
“A step back towards authoritarian rule” Indonesia passes controversial criminal code | DW News


“A step back towards authoritarian rule” Indonesia passes controversial  criminal code | DW News

#step #authoritarian #rule #Indonesia #passes #controversial #criminal #code #News

Indonesian lawmakers on Tuesday pushed through a revised criminal code despite widespread opposition from the public and civil society.

Along with punishing sex and co-habitation outside marriage with jail terms, the 200-page code outlaws “defamation” of the president and state institutions and expands the definition of blasphemy.

Indonesian civil rights activists say the new criminal code is a major setback for freedoms earned following the country’s emergence from the Suharto dictatorship in 1998.

Citra Referandum, a civil rights lawyer from the Jakarta Legal Aid Institute (LBH Jakarta), said she expects “a lot of people will be going to jail,” especially those who criticize the government and its policies.

“Expressing your opinion will be seen as an insult to the president, vice president and state institutions,” she told DW.

According to the new code, “defaming” leaders and state institutions can be sentenced up to 5 years in prison, or a heavy fine.


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33 thoughts on ““A step back towards authoritarian rule” Indonesia passes controversial criminal code | DW News”

  1. With this law, new "resources of income" will be created for the blackmailing Indonesian police and will enable the Pimps and the police to carry out joint "commercial activities" in the coming years.

  2. Guys, it's only their families or parents able to report, what so bad about it? Even back in western country, parents able to report that right, if they disagree the "deed'? No? Wow, how monkey you guys allowing NTR all the time, huh?

  3. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 your EU group of monkey…..??? UUD di indonesia…di tetap kan berdasar kan kebaikan semua peraturan agama…..bukan berdasar kan bisnis…kepentingan seperti kalian….??? siapa kalian…EU…hanya se onggok sampah…bagi indonesia…

  4. Indonesia has bigger challenges than this non-issue. This is just the MSM's cow manure that they always try to destabilize Indonesia. Look at their minions opinion at 3:12 "…It is a disaster for the LGBTQ community…" May be dude, but it is a blessing to the rest of the majority of >270 million normal people who want peace in this multi-ethnic-multi-religion country! Stay away if you don't like, but leave us fcuking alone!

  5. Too bad for many reasons, but from my point of view, that prevents a return to enjoy the beautiful environment of Bali, just as a matter of principle.

  6. It is better for Bali and Eastern Indonesia to leave the republic. The conservative minds of Jakarta does not fit anymore with the eastern part of Indonesia. Leave the Republic and turn Indonesia into a Federation. It is a shame to be Indonesian with these shady laws.

  7. this law makes a marriage couple to stay loyal with their spouse as only the victim who can report it to the police if they have a legal marriage

  8. such a politicianist argument — "it's not easy to accommodate everyone under the same criminal law" 😂 Why don't you federalise the country then, and grant legislative freedom, allow local laws and parliaments?? Problem solved. But which politician would give up control… [rhetorical]

  9. It only applies to marrried couples. Only a husband or a wife can go to the police and make the report if they found out their spouse having sex with others. Your brothers, sisters, children, parents can not make the report to the police. Only the victim which is the husbands and the wives can make the report.

  10. For the people who put marriage as sacred matrimony..this law is basically protecting someone from adultery, children born without father, abortion, free sex life style, teenage peregnancy..and of course moral value will remin high as someone will be accountable for their faithfulness…remember human is not animal..

  11. Just look at the world's curious lack of progress with certifying RISUG, what's happening in Indonesia is consistent with these strange behaviors. Are we being forced into unplanned parenthood so that there will always be cheap labor for the elites of the world? Are you wiping butts of your babies, sacrificing all for your off-springs, only to have them inevitably be fed to the meat grinder whether they are blue or white collar? Look at the world's track record and ask questions. When will we take back the power? We gotta stop being sheeps.. don't you think?

  12. YOU WILL BE PUNISHED WHEN YOUR COUPLE REPORTS IT TO THE POLICE! please pay attention to the rules, there are many advantages of this rule too, each couple will not dare to cheat on their partner, lower the birth rate in teenage children, etc.

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