
Addiction and Criminal Law | Sentencing Alternatives | Criminal Defense Lawyer’s Prospective


Addiction and Criminal Law | Sentencing Alternatives | Criminal Defense Lawyer’s Prospective

#Addiction #Criminal #Law #Sentencing #Alternatives #Criminal #Defense #Lawyers #Prospective

What is addiction? What role does it play in criminal Law? Are there Sentencing Alternatives for addicts? discusses and gives its opinion on these topics.

Rhodes Legal Group, LLC 918 S Horton St #901 Seattle, WA 98134 | 206-708-7852
criminal law , Addiction and Criminal Law | Sentencing Alternatives | Criminal Defense Lawyer’s Prospective, addiction,criminal,law,attorney,lawyer,drug,court,sentencing,DOSA,defense,drug court,drug offender sentencing alternative,Criminal Law (Field Of Study),Criminal Defense Lawyer (Literature Subject),Judge