
A system on its knees? Inside the criminal justice system with the Secret Barrister


A system on its knees? Inside the criminal justice system with the Secret Barrister

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It’s rare to get a peek behind the scenes of courtrooms and the people working in them (Subscribe:

In a tell-all book, the anonymous author known as The Secret Barrister has painted a picture of a criminal justice system in England and Wales on its knees, while keeping their identity totally secret, even their gender.

Now we have attempted to bring their insights out of the shadows – examining real cases that reveal the problems at the heart of the justice system. Delays, cuts and creaking infrastructure, all made worse by the crippling pandemic.

In the first in our series, the Secret Barrister examines the story of a victim of assault, who has been left with life-long injuries. Yet the accused were never tried.

Filmed before the pandemic, we have disguised the Secret Barrister’s identity and the piece has been voiced by an actor.
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criminal law , A system on its knees? Inside the criminal justice system with the Secret Barrister, channel 4 news,the secret barrister,secret barrister,secret,barrister,barrister secret,#secretbarrister,@barristersecret,stories of the law and how it’s broken

29 thoughts on “A system on its knees? Inside the criminal justice system with the Secret Barrister”

  1. This is disgusting.
    The judiciary service is most certainly broken and archaic in my opinion.
    I was on jury service recently, it certainly opened my eyes to how inept the system is.
    The defendant was filmed on cctv, there was DNA evidence and fingerprint evidence, yet the defendant plead not guilty.
    We, the jury spent 6 days on this trial, obviously finding him guilty.
    What a total waste of money for the taxpayer.
    IMO the jury system is outdated in cases where the evidence is so compelling.
    Turns out the guy had so many previous convictions of similar crimes.

  2. A problem is that the justice system in the UK, especially in England and Wales is tied to the government. There is no independent running of the justice system. The judges do not run the justice system, its the Lord Chancellor, and he is a member of the government. In other countries the judicial system is run by the governing of the judicial branch.

  3. There is a pervasive question lingering in the minds of many people today. It is the question of how we can reduce the ever increasing levels of crime and violence that plague our society. The usual answer to this question which is given by politicians and the media is that we have to be even tougher on crime. It is an answer that comes from a deeply held belief that fighting against crime even harder will eventually straighten this country out. This is an illusion.

    You can not ever get what you want by pushing against what you do not want. We can argue as people all we want about the physical reality we live in but the truth remains the same, that what you see as physical, tangible manifestation is the direct result of energetic movement. And this energetic movement is controlled by thought. That means that if you are focused on crime, you will manifest crime. You can not focus on the problem and get a solution.

    When a society such as ours does not understand this, we try to control others. We believe that it is not in our power what another person does or doesn't do to us. We believe very strongly in victim hood and so, we try to control others by creating laws. And we enforce those laws with harsh punishment for all those who disobey them. Laws are not control; they are merely the physical illusion of control. They do not work in the way that they are intended to work, and they run counter to the universal truth of freedom. They will fail and they do fail.

  4. There's been a financial coup d'état and the first thing fascists do is attack the judiciary. The rise of a criminal elite cannot be implemented with a functioning legal system.

  5. And getting off will only embolden them, they know they won and now someone else will get the same or maybe worse, no wonder people go vigilante

  6. It's just really sad and it's not even on the agenda for improvements all thanks to this austerity, covid excuse ( the first one since Tony Blair took office ) this, is such a very important matter it involves all lives in our society and worse we all pay our taxes over it for this type of shamble system but, the Tories didn't work on these issues and I doubt it other parties will this should be a number one priority for improvements not a bonus system for whenever they feel like it this is so appalling

  7. English and Welsh justice is very poor but they only take care for sexual assault cases 😢 if beautiful women complains all CPS will exaggerate the case 😢

  8. If you think the criminal justice is broken try defending yourself in a civil court against banks and their crooked barristers and solicitors who are engaged in insider fraud, produce false documents and blackmail judges and abuse their priviledge positions demanding judgments against defendants in person. The barristers clerks are operating a closed shop or cartel by discrimination especially against litigants in persons, the direct access service is not fit for purpose if barristers clerks who are legally unqualified operating the system in their own interest.

  9. He's talking about serious life threatening incidents and issues that have caused a great deal of personal trauma, whilst walking down hallways with a bunny mask on his forehead?

  10. They blame austerity and lack of funding what I have seen being done in those courts can not be blamed on lack of funding ,

  11. When the light (Conscience) is lost…then human becomes animal…But many doesn’t know how it’s getting lost in a human..It’s like this-When a person does wrong ,his conscience will tell him it’s wrong…if he still does it..then the 2nd time the voice of conscience inside you will be bit feeble…and 3 4 times if the same thing happens then one will never hear the warning…which makes him go forward with anything as he lost the antenna to know wether he is doing right or wrong…This is the way criminals are coming up…but karma knows the address…it will come and affect the persons every valuables…May be family,children,or themselves…That’s why Jesus said …you will hear a voice from behind…..Turn towards right. …and should never allow the light in you to set off…

  12. type this link > > > Social Worker CHARLENE WRIGHT, Committing Further Crimes Against Children, Minors.

  13. We have suffered antisocial behaviour and criminal damage to our property and car and UK police have encouraged the offenders rather than helping.

  14. Disgusting how this young man has been let down. We need Dyslexic Thinking! Problem Solvers. Online Zoom Courts would cut costs. Louise Badman, child abuse victim, is a prime example of how the UK is not protecting the general public. Check out her very sad YouTube video online. My MP Tonia Antoniazzi proved in Parliament that rape is no longer seen as a crime by some. The UK Police have been putting Transwomen on Birth Women Crime Reports. We need separate crime reports for obvious reasons. I know a lot of wonderful kind men, I sadly only know one man that speaks out about child abuse and abuse against women. We need Heroes and Heroines. ♥️

  15. My Ex wife lied in court to get me a conviction of assault. I have proof she lied. I have been told an appeal will be unlikely to succeed despite evidence she lied. There is no penalty for her lying in court under oath in the uk (apparently)

  16. I actually have the book and I've read it. It is absolutely eye-opening about the justice system and since I'm a law student and my dad who, before switching to tort law, was a criminal solicitor and could confirm himself some of the things in the book, like how he would have to wake up in the night, collecting witness statements, important documents, meeting with his clientele and discussing the case itself and what happened etc.

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