
Ally McCoist blasted by SNP MP after Rangers pundit attacks hate crime law


Ally McCoist blasted by SNP MP after Rangers pundit attacks hate crime law

#Ally #McCoist #blasted #SNP #Rangers #pundit #attacks #hate #crime #law

Ally McCoist has been blasted by an SNP MP after the Rangers legend branded new hate crime legislation as “madness”.

The former Rangers striker became the latest celebrity to join a backlash against the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act, which came into force this week.

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criminal lawyer , Ally McCoist blasted by SNP MP after Rangers pundit attacks hate crime law, Daily Record,ally mccoist,rangers,player,commentator,pundit,striker,snp,holyrood,scotland,scottish,hate crime,hate crimes,trans,transgender,gay,disability,age,religion

38 thoughts on “Ally McCoist blasted by SNP MP after Rangers pundit attacks hate crime law”

  1. They are pushing too hard too fast. There will be a massive reaction!!! Wake up Scotland, England, Wales, Europe!!!

  2. The same Steven Bonnar who in 2020 was caught on camera arguing with a neighbour over his Celtic flag? Does calling your Rangers supporting neighbour “a head case” and offering to “fight him anytime” meet the threshold for a hate crime? 😂

  3. Not a football fan, but I am really looking forward to this Sunday. Hope the Scottish people let hamza know exactly what they think of his new law

  4. The hate crime and public order act was supported by the Labour, Liberal, Green and SNP political parties in the Scottish parliament.
    The vote was 82 MSPs in favour and 32 MSPs against with 4 abstentions.
    The bill became Law on the 23 April 2021.

  5. Ally MacCoist can say whatever he likes. Its HIS opinion. And the SNP are no longer relevant.

  6. Yet another woke SNP so called politician jumping on the bandwagon of a bit of Scottish craic said by Super Ally. Will we now be arresting Scottish fans singing about OUR identity and heritage when we proudly belt out Flower of Scotland at Football or Rugby Internationals because of our " hatred " to the English. The word " hatred" is tongue in cheek Mr Bonnar – no relation to Paddy i hope …thats a joke too. Cmon lets get real with what a hate crime is and isnt. Can i be a protected bald headed middle aged man who is constanly having the p##s taken out of him for having "man eyes " at work by my female colleagues for not been able to find anything ! And before anyone asks man eyes is not staring at clevage its not been able to find anything as i get reminded daily which i think is brilliant Scottish banter.

  7. Rangurs could play 11 black players on Sunday first time in spl history the national front and BNP won’t be happy 🍽️🍽️😂

  8. As for what has been said by Ally, he is 100% totally correct in what he is saying, now if Ally didn't say these things. I could see some SNP members of the Scot-Parliment, commenting on the game. They would comment on the fans behavior and how it breaks the hate crime law

    So could it all come down to that the SNP want to use the game on Sun, as a platform for this new bill, but now that Ally has pointed out, this law is madness

  9. McCoist is right, all the Celtic and Rangers fans singing sectarian songs back and forward at each other are committing a crime under this new “act”. It’s so messy.

  10. Just about everyone in Scotland will be able to relay that they are concerned hate was being exposed at the Old Firm Game and after it in all the Pubs. Things is the Police will do fuck all about it as it wasnt against and Muslims. Fuck it, lets make sure Police Scotland are aware of our frailties leaving us sobbing on the floor because we were called a blue nosed bastard. which actually I myself wear a a bit of a badge of honour, so who decides, thats how fucking ridiculous it is. Fucking SNP.

  11. Keep coming to the front all you perverted SNP faces, we are marking who you are. Scotlands people have had enough, and its you the perverted SNP who have driven in all this hatred. You will reap what you sew.

  12. I would like to remind Mr McCoist of what his words have done he's started a debate between the Tim's and Hun's and anyone who wants to join in.Cause Ally Thinks when Sunday comes he and the rest of the Hun's will be jumping up and down to celebrate the premier trophy is going in the Ibrox trophy room. But don't get too excited Cause the Tim's will have A Beautiful Sunday and ah bowl of jelly and ice cream 😂

  13. It would fit them better if they put all their work into climate change , and protecting our beautiful country from being destroyed , green areas , trees etc and over populated ! Out with SNP

  14. I’m with super Ally. SNP bringing more division to the country. Get them out. 🇬🇧🇬🇧

  15. I enjoy attending Burns Suppers. To be more inclusive should we do a 'toast to the lassies" then a 'toast to the lessies'? Sing 'a man's a man for awe that' then sing 'a trannies a trannie for awe that' that? Would that be more inclusive? Then we could include everybody. If you are feeling left out let me know and I will pack in more inclusiveness in the evening.

  16. This from a man who upset a neighbour when he hung a celtic towel out his window ,,, i wonder if hd sill " call out " those who chant eff the king and dirty orange b######s or their allegiance to the republican Irish or will that be deemed a little bit of banter , no way he is speaking from a " neutral and concerned member of football community " in regards to his statement , always cheated never defeated , finger pointing whataboutery as an excuse for what went on in the past , no im sorry but this guy trying to be mr wholesome knows fine well he will be a 90 minute bigot

  17. Bonnar is the idiot who got himself in trouble for arguing with a neighbour because he display an Irish tricolour at his bedroom window whilst he was meant to be representing the people of Coatbridge and Airdrie , a grade A plonker , we know who he hates

  18. So at this point a professor of biology, teaching sex and chromosomes in a classroom, can potentially be arrested for promoting that men are men and women are women??


  19. This snp so called politician should be ashamed to call this with who he represents his racist party😳🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

  20. God forbid 🚫 we will be asked not to laugh next. As if we CAN DUE TO THE STATE OF THIS TURNING THIRD WORLD COUNTRY with dictatorship!!!! FO HUMAZ

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