
Ace Attorney- Spirit of Justice (54) Trauma Response


#Ace #Attorney #Spirit #Justice #Trauma #Response

This is TOO SAD! 🙁

This is a first time playthrough, so please leave your spoiler-free tips and tricks down below!

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lawyers near me , Ace Attorney- Spirit of Justice (54) Trauma Response


49 thoughts on “Ace Attorney- Spirit of Justice (54) Trauma Response”

  1. congrats on finishing the final mood matrix lucah, now there are just two deviation seances to deal with.

  2. Hey Lucajin, the company that made Danganronpa released a new game about a year ago called RainCODE. It’s really good!

  3. Lucahjin: "You can't just go around grabbing everything!"
    Sarge: "See, that's where you're wrong."

  4. And this is why I love Sarge so much. Not only does it really change your perspective on her once you see her in the flesh, but everything leading up to it where you help her get over her trauma. She is, without a doubt, one of my favorite one-off characters in the entire series due to all the circumstances on which you meet her and get to help her.

  5. Also of some note, Japan and Russia have had a strained relationship for ages, like many neighbouring countries fighting there's multiple reasons for it (one of them mineral rights over the small islands between the two). So it's always nice to see kind, likable Russian or half-Russian characters in a Japanese game. Even though they always have to be blonde and/or have something militaristic going on. And let's be fair, other countries are guilty of that stereotype too.

  6. "have we ever seen anything like this?"

    Calisto Yew hiding a gun behind her back "no i don't think we have"

  7. If SOJ gets an anime adaptation I want Lucah to play Sarge. The voice is so good in my opinion.

  8. This is your reminder that you haven't played "Mario & Luigi; Partners in Time" yet.
    I'm going to keep this up until she responds in some way.

  9. "W-Well, my mama was in the Russian army."
    I have to wonder if the lass dying after falling out a window was intentional on the writers' part.

  10. While I resent an armed combat drone as a witness, it's short and leads to one of the better story moments and reveals in this game, so I'll forgive it… Mostly.

  11. "I thought some 20-something military fanatic was at the controls."
    No, Judge, knowing this series, that's probably just another prosecutor from some future AA game.

  12. You are the best at stopping right before a break? I wouldn't call you that until you've matched Pixel Partners ending a video literally a single A press before a to be continued showed up in the crossover game.

  13. In US court, we let people, especially kids, with disabilities or difficulties testify via WebEx all the time through a motion yo allow. The drone isn’t that crazy considering what some people do on WebEx while in court 😂

  14. I'm sure half the reason why we haven't had another game after this one yet is because the devs cant come up with a prosecutor who does something more ridiculous than firing missiles and gattling guns at the defense without anyone caring.

  15. The gender reveal was a true surprise, but am I the only one not surprised that Sarge ended up being so young? Aside from the obviously childlike behavior, Sarge said that just six months ago, her mother saved her from a fire by literally holding her in her arms as she jumped out a window. People expecting Armie to be a man in his 20s really think a woman would be able to hold someone of that size in their arms? Or did you just forget about that/not think about it?

  16. 21:26 I’m honestly surprised you didn’t laugh at how you could cut off “arsenal” and “analytical” to be something crude

  17. I hope Armie gets taken in by the people of the village. I don't think the poor girl has anyone else she could turn to.

  18. One of my favourite things about Armie is a Justicykes fanfic I’ve read in which Apollo and Athena take care of her and adopt her. So damn cute!!!




    (fr tho, that reveal is perfect and Sarge became my favorite character in the whole game cause of that.)

  20. I love her SO much I know shes a late entry but shes pretty high on my list of favorites

  21. Sarge being traumatised by fire and now living in a small traditional village where there was very little electricity and probably a lot of candles for cultural purposes must’ve been a living hell… It’s no wonder she acts like a soldier caught in the middle of a war, I always feel so bad for this kid but Athena did so well with her

    Man I want Athena to take the lead in AA7

  22. This… hurts more than I'd like to admit.
    Wanting to do right by your dad, who loved you and guided you with all his heart, only to fail to achieve your goal and his wish before he's suddenly taken away from you…

    I came perilously close to that. It's a feeling of emptiness and failure than nothing can really make up for.

  23. The most important element of this episode's big reveal is that, based on the reference Sarge made a few episodes ago, we can now say that there ARE female Rush fans!

  24. So what was throwing me off about Sarge was Dr Buff died at 64. So regardless of gender I assumed had to be in their 20’s or even 30’s. (Heck let’s be honest, even 40’s isn’t off the table) But when Phoenix introduced her as a 12 year old, I just sat there and went WOW Archie Buff had GAME to have a kid at 52. (I’m feeling pretty safe at least assuming an age gap between Dr. Buff and his wife. And not shaming either.)

    Armie is ADORABLE and I can’t get enough of imagining a 12 year old girl fighting off several full grown men with tons of toy weaponry. (I almost want to say Armie could easily be used as a nickname Archie Buff used for Amy. Which is also not a bad name pun considering the competition in this game) She’s probably one of those armed to the TEETH with nerf guns. I had friends like that.

    Athena helping a lil kid through the same pain she more or less went through in Dual Destinies was SO heart-warming. I like to guess where Athena is in that whole headspace a year later and what Armie might come across with that in mind. I assume while Athena likely HAS overcome her fear of courtrooms by now considering Simon is safe and it’s no longer a symbol of the place she tried to save him but watched him literally get sentenced to death in spite of her pleas, I can only assume she’s manifested a FEW more reasonable fears after overcoming the courtroom fear but still tied to the UR-1 incident. Like…say sharp objects. Or…operating tables. (She was always squeamish around crime scenes by the bodies.) Or Japanese theater masks. I like to give this thought because there’s some aspects of 5-5 still unexplored I hope to see in another ace attorney one day. Armie will likely have to go through her own evolution of fear as time goes on but you can tell fire is her priority. So much so she really likes shouting it already.

    This is ace attorney bringing its freaking A game I swear. 6-5 always gets me where I least expect it and I can just tell this is one of Ace attorney’s finest.

  25. Archie Buff and Armie Buff

    One Is into archeology and the other is an army aficionado.

    I see what you did there, game

  26. As soon as Dhurke started referring to Dr. Buff's "child" instead of saying son or daughter, I immediately guessed Sarge was going to turn out to be a girl. It's a lot harder to consistently avoid gendering a character in English than in Japanese, so it always ends up sticking out to me.

  27. 3:43 Not Apollo acting like he hasn't done exactly that with no warning lol. This is a valid fear dude

  28. A drone, a whale, a parrot, an assassin through a transmissor. Pick which one is the weirdest

  29. well, not only does this game accurately portray what it's like to have DID with Uendo, but also how to respectfully and delicately deal with a shut-in who's suffering from trauma after seeing a parent die in a fire, and the other one being murdered. way to go, Capcom. 😀

  30. Also I swear you’re using any excuse to keep Wimperson out of the thumbnails, aren’t you, Lucah? 😂

  31. Also can I say this is a PERFECT role reversal of Dual destinies final trial? SPOILERS FOR DD AHEAD:

    First it was Apollo in the wrong about Athena being guilty. Now this.

  32. 2:45 No, it was Paul who put it in the doctor’s head that the Defiant Dragons were dangerous. That’s why the doctor ended up writing that agreement saying he’d give the Defiant Dragons the orb as long as they didn’t hurt them. Paul obviously said that as a way to keep the orb out of anyone else’s hands so he could have it to give to his patron.

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