
Ace Attorney- Spirit of Justice (71) House of Cards


#Ace #Attorney #Spirit #Justice #House #Cards


This is a first time playthrough, so please leave your spoiler-free tips and tricks down below!

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lawyers near me , Ace Attorney- Spirit of Justice (71) House of Cards


39 thoughts on “Ace Attorney- Spirit of Justice (71) House of Cards”

  1. The situation sure escalated off the charts, I imagine Amara being Mufasa and Ga'ran is Scar lol.

  2. “Can you eliminate the possibility of another spirit medium?” -Nahyuta
    Is the fact that the spirit medium had to know Inga’s full name not enough of an indicator…? Realistically, if there was another spirit medium, the royal family would have to be aware of them (this same point was explicitly used by Garan earlier to disprove any “normal” person being able to channel Inga). What would Nahyuta argue if this was brought up? That a secret spirit medium spy showed up and channeled Inga because “why not?” Not to mention that’s also not realistic based off Garan’s claim that the only spirit mediums in the WORLD are contained to Khurain and Kurain. This is all a bit of an aside in the grand scheme of the case, but Nahyuta’s argument there just being accepted by Apollo and Phoenix rubbed me wrong.

  3. I'll bet you that Queen Ga'ran is planning to pardon that murderous guard of hers at some point after things die down. She may not care about him, but she knows that if she doesn't, she won't have as much loyalty.


  5. During Rayfa's cross-examination, it's possible to get on to a tangent where Ga'ran says she cancelled the Plumed Punisher because she believed the actress portraying Rayfa being an adult with a full figure would give the people unreasonable expectations about the real life princess, at which Rayfa indignantly insists that she'll definitely fill out with her next growth spurt.

    This episode showing that both her mother AND her aunt are gifted in that arena is a good indicator that her gene pool will probably take her where she's hoping to be, eventually. (Although not necessarily guaranteed. Compare Maya in this game to Mia.)

  6. You were quick on that braclet scene! It took me an absurd amount of time to notice Amara's finger moving when I played this game.

  7. With all the body-swapping Dhurke ended up doing, that just makes me think of a hypothetical: if a spirit medium were to channel a dead spirit medium – like say, Maya were to channel her mother Misty – would the spirit of the dead medium also be able to channel someone else? Could there be a channeling-ception?

  8. Wow this is the first time since AA4 that Apollo actually got to use his gimmick in court again

  9. 4:28 anyone else notice how this is clearly fuchsia?

    19:29 a blue one? there's a third!?! 22:01 same mistake twice lol 22:34 uhhh that's weird, the colours look fine but even THEY'RE calling it blue? Is it like, a thing where you refer to necklaces in the same way you do eyes? That's like, the only explanation, esp since this mistake is continued
    34:04 I hate swears and all but they're not slurs?
    42:03 easier to fake
    49:04 NO SHOT

  10. Amara is so beautiful that even her breakdown is beautiful… but that ending.
    Also, we're solving this case by looking at cleavage. Thank you Ace Attorney

  11. 41:54 To think that Garan’s eagerness to flaunt her Seymour cosplay with its low neckline, contributed to disputing the layers of lies and subterfuge present in this case…

  12. I don't even slightly blame Lucah for immediately assuming the bust thing. It's been quite a long time since that LP, but In Danganronpa 1 we used that exact method to get the identity of an important person.

    I remember leaving in a comment in an earlier video (around the end of case 2, which feels like forever ago) that this game had a lot of parallels to that character, seeing as a reference to them was mysteriously absent from the Danganronpa Homage Case™ in the last game.
    But even back when I said that, I completely forgot about the part in this episode where we look at someone's chest to tell who they were, and how that is something we do in both games. I remember mostly just thinking that it was mostly contained to that case.
    That's such a specific thing, too.

    …That joke line from Hugh O'Conner in the last game about swapping places with a secret twin aged REALLY poorly, didn't it? This is like, the third time in this game we've had a secret double!
    Which I guess also makes Case 2 into some insane foreshadowing, huh?

  13. This feels like an extremely convoluted plan. I mean, holy shit. It's just absolutely ridiculous if you ask me.
    For example, did Inga not know that he had killed Dhurke while he was talking with Dhurke on the phone? Who did he think was channeling Dhurke? Why did he think Maya was being held captive by him? What if any of the involved actors had done anything differently?
    Sorry but I feel like they stumbled on their own creativity with this one, this just isn't believable at all. The amount of eyerolls I'm making at this murder plan.

  14. It's a true fact that good gals have larger chests than bad gals, that's why they have to get implants.

  15. Do you still talk w Takari? Do you know where she is? She ok? LOVED the King's Quest, Space Quest videos you two did together!!!

  16. Its Queen Ga'ran she's the mastermind behind the whole thing. Why would she allow one of her bodyguards to shoot her own sister?

  17. God, I love this beautiful game…we looked at boobs…and I'm so glad it was in the community we got to experience this

  18. Part of my wonders of the reason Nahyuta is so mean is because he’s been traumatized in some way by Queen Ga’ran. Kind of like how Simon Keyes/Simone Saint had no choice but to get a bloody revenge on the people who ruined his life.

  19. Well now that we know a bit more about Nahyuta, we know he’s being a total asshole to not only cover for his mother but who knows maybe even more than we think too?! How can this be.

  20. Well, just in case we needed any MORE evidence that Ga'ran was evil AF, here you go!

    Also, it finally happened. Boobs now count as evidence.

  21. Back in part 63 at around 12:26, when Apollo confronts Ga'ran about Amara's whereabouts, Apollo has the following internal dialouge, "(Besides, there are real terrorists out there who might try to kill [Amara].)"

    So yes, even this unexpected development of a fanatical Royal Guard member silencing Amara when she about to implicate Ga'ran was foreshadowed by the game.

  22. OK Garan “Seymour” Kura’in, how u explain yourself? And “Aurora Borealis” ain’t gonna cut it as you’re as good as “Steamed Ham”!

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