
Ace Attorney- Spirit of Justice (64) Breaking the Rules


#Ace #Attorney #Spirit #Justice #Breaking #Rules


This is a first time playthrough, so please leave your spoiler-free tips and tricks down below!

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lawyers near me , Ace Attorney- Spirit of Justice (64) Breaking the Rules


22 thoughts on “Ace Attorney- Spirit of Justice (64) Breaking the Rules”

  1. so… she's hot, but also, she has long spindly fingers, long hair that resemble spider-legs and all that's missing is a fishnet over her exposed breasts… i think her animal motif would be a spider according to tvtropes.

  2. I find hilarious that Ga'ran can't prosecute without her tarantula dominatrix outfit.
    Also, somehow this games makes me feel worse and worse about Rayfa. Poor Rayfa.

  3. 12:15 It's the royal "we". It's mean to invoke the king or queen's connection to god. Also Ga'ran straight up looks like a Final Fantasy villain

  4. 25:27 I'm just now realizing this since playing this game years ago, and I'm not sure if this is me reaching. When Rayfa successfully completes the divination seance, the pool lights up. I checked the other videos and it checks out. This time, the outcome was different for obvious reasons. The pool didn’t light up.. Which I think further shows Rayfa is in a lot of distress.

  5. So if Von Karma was Dracula and Gant was Ganondorf, should we start calling Ga'Ran Ursula now?

  6. the beating of the fan somehow reminds me of manfred von karma?
    speaking of, this talk about someone hiding their presence at a scene that had a bullet is kind of reminding me of something and i'm wondering if that might be referenced…
    lucah yelling out about judge judy above everyone felt so cinematic

  7. "The judge is right there"
    She's the queen. I don't think a tyrant cares what a mere judge has to say.
    "You can't tell him to leave"
    She quite literally can.

  8. No, Ga'ran is not referring to herself as "we" for any reason suhc as that. It's simply the "royal we". Royalty in stories frequently refer to themselves as in a plural because they are the representative of their kingdom.

  9. It's not just anyone you call to the stand who would be found guilty under theDCA. It's every single rebel, because they're all protesting for Dhurke's freedom, so they are all defending him.

  10. In case you still weren't sure if Ga'ran was evil, her transformation into a smug Yu-Gi-OH villain is sure to seal the deal.

  11. "I'm the good guy here, we will have justice"
    puts on the most evil looking outfit ever
    yeah ok

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