
Ace Attorney- Spirit of Justice (67) Motorola Flip Phone


#Ace #Attorney #Spirit #Justice #Motorola #Flip #Phone

LOL I think my mind is broken.

This is a first time playthrough, so please leave your spoiler-free tips and tricks down below!

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lawyers near me , Ace Attorney- Spirit of Justice (67) Motorola Flip Phone


47 thoughts on “Ace Attorney- Spirit of Justice (67) Motorola Flip Phone”

  1. I didn't realize Dhurke's face was missing in the thumbnail until after watching the video and it slightly jumpscared me when I noticed

  2. If I had a nickel for every time Lucah played a game where prosopagnosia was a major plot points I'd have two nickels.
    Which isn't a lot, but it's still weird

  3. I'm quite liking Inga as a character. he feels very human to me. at first he seemed so cartoonishly vilianous. but the more we know of him the more nuanced he seemed. still did some despicable things don't get me wrong, but he did have some redeeming quality's it seems.

    also as someone with faceblindness/prosopagnosia. I would like to see some non-villian representation. anyone know if there is any?

  4. 999 and spirit of jsutice absolutely did NOT come out at the same time, 999 was released YEARS earlier

  5. my bff's dad has face blindness and he compares it to seeing words in another language, you can see the different letters and you know its words youre looking at, but since you cant actually read what it says you cant "identify" the words

  6. I have a little bit of prosopagnosia and when I see people irl I see their whole face but my memories are similar to that of Inga’s I don’t see the face, just the hair and clothes

  7. Okay, been thinking this for a while now, but gonna I'm gonna put it out there below the spoiler jump. Disclaimer: I have never seen the game and I'm just putting my predictions out there.

    The killer is Nayna. Who is in reality, Amara. The picture that Apollo thinks was 23 years ago of Amara and Nayhuta is… in reality from 16 years ago. With Amara and Rayfa. With Nayna/Amara, Ga'ran, Inga, Dhurke, and Nahyuta being the only people to know that Rayfa's parents are actually Dhurke and Amara. The person Ga'ran was holding hostage to manipulate Nahyuta wasn't his mother… it was his sister. …well and Amara too, but Nahyuta probably didn't know the connection between Nayna and Amara.

  8. Im face blind, not actually diagnosed but once you realize that's a thing that can happen, you kinda just know if you have it or not. It's also a bit of a sliding scale disorder i think, some people are wirse than others. For me, i see faces, literally they are visible and it's not like a creepy slenderman no face thing, it's just that i can't retain anything really inmy memories. Even looking at pictures really doesn't help. I learned to distinguish people largely based on build, hair, and body language. It still gets awkward not recognizing people you should, sometimes even close family but most of the time i realize who it is after a minute or two before it gets too awkward.

  9. Also this has funny implications for Inga's motive. It's going to be rather difficult for him to chanel anybody if he can't recognize faces. 😛

  10. I'm sure you've remembered by now, but channeling the dead does not also channel whatever injuries caused their death in the first place; else when Maya channeled Abbott Inmee, he would've had a gaping wound on his chest (and we know he didn't because he had his shirt off for so much of his screentime). So if Inga was killed in the tomb and then later channeled in his own room, he would've come back in the picture of health, and there would've been no problem with him running back to the tomb.

  11. Obviously no! this is not how someone with the condition would see faces. The features would appear generic and identical. not missing entirely.

  12. I'm terribly disappointed after trying to find fanart of Rayfa with her pet frog and couldn't find a single one. Sad.

  13. I think they must have plenty of Dhurke's clothes, in The Plumed Punisher show where they have actors playing as him.

  14. I just realized that the Butz isn't in the game but we got Datz which a close to Larry's name and he gets in just as much trouble. We have found the Butz in this game!

  15. It's no coincidence that both 999 and PW used the same concept. I'm pretty sure the main writers of the stories were friends and often shared ideas with each other.

  16. To answer the question "Is this how faces appear for people with prosopagnosia in real life" that's a nope. 999 had it far closer with their "You cant differentiate monkey faces" analogy. Here its really misinterpreted to make the case work.

  17. If Rayfa calls Phoenix Barb Head and Apollo Horn Head, what does that make her mum?! 😂🤯

  18. Wait… I know what happened: Inga was playing Jumanji, rolled a 5, and a Lion appeared and murdered him! The guy he saw was actually Robin WIlliams. He just didn't arrive in time to save Inga.

  19. 45:40 Like I said, he had already been killed in the tomb at 2. So when someone channeled him and he ran to the tomb, he thought he just had a nightmare. So he was being channeled into someone else’s body when Rayfa saw him. His actual death happened a half hour before that.

    And the whole thing about the scream, I think what they’re saying is, since the flow of time picks back up for you from the minute you die after you’re channeled, the last thing that happened to Minister Inga was he was stabbed, so he probably hadn’t even finished letting out a scream at the time of his real death and his scream continued into when he was channeled.

  20. 42:20 The whole thing about him being stabbed in his private quarters earlier was a red herring. But now that we know he was killed at 2, it still means he could’ve died in the tomb. All that means though, is that someone went into his private quarters and channeled him, and then “Inga” headed to the tomb around 2:30, which is what Rayfa saw.

  21. 32:51 So let me just say, I’ve never played this so called “999” so I never suspected what was going on here until it was actually brought up at this point in the game. A lot of LPers, mostly ones who’ve played that game before, figured this out as far back as when we first found Inga’s notepad, like you did.

  22. 28:34 Let me also remind everyone that, the estimated time of death on the autopsy report is 3pm. It’s not a range of several hours like it sometimes is in these games. So if this killer was trying to frame Dhurke, either they tried to throw off the time of death, or the estimated time of death on the autopsy just happened to coincide with when Dhurke actually arrived, making them EXTREMELY lucky.

  23. 15:30 You have to also remember that you’re presenting sensations that contradict with certain statements. You got lucky that time because it was on the statement saying that the call came from the “palace,” which is the inconsistency since the warbaad cry indicates the call was actually from the bazaar.

    That’s why she misinterpreted the Seance, because she believed the call was from the palace.

  24. 9:38 That is a hard one to get, because it’s not really an inconsistency between the evidence, the Seance, and/or the Insights; it’s more of just the player having to make the connection that Inga doesn’t even turn around or act surprised when he hears the voice.

  25. 9:43 – "Did anyone come up with [Inga being too relaxed]?"
    I didn't, but I ALSO got the "Man's voice" contradiction correct for the wrong reason. Because the intensity of "Man's voice" wasn't changing, I thought the voice was Inga himself, perhaps praying to the Holy Mother to give him strength for the hostage exchange.

  26. If you recall Lotus' explanation from 999, people with prosopagnosia can see the features, but they struggle to remember them. Inga seeing people as faceless is likely just an artistic choice. Also, remember that the Holy Mother DOES have a face (Shown in the Founder's Orb), it's just censored in most instances for religious reasons.

  27. 45:35 The game just said he ran off not realizing that he was being channeled. Not on the brink, but actually dead. <theory craft below>

    I think that the seance calls on the final moments experienced by deceased while in their own body, as vs a channeled soul’s memory of events both prior to death and after being channeled. i can’t recall if the game ever explicitly states anything specific about this or not though.

  28. As someone with a mild case of prosopagnosia, I don't see faces as blanks, but I don't see features as distinctive unless they're blatant (huge scars, weird glasses, etc.). If my mother changed her hair and put on a new set of clothes, I wouldn't recognize her until I heard her speak. It's like the part of the brain that normally has been hardcoded to notice minute differences (eye color, shape of nose, etc.) simply isn't firing.

    I never recognize actors unlike they're someone like the Rock who is so heavily typecast that he always looks the same, and if you put a wig on him, I wouldn't know. Coincidentally, this makes anime, where people are usually distinguished by uniqure hair styles and colors, much easier to parse. It's like a special font for dyslexics, but for people who can't do faces.

  29. Every time they are discussing something really heavy, that one song comes up, it's called "The Basics of the Case". And it's such a mysterious, almost ominous song. For some reason, when they finally started bringing up the topic of prosopagnosia, that song playing in the background gave me chills.

  30. The condition prevents people from connecting the facial features of people to memories of that person. They can say "the individual in front of me has blue eyes " but can't say "i know people with blue eyes."

  31. As someone who didn’t know about the condition and hadn’t played 999 before this, figuring out Inga had prosopagnosia was one hell of an uphill battle. I didn’t even think about the idea of The Holy Mother possessing Dhurke either I was just so confused!

    Still one of my favourite cases in Ace Attorney even if it’s super tricky, the payoff is worth it.

  32. So when the blank face Dirk showed up in the last one, I was reminded of the game "that's not my neighbor"

  33. 999 came out in 2009. 7 years before SOJ. Fun fact: in 2012 a mobile game called Cause of Death used Prosopagnosia as plot point as well.

  34. What did I say a few videos back, we've got at minimum two spirit mediums in play, channeling means we can't tell who is in whose body when

  35. this case was the one that really took things directions. you're going to want a bulletin board, some red string, some post-its, and some push tacks to keep things clear. it's a real puzzler.

  36. Funnily enough, I was playing 999 for the first time when Spirit of Justice had first come out, so I was playing them simultaneously. Imagine how weird it was to see prosopagnosia as a plot point twice within a week of each other. :p

  37. Since there's no passage of time in death, does that mean Mia back in the original trilogy would just go back to being dead, only for her must of been like 5 seconds if at all, to get yanked back into the living again?

  38. Nothing to do with the game, but just a quick note about the whole "zoos are bad" thing…no, they're not, necessarily.

    The Association of Zoos and Aquariums is the primary regulatory body for…well, zoos and aquariums. They're specifically a US-based organization, but they actually work with zoos and aquariums all over the world. The AZA's primary focus is to ensure that any zoo they have authority over operates humanely and with a focus on conservation and research. Any AZA-accredited zoo needs to demonstrate that they can keep their animals healthy–physically and mentally. Feeding, medical care, enrichment, the size and shape of their habitats, it's all taken into account. They're also expected to obtain their animals in a responsible and humane way.

    Granted, these standards only apply to zoos accredited by the ACA; a lot of privately-run zoos, here and abroad, absolutely cut corners on care for their animals in the name of maximizing profits. It's these zoos that give the rest a bad name, and it's important to know which side of the dichotomy your local zoo falls into, but the important thing to remember is that, especially in America or anywhere else the AZA operates, those profit-driven "zoos" are a rare exception and far from the norm.

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