



Important Update!



  1. I hope Baldwin succeeds in snatching defeat from the jaws of victory here. It is clear he does not understand how much pain he has caused (and again, being both producer and primary star means he could have stopped the conditions that led to this mess any time he wanted). When you are in a contest where the consolation prize is death and the referee calls off the match because he knows there is no way you can win, you do not argue with the ref. You just say thank you and walk away as fast as you can.

  2. In your poll, you seem to have "confused" Murdoch and Baldwin. When you announced the poll, you were talking Murdoch, then when you were talking about the results (mostly guilty), you said Baldwin then back to Murdoch.

  3. Would Baldwin Proc have to go thru the district ciurt tribunal? Maybe Baldwin can bring a case that way?

  4. Would Baldwin Proc have to go thru the district ciurt tribunal? Maybe Baldwin can bring a case that way?

  5. This seems like a surprisingly bad decision. The best thing, for Baldwin, about the dismissal is that it prevents a detailed public discussion of his obnoxious and irresponsible behaviour on set, and the fact that, whatever his legal liability, he was definitely in part responsible for the terrible safety culture on set. If he sues the prosecutor, all that will be up for discussion again.

    Unless, perhaps, he doesn't actually intend to sue, and just wants to put the frighteners on her as a kind of revenge?

  6. 100% disagree. It’s within his rights to sue. We aren’t him dealing with any of this, we’re just sitting at home. So whatever he decides to do is perfectly fine to me. Hehe I do miss his 100% accurate impression of he who shall not be named.

  7. Alec Baldwin needs to cut his losses and chill out. He is blessed to have been able to afford high priced talented attorneys.

  8. It's a good move, it puts the crooked police and prosecutor on notice. It could uncover criminal activity!

  9. I can’t believe people are out here calling mr Baldwin is arrogant a narcissis etc. I love him as an actor. I would think all actors need this quality to some extent. So we are back here again. The question has always been who brought in the live rounds and loaded the gun with them. There is possibly your guilty party. If he decides to sue that is between him and his attorneys a lot of monies have been spent on something that was clearly not his fault and his family and he have had to go through so much n them

  10. Well, his lawyers are certainly going to be riding the money train as long as possible. Add this to the list of civil cases against him and they will likely see the dusty bottom of Alec's wallet in due time.

  11. He pulled the trigger, he hired HGR, he got lucky with the case being dismissed. He should count his blessings and move on. Let the authorities continue to investigate how the bullets got on the set and hopefully find a bit of justice for the family:)

  12. He deserved to suffer. The dismissal was justified- the government must always fully respect the need for a fair trial- but he suffered no real damages, because due to his negligence and recklessness someone died and he damn well SHOULD have been suffering- and still should be.

  13. This is a very good discussion of "nonlegal" issues attorneys must counsel their clients about. I can remember telling a client that it was "just too much squeeze for the juice" and the client saying they didn't care they wanted payback even if it was just a buck! I didn't represent the client because the potential damages were so low vs. the possible outcome and the client wanted me to take the case on a contingency basis…….in other words if I won that buck, my share would be 33 cents! Most clients are extremely emotional about the subject of the lawsuit and dealing with clients is a skill that was in no way taught when I was in law school in the 80s.

  14. Municipalities bend to lawsuits. My city responds to every single call from citizens especially where liability is the issue. What better way to make change than to have him sue the prosecution, especially if he has evidence to support the fact that they buried and mishandled evidence intentionally to prosecute him. He has the money! He’s fighting a fight that can benefit regular people. I say good luck, Alec!

  15. Should he be more worried about a civil suit from the Hutchins family than suing the prosecutors?

  16. Why did they even have to use blanks ? They have AI and CGI to use for the gunshot noise and smoke.

  17. I forgot the exact name of the trial, but that river rafting trial, can you do a poll on that? Personally, I did not think he should have been found guilty.

  18. Since the Prosecution have been died and Disbarred; what would be the point for AlecBaldwin , and who would he sue? Baldwin was talking about how he and his family wanted to go to New Mexico on vacation! So, go on vacation!
    I do understand the guys in his family have strong personalities and so forth. However, some have overcome them, and one is a minister. Alec, go talk with your brother!!!

  19. Suugest a calibration poll question to see how truly "interesting' the poll is. – A square has 4 sides. – Yes or no, the is a 3 letter word.

  20. Watching the replay, and sooo disappointed I missed the live and the chance to participate in those polls! I agree with Lawyer Lee, fascinating stuff!

  21. I think that I must disagree. The judge in its ruling said: "Even though bad faith is not require to prove a Brady violation, this is as close as bad faith as you could get."

  22. @Lawyer Lee I really appreciate the humanity of your presentation. I agree that Alex Baldwin needs to leave any consequences for the prosecutor to the legal system. I was sad that 19% of poll participants thought that Karen Read was guilty. There was literally no evidence to implicate her. the 19% is worrying.

  23. Could he possibly want the preservation notice to assist him in his defence of any upcoming civil suits and not because he wants to sue anyone?

  24. His career has lost its reputation and long before this unfortunate case. He is foolish to continue the conversation about much more of anything further away from this.”
    : LEv

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