
Akhmed Yakoob: Can the ‘TikTok Gaza lawyer’ unseat Labour’s Shabana Mahmood?


#Akhmed #Yakoob #TikTok #Gaza #lawyer #unseat #Labours #Shabana #Mahmood

Wearing a three-piece suit, suede shoes and silver-rimmed sunglasses: you would think Akhmed Yakoob might look out of place while canvassing in Birmingham’s Ladywood constituency.

But spending hours on the campaign trail as part of a meet-and-greet akin to an Oscars red carpet, the 36-year-old appears to be taking it all in his stride.

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37 thoughts on “Akhmed Yakoob: Can the ‘TikTok Gaza lawyer’ unseat Labour’s Shabana Mahmood?”

  1. Can’t forget about Gaza , but let’s not talk about Pakistan Syria Iraq Iran Saudi Qatar huh ?

  2. Imperialism is decaying. And when it decays, it turns inward. Folks who think international issues don’t affect them should really pay attention to what’s happening in Gaza. Because it’s coming soon to a neighborhood near them.

  3. People of Yemen and Lebanon have given their lives to help gaza. The Muslims of GB cannot even give their cross on a ballot paper to help Gaza.

  4. They lie to get your vote and when they get elected! They’ll lie that they can’t do very much without increasing taxes.

  5. so many in countrys indians mossad workers akhmed yakoob fake name and jewish sounding back name ahahahah but the accent is indian

  6. Good 4 U to Voice 4 Voice Less People of Gaza

    But Don't Ignore The Voiceless People Of Waziristan And Balochistaan.

    Don't Be The Hypocrite Like Other Pakis

  7. Labour can’t run a city council, never mind a country. Kier Starmer will do nothing for we Asian people.

  8. Why are you reporting on this waffle. Every politician is a pagan. These people represent themselves not islam

  9. Tories and Zionists have disguised themselves as Labour. Hence they are confirmed to win and purging the party with no accountability of Muslims, Blacks, Pro-palestinians Anti-genocidists , etc on the pretence of antisemitism conflated with anti Zionism.

    So who are we voting for in our country if the system is working for a foreign entity committing a genocide with our taxes?

  10. Disappointed in this video by middle east eye expected better for someone who supports Gaza, very bias not sure what there agenda is.

  11. The Great theaf Britain must return all robbed stuff. It must start with the return of Kohinoor

  12. This guy akhmed yakoob is the only decent guy out of his family all his auncles brothers cousin sisters are drug dealers

  13. Nope I willnot vote for an gamic tiktoker as one has to pay more than 100£ fee in order to meet him … bloody overnight mushroom for stealing money on d name of serving ppl

  14. Its nice to have an independant but this guys a roadman. He can barely string a sentence togather. Hell be a laughing stock in Westminster

  15. Respectfully Mr yaqub needs to improve on his verbal English command.. below average and quite embarrassing for someone planning to represent as an MP.
    Mr Yakub has no manifesto and has no real understanding on policies, social issues etc.
    He needs to work on himself first.
    Best regards

  16. Whsts you and other news outlets need to do is expose the influence of zionist lobby groups on britisg and US government. This candidate can hardly put acoherent sentence together so not a great independent candidate.

  17. I’ve lived here for all my life, 61 yrs parents voted labour, I started voting labour……. NOT ANY MORE… Labour is NOT the labour it used to be, for the people. It’s controlled by lobbyist, donors, labours paymasters. The mask has finally come off, Kid Starver is a human rights lawyer!!! Supporting the slaughter, starvation of kids. Vote Independents. To send a clear message, that we stand with humanity.

  18. 1 vote tories out 2 vote independent workers party etc in safe labour seats Don't give starmer a mandate, save our NHS Free palistine

  19. Back him guys
    Just once brother’s & sisters
    Let give him a chance
    My family voted Workers Party

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