
Ace Attorney- Spirit of Justice (56) Worse than we Feared


#Ace #Attorney #Spirit #Justice #Worse #Feared

I am absolutely…. shocked…. AND SO HAPPY TO SEE A CERTAIN SOMEONE!

This is a first time playthrough, so please leave your spoiler-free tips and tricks down below!

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43 thoughts on “Ace Attorney- Spirit of Justice (56) Worse than we Feared”

  1. Paul Atishson’s Breakdown feels like an execution you’d see in Danganronpa and I am ALL for it

  2. Surprise! It’s still Episode 5. 😂

    Yeah I remember thinking, “Wow, this game hasn’t had much investigation” when I first played. To be fair it doesn’t have as much investigation as, say for example, Dual Destinies. I think some players got tired of multiple investigations for the same case. That probably explains why there’s a civil case that breaks up the investigations into two sections. That’s just speculation on my part based on the way the game flows though.

    This case is very long. I honestly only remember bits and pieces of it to be honest, but there’s a couple things I’m curious how you’ll react to.

  3. So Paul Atishon could not run for office anymore after being convicted of a crime… maybe the US should take a page out of the Phoenix Wright world?

  4. I keep forgetting this is all one case and not jsut two seperate cases

    mayb they combined them into one to keep up the tradition (every second game is 4 cases long and every other game is 5? iunno)

  5. so somethng to consider: if the QUEEN was behind Paul Atishon's scheme, she woudln't need maya at all, since supposedly she's a powerful spirit channeler herself, in fact its why she's queen. I also thought rayfah could be used to but remember she can't spirit channel.

    Of course, just cause its unlikely for the queen to do it (especially because she already has power as queen) doesn't mean it precludes a certain someone else from being involved.

  6. I love that Lucah correctly guessed it was Inga that was the benefactor, and then when it was revealed as such, she just goes "Wait, who?"

  7. Maya, Edgeworth, Pearl… the nostalgia hits hard. If only we had a certain detective and a certain dominatri- er, I mean, prosecutor with a whip

  8. If AA7 is real and takes place more in the future, I'd absolutely want to see Armie all grown up and doing fine.

  9. It feels like the civil case should have been its own episode. Still really good, though.

  10. This trial and the stuff leading up to it was certainly a rollercoast of emotions. Still, it wasn't even the last trial in the game. That just leaves us with the question of, what else can they throw at us that's even more gut wrenching, tear-jerking, shocking, mind-blowing, and plot-twisting than what's already been done?

    All anyone can really say at this point is, good luck and stay strong Lucah.

  11. Try to precent evidence as much as you can in kurhain, In addition to funny dialogues, there are also some references

  12. So Inga knows all about what happened during the case, but somehow does not know that Dhurke was also there in the courtroom

  13. How could you forgot who Minister Inga was? You saw him in both of Phoenix's cases in Khura'in

  14. I love Dhurke just called out the culprit, what a man. Everyone is pitching in for the rescue the best big help is on the job. I'm chanting for the next episode to come.

  15. Yay, American citizens off to help start a revolution to overthrow a government in a nearby country to one more favorable to American interests! Whoo!

    Man, don't you love when the game's universe goes out of its way to make sure a bad thing is actually good, totally?

  16. Armie is SO DARN CUTE.

    Yes I know theres a ton more to comment on, but. Can't get over that sweetheart.

  17. 20:23 We (as in the players) don’t know the founders true name just Lady Kee’ras true name (we found out Lady Kee’ras true name in the rite of turnabout) just to help any confusion

  18. And thus begins the craziest and one of the longest investigations and trials in the entire franchise

  19. I notice that Apollo and Athena are addressing Maya as Ms. Fey instead of her first name. Guess that shows how much respect the two youngsters have for her. Though I reckon it's because they address her in Japanese as 'Mayoi-san,' as opposed to Phoenix's 'Mayoi-chan.'

  20. 2:30 Lol after all our Zero Escape experiences, it's interesting having both "Cloning" and "Time Travel" as options here

  21. Good luck out there, Sarge – you deserve the best! ♥

    Get ready, Lucah…this case is set to break YOUR underwear, multiple times – this case is almost the shadowbringers of the series, so to speak!

  22. You read Ke'era's real name, not the Founder's. Ke'era is the founder's sister, not the founder herself

  23. Hey Lucah the Playlist is missing episode 25 for the game just wanted to let you know and good luck on the next part of this case

  24. Apparently this civil trial was supposed to be the original case 4, but that changed, makes sense, we DID need an Athena case. And I suppose Nahyutah also… Benefited… Off of the extra time. But keep in mind… Nahyutah.

    The game's main prosecutor isn't even around for the first part of this case. Makes some sense, hell, Franziska and Godot had similar situations not really being as relevant in the last case of their games, at least at first. So already, Nahyutah has some hurdles to get over for any sense of character arc. Given there's practically nothing before this case.

  25. Every case turns out to be murder lol, even civil ones.

    And yeah, this case is LONG. Like almost 1-5/Rise From The Ashes kind of long.

  26. The benefactor learning that a spirit medium was the key was a good thing lol. if he didnt know, he wouldve just killed maya. The whole point was for it to be known that a spirit medium cant be killed or the legend wont be fulfilled

  27. Edgeworth coming out here by surprise was a welcome surprise. As someone who’s watched all of Lucah’s Ace Attorney LP’s (even the Miles Investigation series), I do have to say that Edgeworth as a character has grown on me and I do like his growth through the… series? Franchise?

  28. Dhurke threatening Inga when he called to try to be all mysterious and menacing is soooo badass I love it!!

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