
Alarm Bells Ring After Two Of Judge Cannon’s Law Clerks Abruptly Quit


Alarm Bells Ring After Two Of Judge Cannon’s Law Clerks Abruptly Quit

#Alarm #Bells #Ring #Judge #Cannons #Law #Clerks #Abruptly #Quit

Things might be even worse with Judge Aileen Cannon than we had thought. Reports have now revealed that she lost two of her clerks shortly after she started issuing insane rulings in favor of Donald Trump, going all the way back to October of last year. Even losing one law clerk before their term expires is rare, but losing two is absolutely unheard of and indicates that there is something going on behind the scenes. Farron Cousins explains what’s happening.

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33 thoughts on “Alarm Bells Ring After Two Of Judge Cannon’s Law Clerks Abruptly Quit”

  1. Trump will get his and Cannon will get hers. It's a lot harder to be corrupt when everyone is watching.

  2. It is time to remove Cannon from this case maybe even from the Judiciary but no one is doing it. From Garland to special prosecutors, actual prosecutors, they all seem to be in cahoots to save Trump's ass.

  3. What has the DOJ done about this Judge? What The HELL! Why is this person a Judge? What sort of clown show is the US Justice System, WTF!

  4. So, while I agree it is an interesting development it has been 4 months. Are either of them working for another judge? Have either of them been politically active. To many things to speculate on with too little data. For all we know she could have given them a Hobson's choice to quit or be fired. The fact that they are silent speaks volumes, we just aren't hearing it.

  5. She needs to choose stupid law clerks. Stupid clerks will understand that they are there to do what they are told, and not to think for themselves, and won't make trouble for her.

  6. When law clerks are smarter than their judges…
    It also shows the level of professionalism that these two have that they didn't just immediately go running to the media with these juicy tidbits. I hope they will quickly be hired by someone who will appreciate all the hard work they do.

  7. Perhaps Cannon asked the clerks to give her case law that supported Trumps position but not Jack Smiths. Fishing for any case law that would back up her opinion.

  8. Even after all this BS she has done so far…isn’t it true that WHEN the trial actually starts…can’t she just declare a mistrial at any time and then put an end to it all?

  9. Trump has revealed a judicial system steeped in unfair privilege for the wealthy & connected.
    It's a disgrace.

  10. Have we considered the dire possibility that they quit to intentionally slow things down even further while their replacement is found? Maybe they were made offers they couldn't refuse by the Trump Crime Family?

  11. Like her idol, Ken Paxton of TEXAS, the clerks know what the law is and who is breaking it! ITS THE JUDGES, ATTORNEY GENERALS WHO KNOW THE LAW BUT CHOOSE TO BREAK ANYWAY. They know there is no consequences so they set up there own kingdoms!

  12. This is pretty straightforward. The law clerks are intelligent. They want absolutely nothing to do with what’s going on down there. They don’t want their name remotely associated with the words Trump or Cannon.

    Even the one with a kid. That clerk would have been smart enough to have planned that out long before.

    I don’t blame the clerks in the slightest. In fact, I have more respect for them.

  13. I understand in the US no one is above the law. So, it is surely time this judge was arrested for obstruction of justice?

  14. Judge Canon should be a shame of herself. Trump has not just stolen documents for probably selling out his country, but he tried to overturn an election. She should be expediting this case instead of serving Trump. This is the reason why so many people do not trust getting a fair shake by the law officials. Trump has shown that money and power can buy judges.

  15. Cannon believes that by currying favor to Trump, she’ll be next in line for a SCOTUS appointment if he wins POTUS. But he will betray her no matter what. He always does.

  16. OR that she is doing something that borders on illegality, and they do not want to be in the path, when she is caught.

  17. Given her previous velvet-glove treatment of Trump, Attorney General Merrick Garland should not have permitted her to adjudicate another Trump case. Garland is a disaster.

  18. What does it take for this corrupt judge to be removed. Why do we never do anything when we know what she is doing.

  19. The clerks quit, as in the USA, personnel cannot go against their bosses as there is no protection against firing staffers on the spot, for some reason or just like that. Personnel in the USA is like slaves. In my country, personnel are part of a team. This Aileen Cannon will welcome the quitting as she now can hire Trumpists to do the work. Another two incompetent crazies to add to the corrupted Judge Cannon will enhance the atmosphere or at least make it closer to the fascist Trump-world that half of America prefers over freedom, democracy, sense, and justice.

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