
A1 English Listening Practice – Daily Routine


A1 English Listening Practice – Daily Routine

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, conner ingles,conneringles,connor ingles,polyglossa,daily routine,vocabulary,a1 english listening practice,english listening practice,listening practice,a1 english,a1 english listening,learn english,english comprehension,understand english,aprender ingles,entender ingles,nivel a1,beginner english,ingles para principiantes

32 thoughts on “A1 English Listening Practice – Daily Routine”

  1. U speak very well and unique for learning I listen ur podcast daily in night it helps me and I feel productive after seeing this❤

  2. any native english speakers who can have one to one conversation with me so that I can enhance my communication skill

  3. I wish to every person who studies English to came to their aim and dont give up this way is difficult and long but winners is who rty again every time

  4. 🇩🇿Always, my day is for the night of the night, then the reading of the Qur’an, and then I pray the prayer of al -Fhhi, and I would like to put a plan to follow in my daily life, and the most important thing is to pray, read the Qur’an, and teach my children to the Holy Quran. I follow you from Algeria

  5. Sir G Thank your so much i like your video
    Sir this is my routine i wake up 6:30am and pray fajar namaz after that i read quran majid and after that revise my lesson of my college then i go for college at 8:30and came back after changing cloth i do rest and go for zahut namaz ….

  6. I command the unclean evil spirits that are holding the holy brides of Yeshua. I command to evil spirits in the name of Yeshua. Bound by the blood of Yeshua and ordered to go to hell and never come out forever. Yeshua's blood! Yeshua's blood! Yeshua's blood!

    – 예슈아커밍 / Yeshua Coming –

    Matthew 4:10,17,19 [NASB]……

    Then Jesus said to him, "Go, Satan! For it is written, 'YOU SHALL WORSHIP THE LORD YOUR GOD, AND SERVE HIM ONLY.'"

    From that time Jesus began to preach and say, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."

    And He said to them, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men."

    Matthew 4:23~25 [NASB]……

    Jesus was going throughout all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness among the people.
    The news about Him spread throughout all Syria; and they brought to Him all who were ill, those suffering with various diseases and pains, demoniacs, epileptics, paralytics; and He healed them.
    Large crowds followed Him from Galilee and the Decapolis and Jerusalem and Judea and from beyond the Jordan.

    Yeshua is the real God.

    The name of Yeshua contains the meaning of the Creator: create, destroy, save, know, knowledge, and experience.

    There is tremendous spiritual power in the name and blood of Yeshua.

    When we proclaim the name and blood of Yeshua, all evil spirits and Satan leave.

    Wherever all diseases are, unclean evil spirits are sizzling and holding tight.

    My knees hurt. Stomach pain. Back pain, shoulder pain, heart and chest pain, pain in the five organs and six organs are places where evil spirits sizzle and sizzle, sizzling with viruses, bacteria, etc., as the cause of all evil diseases.

    Yahweh God sent His only begotten son, Yeshua, to this earth, and gave tremendous power to Yeshua's name and blood.

    I believe that anyone who believes, repents, and proclaims the name and blood of Yeshua will be healed by the true grace, power, and love of God.

    Yahweh God spoke directly to me.

    Salvation belongs only to Yeshua. Evil spirits are rampant right now and are tormenting God’s children, so defeat them with the blood of Yeshua!

    Proclaim the name and blood of Yeshua every day.

    Don't be afraid of evil spirits.

    Spiritually, if you are a chick that has not yet developed white feathers, you will be nothing more than a snack for Satan and evil spirits.

    Grow spiritually and become powerful super chickens.

    Become Yeshua's holy brides who can confront evil spirits by making eye contact.

    Yeshua is the true God, and for those with whom the Creator Yahweh God is pleased, Yeshua God visits and appears directly to those who worship, rely on, and believe in God, and sometimes lays hands on Him and heals their illnesses.

    No matter what situation or environment you are in, engrave the name of Yeshua on your chest, arm yourself with the blood of Yeshua every day, arm yourself with the Word of God, and proclaim the name and blood of Yeshua.

    Only Yeshua!

  7. Hii.. in the begging i wake up early in morning at 5:45am i don’t eat breakfast
    i prepare my self to the work then i do some things for my jobs after that i return to home at 5pm in the morning till after afternoon i have same routine but in the evning different may be i will go out with my friends to have a great time or maybe i study some books about engineering or maybe i immediately sleeping 😂

  8. Hi there, I'm Hussain. I'm 13. In my weakdays routine, I get up early at 7:00, I have breakfast at 7:15, I go to school at 7:30, I come back at 1:00, l have lunch and l do my homework. Then, l see friends and family, I have dinner at 8:30, I brush my teeth and go to bed at 9:00.

  9. hi everybody, I'll talk about my daily routine. My routine is different on weekday and weekend.
    In my weekdays, I often get up at 6am, quite early and I try to do this with my discipline. After I clean my teeth and wash my face, the first thing I do is eat breakfast. I have fried rice or noodles for this meal. In the morning, I start my work at 7 am. Some days, I learn at home by myself, and another days, l go to my school. I am a student at university. My lesson lasts 2 hours. My major -IT is difficult with me but I am getting on well with it. I often go home at 9 or 11 am after the lesson finishes.
    Because I don't cook well, so my roommate cook for us and I clean the room and wash the dishes. In the afternoon, sometimes I have some lesson, and I often study at home. As a student at university, I don't have to learn much time at school. About 5 p.m, I often go jogging with my friends to improve my health.
    In the evening, sometimes I teach my student because I have a part-time work. We often have dinner at 9p.m, very late because my friend and me are busy in the evening. I finish my day at about 11 p.m. That is about my weekdays.
    At my weekend on Sunday, I still get up, do exersice and sleep at the same time everyday. I often chill in Sunday, I make a plan for nextweek, hang out and do many things different from my weekdays.
    That is about my daily routine. Thanks for reading.

  10. My resolution for next year developing my English language, lost my weight and saving money and have a trip to visit any country when weather is cold

  11. this is the great video, I don't have a daily routine, I often do anything when I want do that. I often wake up at 10 am and sleep at 1 am. I know that it's a bad habit . Sometime I lost my breakfast , because i wake up so late. And then I wake up, I use my phone to surf web.

  12. This is a great series of videos for beginning English learners. Too many videos out there that say "beginner" are really more appropriate for an intermediate level English learner. I am going to use some of these with my students. Thank you, Listening Time!

  13. I have a routine to work and what to do in the work. I study english and watch Tv series. I spend time with my family too.

  14. Hello my friend.I always spread out my aims for a day.I like getting up earlier.Sometimes there are many situations when i get up later.I usually go to College after as i woke up.After college i go to the gym and then i learn Engilsh.

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