
A Divorce Lawyer On Prenups, Ugly Money Arguments, & What People Don’t Know About Divorce


#Divorce #Lawyer #Prenups #Ugly #Money #Arguments #People #Dont #Divorce

Should you get a pre-nup? A post-nup? Just wing it? The finances of divorce are convoluted, to say the least. This week we chat with divorce lawyer James Sexton about splitting up, staying together, and loving each other either way.

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divorce lawyers near me , A Divorce Lawyer On Prenups, Ugly Money Arguments, & What People Don’t Know About Divorce


40 thoughts on “A Divorce Lawyer On Prenups, Ugly Money Arguments, & What People Don’t Know About Divorce”

  1. Such practical advice for couples. Respect and understanding truly matter. Big thanks to DigitsalTruthSeekers for revealing my spouse's secret texts for me to proof her infidelity…!!!!….

  2. Marriage should be a 100 page contract, giving both parties clarity on the obligations of both parties and penalties for defaulting on those obligations.
    Otherwise do not enter into the marriage contract.

  3. Likely not the most appropriate comment- first time I've seen this channel- that female interviewer, whoever she is, is the cutest woman on the internet, bar none. She's a good reason any man would stupidly think of marrying no matter the overwhelming odds against. It doesn't take a $600 per hour lawyer to tell us marriage is, by far, the worst investment any male can make- an investment you can't buy insurance to protect yourself against. Very stupid. Dumb. Insane. But then, again, she's cute as heck….

  4. This is a great conversation. I was disappointed at the missed opportunity to discuss how divorce lawyers are in a prime position to manipulate people at their most vulnerable stage. When everything is fall apart how much will you pay Mr. Fixit only to end up in a worse hole

  5. Just had a 🙌🎬 moment. Thinking Divorce Lawyer by day, The Penguin by night and bring back Michael Keaton as Batman. A prequel? He's such a cool dude, they wouldnt see him coming….

  6. I wish he explained what ''being mindful of your financial practices'' in the marriage means in the absence of a prenup. Because what is acquired during a marriage is considered premarital property

  7. during my divorce my X said my pride wouldn’t allow that …. to buy her out and i stay in house in case it didn’t sell …i was like did u understand, she said yes … i was like ok

  8. About the lawyer's bills, I worked for a company where I sent back the attorney/CPA's (SAME GUY) invoice and he called my boss to say how offended he was.

    It was the end of the matter, and I scheduled meetings with multiple CPAs to meet my boss. When their quotes came in so low he thought they must be crooks/liars.

  9. “Self preservative instincts.” What an excellent phrase.

    We’ve been married 42 years. I disagree with Mr. Sexton on one point, it is HARD WORK. Being “mindful” amidst everything else in life is work. If you are not ready to do the work, marriage won’t work.

  10. After 6 years together I still sometimes find the notes my husband left me as we met and it’s the greatest thing in the world ❤

  11. What you need to know about devorce is laywers profiteeri from it and school women on how to destroy men and steal assets that's all

  12. Chose to remaon single. In these time & age, the little that l have has brought me so much. Sing Hallelujah, for it is Christ that l enjoy. On land & seas, what matters where. Where Jesus is my heart is there . Lord, praying for your imminent return.

  13. If you love each other and trust each other why you have to get permission from government to have sex. That's belittling. Sure maybe it protects the probable child but most people don't even make babies anymore.

  14. ❤❤ Prenup Everytrime marriage comes up, they leave. Why? I say, rule 1. Prenump.

  15. Good god man. You are worth your hourly rate. I just would not ,could not listen to this loud mouth pushy women!

  16. 600 an hour- ahahahahah no wonder you have so many incells. UsA is on downwars spiral economically, morally socially.

  17. oooofff this man's other interviews on channels aimed more toward like conservative – red pill circles are a little scary to me, he behaves differently here

  18. God help the generation of today. If anyone wants a prenup don’t marry them. They don’t love you.

  19. TurboTax lobbies for the tax system to stay complicated and unreasonable. Why would we support this?

  20. Jim is an examplary lawyer and philosopher. The ethics and humanity behind the profession is always what makes it shine. Kudos.

  21. What is the episode number please? I cannot find this on the financial confessions podcast on apple podcasts. Including the episode number in the description would be very helpful in the future! Thanks

  22. I don't always like what James says, on some youtube videos he sounds like one of those "bros before hos" women haters. But in this video he was really impressive and human and gave excellent advice. I don't always watch videos this long, but this one I watched completely til the end. This video should be required for anyone contemplating marriage or relationships in general.

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