
New Gun Laws Going Effective Today


#Gun #Laws #Effective #Today

Today marks the implementation of several new gun laws that will have a significant impact on gun owners and Second Amendment rights in not just the State of Colorado but elsewhere. This video breaks down the key aspects of these laws. The Armed Attorneys Emily Taylor and Richard Hayes discuss these laws go into effect, we also explore the potential for legal challenges and the ongoing debate surrounding gun control.

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44 thoughts on “New Gun Laws Going Effective Today”

  1. Voters in America are too uniformed to vote its only a popularity contest. Kamala was a senator and Da in the worst state in the usa do we really want her to California our Usa i dont.

  2. constitution states that the 2a shall not be infringed and the rights to travel…. as far as im concerned i go where i please and ask no permissions. no one needs to know what or where i EDC or conceal.

  3. All gun laws are unconditional. It is part of the second amendment to have the right to defend ourselves against foreign and domestic threats.

  4. You know what I like about California? Nothing, and it is on the West Coast and I'm on the East coast, YES!

  5. My concealed carry class was 8 hours. I didn't mind. The more you are taught and train the better you will be.

  6. This country started on a people's right to have freedom freedom freedom and gun's have kept that here..

  7. Is it not fair to require someone know the basics of a firearm before being able to constitutionally carry? I know It's not the same because driving isn't a constitutional right, but we require people to have some type of training for almost all dangerous activities. Especially ones that can cause injury to other people.

  8. The transportation thing is so fkn stupid. They want it in a plastic case (only applies to long guns.). Unchambered. How long does it take to rack an ar? Such a stupid law

  9. I don't think the 80 $Billion of advanced weaponry left to the enemy is being considered here. When those weapons were passed out to the terrorists, did they have to pass a "background check"? So, it's OK for our FU government to "give" the enemy automatic weapons, but, the citizens are restricted.
    Terrorist and criminals don't give a flying rat's rump about the "laws". My son, who is a DEA agent just arrested a drug runner in Houston with a fully automatic 50 Caliber rifle along with a ton of drugs in his car. Our own government is trying to make the citizens sitting ducks for these criminals and terrorists.

  10. How did we get here to this point? The politicians are just slamming anti 2A agenda through waiting for the Supreme Court to replace its pro constitution judges. It's just a matter of time.

  11. I'm 4 constitutional carry, but the way Florida did it. You still have to prove that you are proficient with the weapon. I think it's dangerous to just allow anyone to carry when they have never fired a weapon in their life.

  12. I’m pro 2a and live in a rural area in California that has a high percentage of people that feel the same way about our liberal over populated cities that dictate the garbage politics spewed all over the state. It’s sad that instead of speaking to the 2a community to stand together proud and strong I am stereo typed into a group of “Californians” for having the misfortune of being born in the wrong place. I wish I had the option like the people in Texas who got to choose where they were born when they were swimming around inside dad’s jewels. Being American and sharing the same views doesn’t seem to matter here….. I’m a horrible person for living in California. Thanks for reminding me Armed Attorneys. I’ll be sure to avoid your content and seek my 2a entertainment and info elsewhere. Good luck with the mindless liberal drones that exist everywhere in our country.

  13. Good for me but not for thee. That's the danger of the 2a. There's always people on either side that want someone else to not have pews. Once the left is done squabbling about their 2a crap just wait…the 2a supporters will eat themselves alive just like antifa and the far left does. And truly this is only because we went so far left in society from the way it used to be. When everyone commonly had a pew. The old west ways, etc. The perfect situation would be a mix of modern times with the old west. Truly. If everyone had pews. Openly. You'd probably find society watches what it says a lot more. Mixed with the justice system of modern times. You definitely would have "vigilante" justice but you could counter it and discourage it by laws. Things would be grand😊

  14. I did the 4 hours for my CCW. And they were running out of things to talk about at 3 hours. They were humming just to fill up time to make it 4 hours exactly. People were asleep and my ass hurt from sitting on that metal chair. Fuck 8 hours.

  15. I used to tell people people I'm glad Colorado is not Colorado. So they brought California here.

  16. Hey, even you are attorneys, gun control laws must be based on the idea primarily getting rid of the any guns from the civilian hands!

  17. This proves my point when people keep saying “doing the same thing but expecting different results is insanity”, it’s NOT, it’s stupidity. It’s not only people from failed states, it’s people from failed countries as well. Not as much but I know plenty of people from failed countries that believe the government should take care of you.

  18. According to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, Every state is Constitutional carry. Any laws that restrict Constitutional carry is a violation of the 2nd Amendment…

  19. these laws are going into effect because the gun community has not policed itself. PLain and simple!
    I have been a responsible gun nut for 50 years. There needs to be intervention now as the gun community is saturated with idiots!!

  20. I foresee similar laws coming to Arizona . It seems like any state legalized recreational Marijuana followed up with stricter gun regulations. That being said, I would rather have to take a drug test to continue my right to carry than let high Johnny float around town with his glock. We should hold tougher penalties for people who are intoxicated and in possession of a firearm.

  21. Californian blue immigrants are a plauge, going to every struggling free state, paying natives and black rock the full asking price of real estate, because their CA Home sold for millions, then they bring their poor voting habits with them too. While contributing nothing to the local community except trashy AI art themed vegan restaurants and ice cream stores.

    😮‍💨 can't California just secede already and lock its border

  22. That these two fail, again and again, to mouth the simple common law phrase, "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED". This entire discussion is just another symptom, of the Grifts, and Corrupted Jurisprudence, of a Nation in it's Death-throes.

  23. Tell the California invaders in Texas to complain to the Mexican drug cartels, I wonder if they would be so sympathetic.

  24. I lived in CO in the 70s and recall seeing a civilian with a revolver on his left hip walking the capitals halls. I'm a lefty, that's why I remember. Yes- civilian

  25. I was born in Colorado when western stile of living was the norm and hunting was a big thing that people looked forward to each year. My brothers whom still lives in Colorado is appalled how the California invasion has changed the state. Due to my work they moved me to Texas in the 1980's which I am thank for. While I do miss the mountains and hunting opportunities I had while living their i am happy that I no longer live their.

  26. Hey Colorado, you can't tax a Constitutional right. There is even a Supreme Court ruling on exactly that.

  27. I’m from Texas and i love it….. so all you outsiders just stay the fuck out you’re not invited. Spend your money for Texas merch from afar or pass through but don’t stay.

  28. Great channel. How about state born citizens being able to vote on gun laws that cancel your second amendment.
    Hamilton Ontario Canada

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