
‘ABSURD!’: Scotland’s new hate crime law will cause ‘more HATE and more division!’ | Brian Monteith


‘ABSURD!’: Scotland’s new hate crime law will cause ‘more HATE and more division!’ | Brian Monteith

#ABSURD #Scotlands #hate #crime #law #HATE #division #Brian #Monteith

‘It’s absolutely absurd.’

Former MSP and MEP, Brian Monteith, expresses concern over Scotland’s new hate crime law and believes it will cause ‘more hate, and more division in society.’

#gbnews #uknews #scotland #scottish #hatecrime #laws #cancelculture

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criminal lawyer , ‘ABSURD!’: Scotland’s new hate crime law will cause ‘more HATE and more division!’ | Brian Monteith, GB news,Scotland,Free speech

33 thoughts on “‘ABSURD!’: Scotland’s new hate crime law will cause ‘more HATE and more division!’ | Brian Monteith”


    The law recognises five types of hate crime on the basis of:




    Sexual orientation

    Transgender identity

    Any crime can be prosecuted as a hate crime if the offender has either:

    demonstrated hostility based on race, religion, disability, sexual orientation or transgender identity


    been motivated by hostility based on race, religion, disability, sexual orientation or transgender identity

    Someone can be a victim of more than one type of hate crime.

    These crimes are covered by legislation (Crime and Disorder Act 1998 and section 66 of the Sentencing Act 2020) which allows prosecutors to apply for an uplift in sentence for those convicted of a hate crime.

    The police and the CPS have agreed the following definition for identifying and flagging hate crimes:

    "Any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice, based on a person's disability or perceived disability; race or perceived race; or religion or perceived religion; or sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation or transgender identity or perceived transgender identity."

    When is your rage about the English laws? You can't be bad mouthing Scotland while doing that though eh?

  2. 1st Scotland, then rest of UK. Then, law to be strengthened and go deeper in scope. Then, London becomes Beijing.
    Slippery slope.

  3. It's all designed to allow a muslim takeover of Scotland. It will end up an islamic country without a shot being fired. And I thought the Scots were a proud nation, clearly not!

  4. Hate speech is very problematic by itself. Someone has to define it, but it cannot be defined. So it becomes arbitrary. These laws are even more draconian.

  5. Scotland's Islamification has begun. "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ferocious, ravenous wolves." Matthew 7:15

  6. The same thing happend in Salem Massachusetts resulting in 19 people being hanged. Stop this stupidity.

  7. Divide and Conquer !…This is about causing division in any way possible !…Who's voting for these people !

  8. Senior military chiefs, last month, were saying I in any event, population would not answer the call for conscription! … why would they die and fight for a country that hates and gaggs them?

  9. Every person in Scotland should report Humza for HIS hate speech as its there in black and WHITE on you tube.

  10. Nope it’s not law it’s simply an act made in the Scottish parliament! I will never be gagged by these idiots…

  11. SNP depend on the bonkers Greens and so we end up with this nonsense.
    As usual the complacent, idiot Scottish public will show no interest.

  12. Yousaf is deliberately misusing the word "hate" to describe a difference of opinion. When he talks about a rise in hatred, he means an increase in opposition to SNP/Green policy.

  13. Scotland need the SNP. Scotland need to deshackle themselves from the national debt of the UK. What you are doing is unbelievable…. yer a weaselly YOON and thats all you will ever be. You will never grow.

  14. I wish this was an April 1st prank but it is genuinely evil and discriminatory. Welcome to the caliphate induction process.

  15. The UN Guidelines for the Governance of Digital Platforms is rolling out everywhere. Canada will also soon make it a crime in your own home & for something you might think in the future.

  16. yousaf is a menace to common sanity and a harmonious society, he is to scotland what khan is to london and varadkar WAS to ireland, he clearly does not give a damn for the scottish people and the crime they endure and obviously his misogyny is plain to see, the sooner he is gone the better, i hope JK rowling rises to his pathetic baiting and makes a fool of him and the ludicrous SNP

  17. This Bill reminds me of 'The Witch Trials'and 'Secret Black Lists' of the 80's.Many innocent people in Scotland are about to be 'demonized'. This Country is being taken back decades,even laws back to the middle ages.

  18. I heard this speech and if I went in the street and replaced the word “ white” with any other minority group and kept everything else the same I would be charged with a crime …bizarre

  19. Hunza Useless has been spewing out hate and racism for years…..he and the hate filled SNP are a disgrace and an absolute disaster for Scotland.

  20. I think that the wee nyaff, Neil Oliver, hates Scotland. He should get a knock from the boys in blue!

  21. Those plonkers who voted for Krankie and thought she would bring independence looking a bit stupid now , as are those who voted for the blustering balloon buffoon.

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