
“A Criminal Justice System Built (Partly) on Inequality” #SOC119 #CriminalJustice #Inequality


“A Criminal Justice System Built (Partly) on Inequality” #SOC119 #CriminalJustice #Inequality

#Criminal #Justice #System #Built #Partly #Inequality #SOC119 #CriminalJustice #Inequality

There is mass economic inequality across the United States. How do we contend with that distribution of money, resources, and power? Those with the money created the criminal justice system.

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Spring 2023 Semester, Class 9
criminal law , “A Criminal Justice System Built (Partly) on Inequality” #SOC119 #CriminalJustice #Inequality, soc 119,sociology,sociology 119,soc119,sociology class,online class,intro to sociology,sociology 101,soc,sam richards,sam williams,police,back the blue,who backs the blue,political parties,politcs,police and politics,politics and police,thin blue line,police brutality,questions,police interactions,views of the police,criminal justice,criminal justice reform,building criminal justice,inequality,economic inequality,economic issues

45 thoughts on ““A Criminal Justice System Built (Partly) on Inequality” #SOC119 #CriminalJustice #Inequality”

  1. I listened and understand the numbers but what does “controlling the wealth” mean? What can the other 50% do exactly?

  2. Those bottom 50% are better off than nearly everyone in the world. If I’m able to live, work, and be at least moderately healthy, who cares what anyone else has? That wealth does not mean that they will necessarily be happier or healthier than me. It takes very little money to meet life’s basic needs.

  3. Money is not "distributed." YOU make decisions your entire life. The decisions in turn result in the kind of person you become. Some choose to stay and school and learn. Some not as much. Some not at all. Some decide to go to college for a certain field of study. Some go into the trades. Some decide to do very little and take whatever job they can find. Where you want to end up is entirely up to you. No one can stop you from succeeding and no one can do the work for you. Many millionaires and billionaires came from poor families. Black, white, hispanic, asian, whatever. Where you began doesn't matter. It's where YOU want to end up. Every type of person has succeeded. Except a lazy one.

  4. I would argue that America is one of the most fair as far as economic distribution on planet earth. You can start out impovershed and have the opportunity to improve your life. Very few countries on earth offer that opportunity to both it's citizens and immigrants.

  5. Wealth inequality isn't necessary a bad thing. It's bad when you look at countries where the poor are starving and don't have enough to live. In the United States there is so much resources that our poor have new iPhones. You have the ability to build up and obtain wealth and to make a better life but even if you don't your life isn't horrible

  6. Congrats everyone if you live in the US and make at least 34,000 a year you are in the top 1% of the world.

  7. Inequality😂 its just proof that being lazy and jealous of those who aren't will never get you anywhere.

  8. I find it interesting he uses the term "control" of the wealth not actually "own" the wealth. I heard of this staticsit where they count the person who is in "control" of a pension fund, but not the "owners" of the pension fund.

  9. 50% of American families don’t want to make the wise decisions or sacrifices necessary to have more wealth. The 100% isn’t the same as like 100% of a pizza where everyone can only have a certain portion, you can have more wealth without decreasing someone else’s as well.

  10. The relevant number is how many of the rich started out low income? Over 80% are self-made. I was low income. Take your life seriously.

  11. All countries, all systems have this kind of inequalities. The difference with capitalism is that even 10% is so much wealth pepole can live decent lives.

  12. I’m poor always have been and my brain says I am an animal on earth born naked with nothing thank God I was born in America

  13. nooo, he is wrong. people get that wealth mostly by their own efforts or by inheriting it
    And if you haven't got any, toooo bad.
    if you equaled the wealth today then it will re-distribute itself in 20 years to where it is today

  14. Yet, capitalism remains the ONLY system that allows upward mobility.
    Every socialist system concentrates wealth even further.

  15. All you have to do is look at the 3/5th compromise in the constitution..The Three-Fifths Compromise was reached among state delegates during the 1787 Constitutional Convention. It determined that three out of every five slaves was counted when determining a state's total population for legislative representation and taxation. 80% of Americans have zero representation!

  16. many people said it before. Society is more divided by class, than it is by any other metric, like race, gender, etc.

  17. Your not explaining if you have a purpose, self-awareness imagination and determination, you can to be in the top 10% no matter what your background is, so really, it’s not equality it’s a lack of determination

  18. Except wealth in the U.S. is not static. Who gains wealth and who doesn't is determined by individual choice. Rich people become poor, and poor people become rich. All this professor has stated is that poor people have less money. Gee, who would have thought? This professor has forgotten that we are a nation of laws, not men. Our justice system exists to take action against those who would infringe on the natural born rights of others, not to "control the masses to perpetuate inequality," so the rich stay rich.

  19. This may be the natural consequence of existence. If that is so then We need to address it from a different direction than believing it is enforced evil.

  20. Financial equality is socialism. Name one socialist country people are risking their lives to enter.

  21. Aspire to be wealthy, do what the wealthy do. Then stop committing crime. Simple formula. Being poor doesn't mean you have to be a criminal.

  22. You could give $1,000,000 to every American, and in 2-3 generations, these wealth stats will return. I’m not impressed by this at all, cuz I just conclude half of us have no desire/effort/skill. I used to be in the 50%, until I realized I could work harder, smarter, and gain skills better than almost anyone.

  23. I was in the poor spectrum of wealth. I was actually born poor. However, I did the work and got a college degree to become a member of the top tier of income. You get what you work for folks. Don't fall for this B.S. Nothing is given to you. You go out and EARN it.

  24. Wealth shift:::: your students will soon have zero private property ever or student loan debt but will be given guaranteed income, digital everything health/bank/social credit scores/ food – CCP style control after dollar crashes

  25. You set up people to dream set them up to start companies. Grow a business make it yourself. Don't take away from those who did it before you

  26. Very interesting statistics, I also have a firm experience of people blowing money, sinking their money into loans far exceeding their ability to pay and losing it all. Wealth retention has a lot to do with an individual’s ability to delay gratification. And people who have windfalls of cash blow it and end up poorer than before. Young adults being pulled into the credit card scam or NFL players ending up going back to work after making millions. Responsibility is a factor and we can’t all create Facebook, Tesla or Amazon. I don’t want to tax Billionaires into Millionaires either. If you dedicate your life to creating a constantly improving product everyone feels they have to have you should be rewarded, same for a top engineer or MD. Hierarchies of the workplace exist so flunky isn’t performing your daughters brain surgery. You can’t have it both ways.

  27. So…. am I seeing the beginnings of an argument for "lack of wealth = criminal behavior" excuses?

  28. People want to be where they are.
    People won't leave the hood because thats where they are from. Homeless people want to be homeless (many not all but many) they like doing dope and sleeping all day.
    Being poor is a mentality.

  29. It's not Rich/Poor. Its about People who use Government and Power to Control and Hurt People. There are really great Billionaires/Millionaires who do amazing things for the world. There are also really great poor people who do amazing things for the world. There are a few Billioaire/Millionaires that are evil and will do nothing but to help themselves. And there are poor people that are evil and will do nothing but to help themselves.

    It's not Class. it's never been about that.

  30. The grossest inequality is the people who want free handouts but don't put in a full work week. Take the % of people that fall into that category in the bottom 50% of households and then take the % of people in the top 10%. Something tells me we all know the bottom 50% has a greater percentage of people who want something for nothing.

  31. So what you’re saying is that the Socio economic situation being perpetuated on the lower class of individuals the ones making the least amount of money and controlling the least amount of property and wealth are being caused by the legal system? It would seem to me that it would best be described as a lack of education Brought about from elementary school primary school all the way through college because never in our education system are we taught how to make money how to manage money how much money should we need to start putting away day one that you get your first job and so because that is the major contributor to our social economic imbalance. I would say that that’s what creates the problem not the legal system..

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