
Alec Baldwin’s New Manslaughter Charge | Closing Arguments with Vinnie Politan


Alec Baldwin’s New Manslaughter Charge | Closing Arguments with Vinnie Politan

#Alec #Baldwins #Manslaughter #Charge #Closing #Arguments #Vinnie #Politan

Actor Alec Baldwin has been indicted again in the shooting death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on a movie set. #CourtTV’s Vinnie Politan breaks down the new charges. Plus, shocking testimony forced the judge to strike it from the Treehouse Murder Trial. And, a surprise announcement from #CourtTV’s Chanley Painter.

00:00 Alec Baldwin Charged Again
15:02 FL v. Franklin Tucker
23:21 Chanley Painter Announcement
27:19 CT v. Michelle Troconis

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35 thoughts on “Alec Baldwin’s New Manslaughter Charge | Closing Arguments with Vinnie Politan”

  1. Alec oversees, he hires but others are involved here. He was told it was cold. Who added the live ammo on a set?? That's the culprit. Idk…this is interesting

  2. Multiple live rounds were found on set. There were real bullets everywhere. This movie had untrained prop girls loading weapons. As the producer, Alec Baldwin threw away all safety rules, and shot his directors.

  3. Alec Baldwin a Five Star Left Wing arrogant phony big mouth ….. rules are for everyone else but him. He pontificates to us peasants …. He’s way overdue for paying for his crimes and behavior in general. Oxygen parasite.

  4. To add insult to injury for Baldwin, he happened to show up going to Epstein's island. What a dude. Who will believe him ? He pulled that trigger…..Will not bring back the victim but it may make her son and husband, financially more comfortable. Go away Baldwin, you just suck.

  5. The actors and staff were angry because Alec made them stay at hotels far from the set.
    They were drinking at lunch and using loaded guns to shoot things during lunch.
    It was an accident waiting to happen.

  6. Ok I’m going to say it. Alec… you made fun of Trump. You’ve acted like a dick for years. You were terrible to your oldest daughter.
    If this isn’t a case of getting back what you deserve, I don’t know what is.
    You need to calm down and pray to God for forgiveness.
    Get your life straight with those you’ve hurt.
    Karma sucks. You have nothing to loose.🤷🏻

  7. Chanley❣ Oh how we will miss YOU! We see so much bad news every day but when there are a few very special reporters/journalists who put so much heart and care to be ABLE to stand and deliver this news to us with, somehow, a human smile or tear and with compassion for people… we were blessed to have you on Court TV and will continue to love and miss you from afar. May God bless you in your future Chanley. 🙏✝️🐸😘

  8. United States Multi-Level Ponzi Schemes; trafficking drugs, guns, humans/child sex slavery, murder, money laundering, espionage, terrorism aka treason. The US Government utilizes the DEA/ATF/FBI/CIA/SS/DOJ/Local Police, aka mafia, etc., as overseers and contract/serial killers for their ponzi schemes. Source: (internet, youtube). I allege the following……
    * “The most pervasive myth about human trafficking is that it often involves kidnapping or physically forcing someone into a situation. In reality, most traffickers use psychological means such as, tricking, defrauding, manipulating or threatening victims into providing commercial sex or exploitative labor.” Web.
    * Alexander Rae Baldwin (Alec Baldwin) works for the US Government in its ponzi scheme and Halyna Hutchin’s death should be investigated as a premeditated murder and government cover up. The government/FBI/Local Police & Sheriff/movie set staff, medical examiners/EMT/Fire Department staff obstructed justice, tampered with evidence and falsified documentation. (1) Alec Baldwin and law enforcement lied. (2) Alec Baldwin was carrying a gun (not a prop gun) on his person, as well as his personal security team (their statements are missing). Halyna was killed at 15 Bonanza Creek Lane, Santa Fe, New Mexico and that crime scene was changed by law enforcement to 545 Bonanza Creek Road, Santa Fe, New Mexico (Church/Movie Set Site), at 1:49 PM on 10/21/21. According to an investigative report, there were 43 victims/witnesses; 9 names were missing off the report and 8 names (Madison Van Dre Ungen, Meghan Jane, Sidney Suina, Kaleigh McMillan, Anna Williams, Courtney Winterbourne, Stacy Lockhart, and Monica Spendlove) were missing demographic information like age & ethnicity (this is important because Jeffrey Epstein used local police in Santa Fe, New Mexico to sex traffick children and we need to know if these 8 individuals were children and if they were being sex trafficked, especially by Alec Baldwin). Their statements are also missing. (3) Police Body camera footage has been fraudulently edited and most of the pertinent/evidentiary videos are missing? The video footage with two individuals on the “prop church” floor, appeared be acting and I do not believe they were the actual victims. The medical service/police/EMT, etc., all appeared to be acting. There was NO BLOOD on the “shooting victims” or on the floor. The “female victim” lifted her left arm, a few times and did not appear to be injured (this is important because it was explained by Alec Baldwin and others that the bullet entered Halyna’s right side and exited through the left arm/shoulder and struck Joel Souza in his arm? Joel Souza in the “prop church” was not bleeding. During a 30 minute police body cam footage with Tim Benevidez; “Halyna” was placed in the 911 fire truck that never left the scene to get on a medic helicopter and there was no blood, but they claimed to be “stabilizing” her? Staged! In addition, why was Alec Baldwin missing from the “prop church” video footage when they were trying to save Halyna? Why did police allow Alec Baldwin to change his clothes into the movie set costume and then back to regular clothes? This is tampering with evidence. They were not filming the movie the day Halyna died. (4) Hannah Gutierrez, Sarah Zachary, David Halls, Timothy Benavidez, N. Lefleur, C. Zook, Cheryl Schafer, Katherine “Row” Walters, etc., all lied and obstructed justice. The gun that Hannah handed to Benavidez was not the gun used in the murder. (5) E. Aiderette reported Alec Baldwin fired the gun (she/he did not state prop gun). Lt. Martinez told C. Zook, “shooter” was Alec Baldwin; no mention that it was an accident or prop gun [aka intentional]. Det. S. Talamante explained that Alec Baldwin had a gun while rehearsing, shooting two victims (no mention of a prop gun being used).
    * Evidence? There were nine spent casings (no ballistics report). On 08/29/22 a 45 Caliber Revolver: make F. LLL Pietta was collected; does not report from whom, why and/or ballistics report? Where are the gun powder residue tests; especially for Alec Baldwin? Missing! There was a cell phone taken (but not from whom) and photographs from S. Kenny’s phone/ipad; where is that evidence? Is S.Kenny a witness?
    * Halyna Hutchin’s Autopsy was fraudulent and Heather S. Jarrell is complicit. Heather reported; “entrance, right auxiliary region, distant range five, exit, left mid-back and no projectile recovered. Trajectory: Front to back, right to left, downward”? In addition, Halyna did not have on any clothes, partially covered with hospital blanket, hands bagged with brown paper bags, secured with tape around wrist, scars observed on her abdomen (government killing MO), and soot, unburned gunpowder and gunpowder stripping are not identified?
    * Two people may have died that day, as we do not know the true identity of the person they are calling Joel Souza. In one police report, it states victim Joel Souza and death investigation, but does not mention Halyna’s name? Reopen this investigation.
    * All the aforementioned require a forensic audit.

  9. What he said sounds like a lie.. He looks guilty. He's known to have a bad temper and hit people. Why would you bring bullets to a movie set? and why would you put the in a gun, hand them to some actor… and he murders someone? Were they having a lover affair? I thought they had a romantic dinner recently.

  10. The black guy is a moron if epic proportions. He does not realize in movies they point the gun to a DUMMY spot never directly at someone. And normally they protect the expensive camera too. It only looks that way on film. Where did court TV get that guy? He is clues and does not realize it.

  11. For the 500th time "It was not a fake gun" It was a REAL GUN that can fire REAL bullets" stop with this toy gun notion. They asked him to use a plastic toy prop gun and he refused to use one. He said a REAL GUN would look REAL and wanted a 45 caliber SA real gun not a pro gun or fake gun. So two of the 3 people on this show are ignorant and are just on it to offer a different opinion. They do not seem to understand how gun safety works. Why are they even on this show to begin with?

    If I am Alec Baldwin I would check the gun (he knows how his dad taught it) he was asked and was pressed for time so said NO. 2. He should have realized the armorer was not even in the church. If she is not there she can't check the gun in front of him. He could have waited for her to show up to do her job but if Alec does not listen to orders its hard to keep the set safe.
    Never point any gun even a prop gun with blanks at anyone. They use a dummy point and they usually use bullet proof glass to protect teh camera. NO ear protection was used (The have blanks on set too) so there is always a chance of ear damage yet no hearing protection was offered. Why? They were on a shoe string budget and played fast and loose with the rules = get two people shot.
    IF that was a Russian roulette scene you know he would would have had the gun checked then.

    Ok we get it you bring on 3 Pro Baldwin nit wits that just listening to them speak makes one dumber. The women spouts non sense. Lets have a panel of people (And there are many) that have the Opposite views. I always knew they were going to convict him which all the so called expert talking heads so no. They are just lying to the public to try in the court of public opinion. It negligence plain and simple and yes Alec you do lose points for lying too.
    Hey if actors are exempt from killing people does that mean they have a license to kill anyone? Just slip in live rounds (He had live rounds in is ammo belt too) and kill people then blame the armorer who was not there. Perfect EZ crime to pull off if actors have ZERO responsibility. Just hire an actor to kill its legal.

  12. Halls took the deal and admitted guilt Alec sold two houses and wont admit the slightest bit of remorse. Just toss money at it and the problem should go away.

  13. This whole show is ridiculously misinformed. The AD did NOT get the gun from the armoer. She didn't know anyone had the gun & wasn't there. Brian Watkins doesn't seem to understand that the person in control of the gun must watch the inspection to confirm it's safe to use bc humans make mistakes and LIE. Dave Halls LIED about inspecting the gun. Who said Hannah loaded it? SHE WASN'T THERE. 'She did it'??? Did WHAT? Where is the proof she brought the live ammo? Alec's reckless behavior was not watching the inspection and aiming a loaded Colt revolver at his coworkers. Hannah was forced by Alec to do multiple jobs that were not her responsibility. She repeatedly voiced her concerns re safety and he ignored her. 2 misfires and Alec did NOTHING. She would have discovered the bullets if he let her do her job! The gun wasn't even necessary for this off schedule camera work. He didn't ask for a safety shield or off-site camera work. So Brian would take a gun from some guy and just shoot bc he said it's ok? Hannah never said the gun wasn't loaded. Get your facts straight. Alec was the onsite producer and in charge of the whole set. Staff walked off in fear for their lives that very morning. Ditch that guy. He's a complete moron who knows absolutely nothing about guns or film sets. This is embarrassing. When they use guns it's either CGI or off site camera work. There's a reason this type of tragedy hasn't happened in 40 years. Alec would have done his job if the gun was aimed at his own head.

  14. A lister?? Not for a very long time. Hes a pariah and will never work again. Same for his lying grifter not Spanish insane wife. They both need to go away. Get 'em Vinnie!!

  15. WHAT ?
    There was a REAL bullet in the gun ?

    The actor should never have to worry that the gun would be LOADED.

    Alec Baldwin in 100% innocent.

    Are Trumps lawyers filing this suit against A.B.?
    R.I.P. Halyna Hutchins…

  16. Apparenlty during the testing of the gun it was completely destroyed. The defence is allowed to carry out their own tests but cannot because the key piece of evidence no longer exists. Could this have an effect on any trial?

  17. I don't know law very well, but if he isn't criminally responsible, then he definitely is responsible for wrongful death in a civil setting.

  18. In the video it does look like his fingers are moving, however, and I don't like the guy, but when I use my hand in a gun-like way, I move my hand in the way that it would if I were holding a gun and it via momentum drew back. So I'm not sure if the movement of his hand is really a Freudian slip.

  19. There is never a situation on a set where a gun is pointed at a crew member during filming. This is industry an standard.

    Alec should not of drawn the gun & pointed at a person. This is what cameras are for to change the field of view. Alec made a fatal mistake that took a young mothers life. He should absolutely be charged for that deadly mistake.

  20. Your guest attorneys are terrible: “The gun was a prop, not a gun.” Are you serious? That just shows how willfully ignorant your panel is Vinny. Every gun unless the firing pin is completely removed is a dangerous weapon and the PROTOCOL Vinny is EVERY ACTOR WHO PICKS UP A GUN MUST TREAT IT AS A LOADED LETHAL WEAPON THAT HAS A MISSILE IN IT UNTIL THE ACTOR VISUALLY IDENTIFIES IT AS AN UNLOADED GUN. PERIOD. DUMB PANELISTS.

  21. Love your show Vinnie but this time you are wrong .its like you have someting against Alec .strange

  22. Anyone handling a weapon should clear it first. Actor or not. Prop or not. It’s gun safety 101. They should never point it at anyone either. Unless he’s lived under a rock the last 50 years he’d see in the news where people got killed with accidental discharges.

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