
A Divorce Attorney’s Thoughts On Love and Marriage-James Sexton


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Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of James Sexton, a divorce attorney in New York City. His books, How To Stay In Love:Practical Advice From An Unexpected Source and If You’re In My Office It’s Already Too Late:A Divorce Lawyer’s Guide To Staying Together are available on Amazon.

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35 thoughts on “A Divorce Attorney’s Thoughts On Love and Marriage-James Sexton”

  1. The only thing that gives marriage meaning is your willingness to care for the other person and their willingness to care for you in order to create the feelings of romantic love.

    This is all that gives marriage meaning. Nothing else does, not even children. Couples who are in love never divorce.

  2. The saddest truth of all is what he said about female attractiveness being the most lucrative business there is. And how men become millionaires just to get an attractive woman.

    Out of pure spite of how foolishness the whole game is and how rigged against men it is, I'm not going to play it. Women don't deserve good men.

  3. There is no marriage manual but we need one and James should be the man to write it. This man knows!!

  4. I would absolutely love to see James Sexton on Jordan Peterson podcast. I think there would be tremendous value, to the perspectives given. Great interview btw

  5. Idk if anyone is gonna read this but he’s pretty much right. I was married for 15 years on paper. 12 together. Took 3 years for the divorce to finalize. Any way I kept the house, paid her, her share of the equity in the house, paid next to nothing in child support and had 50/50 joint and physical custody. Our kid is about to turn 19 this week and on her 18th birthday she told her mom “I’m living with dad”. I guess my point of saying all this is, it worked out for me. The divorce end. She thought she was gonna run out and just buy a different house with the money and everything be good, that didn’t happen. She’s stuck paying high rent and jumping from relationship to relationship lol I had a few flings after we split dated some but ya know. I was in my my early 30’s and all the chicks I was dating their end goal was to get married and have kids. Which I’m done. I’m not raising anymore kids. I’m not trying to be a step dad either. Fxxxxxxxxxxk that lol I d c about lil Timmy’s T b all or soccer game on Saturday fxxk lil Tim t and tell his dad to show up. Oh he’s a dead beat not my fault you let a loser cum in you. Anyways, having turning 40 recently I don’t chase women anymore. I could care less cause I’m so much into doing what I want and my routine. I work for my self and usually work nights. I sleep late into the day and I love it. Idk I guess ik just ranting and didn’t really have a point. Maybe that when he said “I’m not led around by my dick like an idiot” resonated with me. I have friend that are older than me still live with their parents going to the bar and chasing women never been married or had kids still acting like kids and I always shake my head how fxxkin dumb they sound. In the end I don’t really chill with anyone much anymore. It’s a lot more peaceful. I don’t drink or do drugs, I quite smoking cigs 2 years ago after smoking for 25 years. I miss it but not enough to start smoking again. Anyways don’t let your dick make your decisions. What type of weak man lets him self get controlled by some pusssy? Amirite…?

  6. Smart guy, sort of. His Catholic education has benefited him greatly. Unfortunately the self centered prick doesn't respect the Church.

  7. I am 75 yrs old my wife is 64. Married for 29 yrs and this marriage fortunately is great. 3 children.I was married early for about 4 yrs and divorced. No children. The reason this marriage was successful is pure luck. In the beginning we working so hard just to keep our heads above water. We were to exhausted and depended on each other to care about the small stuff that causes many marriages to fail. The point being, we succeeded due to dumb luck. That's depressing. I have, retrospectively, learned alot, but my children are not interested in listening to much. One thing I wished when I was in my 20 to 40 was, I wished I could have taken a pill to stop my sexual interest due to male hormone/ sex drive!!!!

  8. I was with my husband for 16 years and lost him to a stroke at 44, BUT we were separated for 6 years before he passed. This is the most honest, funny, interesting, educational, real thing I have seen about marriage in my 55 years!

  9. Beauty isn't a commodity — it's that men believe that women will somehow FINALLY fulfill for them… what? What's that x, y, z that you'll get if you get HER? Feeling like you're good enough, status, awesome sex (not likely, anyway)? Literally all addictions have this in common: the absolute belief that if I do/get/have/am (x) I will FINALLY be/feel/have (y). And that's not actually ever going to be your magic ticket to happiness. But we keep thinking it'll somehow do the trick, just with ANOTHER person — THEY'RE the "real" way of getting that happiness. Again: noooope.


  11. I am not a divorce lawyer…. but this interview confirms all my personal observations … I believe 99% of people should not get married. People enter marriages without doing any work on themselves, not knowing themselves, what they like etc lacking emotional or any other intelligence …. so no wonder once the honeymoon period is over and real life kicks in people are not capable to deal with that….

  12. I really liked this guy. Great speaker and so much human behavior knowledge. Fabulous idea for an interview.

  13. I really believe that working on yourself and dealing with your issues is really important before going into a relationship because you don't want to take your baggage with you. I mean we all have issues but when past relationships are the reason you sabotaged your new relationship its time to dig deep about what is really going on. Now I am a true believer in therapy and it may not work for all but really taking time off from relationships to just relax and enjoy being free instead of jumping from one relationship to the next is honestly one of the best therapies. People need to learn to be ok with being single, if you can be able to do your own thing and not feel that you need to be attached to your partner in every way I think is important. The fact that he is right in retrospect is that his work has really opened his eyes to what really matters in a relationship. I agree marriage isn't the top or required for a loving relationship but I think its nice to have. I think that people put so much on the idea of status, instead of focusing on what matters is the experience of sharing your life with a partner. Relationships are hard period, it isn't just with romantic partners but with family and friends, even your animals because you feel all kinds of emotions with them, love, sadness, anger, pain, hurt and joy as well as loss and everything else in between. The thing I appreciate is his wisdom for how he still views love and that it doesn't have to be a jaded experience for him or even people in general. Communication is absolutely the most important thing for a relationship, having the hard conversations is a must and I agree with him on the prenups. I really enjoyed his perspective besides the fact he is a super handsome dude and love his tats.

  14. @10:58 my answer would be go to hell, can't you see I'm in the middle of something, it's not the time now to tell you how we met and I'll continue at where I was. 😂

  15. I would never, EVER marry again without a prenuptial agreement. What is awkward is that a female can come into the marriage with nothing, never work, never pay for anything, and completely screw a loyal husband over— then leave with the kids and half of the assets on fat alimony and child support. You want to leave? Leave. You come in broke you leave broke. Divorce is legalized abuse and robbery.

  16. me and this guy could be friends. i just so happen to be one of those people he is talking about when it comes to winning the marriage lottery.

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