
Attorney discusses Sonya Massey autopsy report


#Attorney #discusses #Sonya #Massey #autopsy #report

Civil rights attorney Ben Crump held a news conference Friday after an autopsy report from Sangamon County Coroner Jim Allmon said Sonya Massey, the Illinois woman shot by a deputy after she called for help, died of a bullet to the head.

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31 thoughts on “Attorney discusses Sonya Massey autopsy report”

  1. The Police Dept should be charged with negligent hiring of a veteran with a dishonorable discharge. Governor Pritzger is also a fool who wants to hire non-citizens as police officers.

  2. I've been watching this attorney for a while and i can't help from thinking, base upon the way he communicated, thet he is in an early stage of some disease that is affecting his communication abilities.

  3. She was CLEARLY a Christian WOMAN.. The Most vulnerable of Society..

    aside Our elderly and The Children THESE VULNERABLE QUEENS, give Birth to. No matter color it's heinous… Yet, It's OBVIOUSLY further galvanized, when it's One of Us..

    SHE WAS CLEARLY CHRISTIAN.. And named Her Sun…

    Malachi.. just let that sink in.

    Justice for unarmed Black Mothers.

  4. A lesson to people of color: NEVER trust a white devil to come and protect you. Learn how to protect yourself within the law. May this innocent lady rejoice in heaven with God Almighty for Eternity.

  5. She was brutally murdered in her own home on her knees right after she said sorry for nothing. But not only did he show no remorse… he even called her a crazy bitch to another officer afterwards. I do not think this is completely a race issue, because I personally had a friend killed by cops in a similar way. Sadly there have been many other white people beaten to death and murdered by cops. It just does not get as much media attention. They only pick certain situations to give a lot of attention to. If it’s all black cops beating a black person…No one cares. If any cops kill a white person…no one cares. I think we have a police issue completely across-the-board. There are many victims who did not get their name out there because, it would not fit the narrative. I pray for this ladies family, and the many other victims who will go unnamed because they don’t fit the narrative.

  6. First off, condolences to the Massey family. My question would be… Is Crump going to take this to trial and win or is he just seeking a payday (settlement)? This is important because these obvious cases of excessive force/murder need to be proven and won in court in order to create case law that can help to actually change things. From my laymen understandind case law can be used as an example to prove wrongdoing, if needed, in future cases.


  8. The family should NOT have had to ask for an investigation!!! The TRUTH should have been told from the start!!! Lying from the sheriffs office just adds to the doubt of anything that is said!!! SHAMEFUL . . .

  9. As long as the money keeps coming they will never be justice for black people in America according to attorney crumb 😮😮🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

  10. Crumb cant even read or talk like the rich man he is, what a shame a man with no inteligence! cant even communicate correctly, is so rich serving the black community with money in their future.

  11. Her family is going to be RICH!!!! and ENEMIES!!!! all at the same time!!! Money is the root of all evil

  12. This grifter just sucks the life and meaning out of the situation. They are never there for the actual victims but just to prop up their egos. They all disgust me.

  13. People look at the whole video, she was on the Phone talking to law enforcement listen how she was trying to get them to stay on the phone with her she knew something was wrong with this cop, she could feel it look at her eyes while she was on the phone going back and forth to the killer as if she wanted to tell the person on the phone something but was afraid to because he was standing right there.

  14. Our family stands with the Massey family! Never, Never let this rest until Justice is served for Sonya!

  15. Your family have my condolences. I'm so sorry that this has happened. I hope your family receive justice for Sonya Massey. 🙏 Justice for Sonya 🙏

  16. To me this Sheriff was be drugged, or drank nobody didn't check his intoxication evaluation.😮😮😮😮this would be good for the Cop to be tested to make sure what he has done wrong.

  17. She didnt even look like she was approaching him w that potof water. it looks like she ws taking the pot of water off of the stove,n like he ws trying to find a reason to shoot her.erroneous😢

  18. Is sad that if you call the police for help, you just might end up being killed by them just because you are black!

  19. The cop was already planning to shoot her he was just trying to create a situation.. why would you come into her home??

  20. Bro, the tragedy of her killing aside and all due respect, but this guy trying to read an autopsy report was just EMBARRASSING. He has trouble with normal words so why would he even attempt to do this??? All he had to do was bring the actual coroner in, but NO, bruh always gotta be in the spotlight….smh

  21. As I have BEEN saying there needs to be a better vetting process for these individuals. As well as a NATIONAL POLICE ACADEMY with standards that are uniform across the nation.

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