlands but doesn't even understand how their criminal justice system works. They focus on rehabilitation, not punishment and thus have a low recidivism rate which is falling further still.

  8. Stop crying and stand up and take responsibility for your bad decisions and criminal behavior. You are not the victim. The people that died are the victims. You are a "criminal predator".

  9. "How about not doing the crime"
    Would you rather dispel of someone in an institution in which they're surrounded by other criminals proving to them they have to continue to act hard and tough, people who join gangs for protection in prison- or have them in an environment where you construct them into productive members of society and allow them to redeem themselves from their previous actions???
    The point
    Your head

  10. About 9/10 comments on this video are some version of "just don't do the crime," so I think you've all truly missed the point of this video. I would invite those of you who think this way to try and imagine the world more complexly, including really listening to people with stories like this. Because you're right, crime is AWFUL. But treating criminals as if they're not human is also awful, because it causes irreparable damage to them, their families, our society as a whole, and just perpetuates more crime in the end. Justice must prevail, but it must ALWAYS be tempered with compassion. Otherwise we'll never move past the "eye for an eye" cavemen mentality of revenge.

  11. To everyone who say criminals deserve to be treated as they treat others:
    You forget that the criminals are often only behaving the way they do because of the way they were treated and what they learned growing up. Criminals rarely have an opportunity to have what most people take for granted. So why is it fair that they serve time for what they did, but they never got justice for what happened to them, to make them that way?
    This man mentioned being raped at gun point, having easy access to guns etc. as turning points in his life that supported him to become the kind of person to commit a crime. Did he ever get justice for those events? Doubt it.
    I don't support violence or criminal activity at all, all I wanted to say really is that justice is not black and white. Also, i get he was old enough to make his own decisions, and hence why he deserved jail time.
    But I'm personally very glad that this man has turned his life around and is helping others, despite everything he has been through. He is a person just like all of us, like it or not.
    Shows there is still hope for humanity after all.

  12. I will dislike and comment on all Ted videos because apparently I can't comment on how stupid Kelli jean drinkwaters video is or even see how huge the number of dislikes is. Ted is garbage. they don't care about ideas. they care about agendas

  13. While he wants to start a discussion about an alternative methods that would be more productive and more ethical a lot people in the comments don't get further than 'criminals should get punished because the did something bad'.

  14. the elite fights a cruel war against everyone and everyone takes their part in this. as long as we don´t overcome capitalism their will be people in precarious situations. and it is our human nature, that precarious situations cause aggressive actions. it is only a strategy of survival.

  15. I would like your contact information. Two and a half years ago God put a young man on my heart who is facing criminal charges right now. I am hoping you can provide help. I have a deep respect you. You have great couage.

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