
A Militia Ban Bill in Pretty Packaging – #shorts


A Militia Ban Bill in Pretty Packaging – #shorts

#Militia #Ban #Bill #Pretty #Packaging #shorts

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35 thoughts on “A Militia Ban Bill in Pretty Packaging – #shorts”

  1. Basically, what they're trying to do is, "Make Illegal", EXACTLY how our Country was Created.🤨
    The creator's of this bill are Traitors to the USA.

  2. They are more concerned about people who follow the law and not people who dont. Very clear where their interests lie and it's not american or the constitution. Its always about control

  3. And they focus on only the gun part because if they just left I as open as the laws ATF likes.i could be used on moms demand action, antifa, and just about any martial arts class. This violates 3 amendments and it should be curtailed before even making it to vote.

  4. So will this law be applied to true terrorist militant groups like Antifa and BLM or just conservative white Christians and pro 2A?

  5. Disarming is dictator planning for total destruction of America and freedom
    People are stupid in America period

  6. People just can’t see what Dictator Biden and Obama are doing to this country
    It belongs to the UN now and they are going to have there slaves back and it will end in Genicide 😢😢😢
    O it can’t they say
    Is the government listening to what you want now ???
    Hell No 😢
    Do laws apply to them ??
    Hell NO

  7. A conspiracy to interfere with a citizen's rights is a felony offense, ergo, the ATF and Congress have committed felonies against the people.

  8. Out of 1 side of their mouths, "nobody should be able to own a gun until they pass an annual proficiency test like police."
    Out of the other side of their mouths, "training for the test needs to be illegal."

  9. The fact that people believe the actual terrorist groups that walked across the border freely over the last 3 years with their equipment in tow that this is advertised to be stopping WERENT ALREADY TRAINED BEFORE they came here is laughable.
    Yes stopping john blow that loves his country and wants to protect it is the move. In fact put him in prison for life.

    But leave usama ahmed omberto covered in fertilizer dust and reeking of diesel alone. Hes nothing but a poor prune picking latino here for a better life for his family.
    No you cant ask where he came from or why thats racist. You biggot.

  10. When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.
    Thomas Jefferson did not say that exactly.
    It is true however!

  11. This is bullshit because we have had militias in America before we became America….the democrats are doing this because they are scared of the American Patriots.

  12. If you watch the news, foreign terrorist groups are no longer called terrorist groups but are called militia organizations.

  13. Tic-Tac-Toe is a game that develops the fundamental blocking maneuvers for defense in positional warfare. Checkers? Chess? More complicated games to teach concepts of maneuver warfare.

    Paintball, Airsoft, MilSim, re-enacting – even Nerf battles all present tactical martial training within ill-defined, un-scripted problem based learning. Axis and Allies board games offer war gaming for operational and strategic level warfare. These board games are used in and by the Army University and Marine Corps University.

    Virtual games present even more detailed scenario-based martial training. Military training permeates our sport and entertainment franchises. They're ubiquitous.

    The idea that dressing up in camouflage uniforms to act out role-play games can be made illegal is laughable. The very suggestion of such a law is criminal in that it flies in the face of our Declaration of Independence that guarantees "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." And this bill would violate our First and Second Amendment rights by stripping away our right to peaceably assemble, teach each other, and train to use our means of self and community defense.

    This bill drips of tyranny on its very face.

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