
739. The Escaped Man (Short Story for Learners of English) Vocabulary & Grammar


739. The Escaped Man (Short Story for Learners of English) Vocabulary & Grammar

Learn English with a short story.
Listen & repeat after me if you’d like to practise your pronunciation.
Learn some vocabulary in the second half of the video.
Click here to read the story on Commaful
00:00 Introduction
02:15 Story begins
10:10 Story ends
10:18 Summary
13:41 Language Review
52:12 Language Review ends
52:28 Visit the episode archive for more stories
54:37 Download the LEP App
55:28 Thanks and good bye bye bye …
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english , 739. The Escaped Man (Short Story for Learners of English) Vocabulary & Grammar , #Escaped #Man #Short #Story #Learners #English #Vocabulary #Grammar
, learn,learning,english,lesson,lessons,luke,podcast,luke’s,vocabulary,native,speaker,interviews,listening,pronunciation,british,accent,london

38 thoughts on “739. The Escaped Man (Short Story for Learners of English) Vocabulary & Grammar”

  1. Thank you very much for such a wonderful story on your podcast, I love your accent and your vocabulary and grammar lessons. I follow you every day, this is a fresh way to learn

  2. Thank you so much , I am leaving in England and I still improve my English and your channel is amazing!!! This story was brilliant and I didn't see the twist coming. Your way telling the story hook me in. thanks !!

  3. โ€ฆ the headlights of a passing car glinted off the knife blade in Simon's hand.

    Chapter 2. Hezekiah.

    When he was a boy, his neighborhood was full of street gangs, in which many of his classmates took part. Hezekiah's family had strong religious views and strict habits, the street was aggressive, and the boy grew up shy and downtrodden. Street boys teased him because of his bright red hair, teenagerโ€™s gangs often robbed him near the school yard and took away the money his mother gave him for lunch. He was not weak – on the contrary, he was strong, but teenager's gangs attacked as a group, they often had pistols. Hezekiah dreamed of killing some of them, or… maybe commit suicide. Such thoughts did not last long, and the next morning he almost forgot about it.

    Later, when he was 19 and returned late one evening from rehearsal with his violin, he met a gang member outside his home. It was his former classmate Sam, a short, fat boy with an acne-prone face.

    โ€œOh, red-hair Heezzy-y-y, – he said,

    – Did you have a sex with your violin again?โ€ – asked he loudly, stuttering on every word, and laughed all over the street. He has been drunken as a pig.

    โ€œGive me your violin, I want to have a sex too! – he shouted loudly and grabbed the violin case.

    The scramble was short, and Sam fell awkwardly onto the wet sidewalk. Breathing heavily, he tried to stand up and at the same time take something out of his back pocket. Hezekiah stood nearby, waiting to see what Sam was going to do. And when he saw a gun like the ones he was robbed with at school, he began to violently hit by his legs Sam's body with inhuman strength. The gun was knocked far to the side, and Sam's body was left lying in blood on the sidewalk.

    Hezekiah walked slowly down the street toward the house, then returned to look for the gun in the dark street.

    Sam's murderer hasn't been looked for a long, the gangs' fights weren't rare – and a month later Hezekiah took a pistol from the hiding place and went for a walk in the night city. He just wanted to feel what it was like to walk the streets at night while armed โ€“ and it was another life and different world.

    Once upon a time his night walk was interrupted by teens' group. He didn't want to use the gun on the teens, but when one of them stabbed him, Hezekiah shot the guy straight in the head.

    Now he started looking for bandits and killing them regularly. He thought he was clearing the city of human garbage and felt like an angel in the night. Kind red-haired angel.

    That rainy night when Simon had been escaped, Hezekiah was returning from the Mission, and there should have been three more cartridges left in the magazineโ€ฆ

  4. You are doing good process and giving more benefit to us by telling stories and teaching vocabularies. Please keep it, wherever we learn from u we teach the future generation

  5. my english level is low, what you said short story is too long for me. an hour lesson makes me headache, I totally cannot absorb the content.

  6. What a Great pronunciation you have thanks alot for your hardworking
    M watching your video's everday from Afghanistan
    Kindly thank you…๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

  7. You are a born actor! Congrats for this vid of yours and thanks a bunch for sharing!!
    Sentence structures are indeed rather simple. Notwithstanding, there's loads & loads of difficult vocab for non-natives (like me). Your explanations after the story are a gem!! Thank you so much for that, too. It's so useful a video!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  8. Thank you for your work! I as s listener really like listening to your podcasts. They are always very interesting and useful for learners. Thank you once more! Good luck!

  9. Its a great and a huge job you are doing and obviously you are enjoying it a lot
    I appreciate a lot
    Thank you, so helpful for me.

  10. I have just listened this podcast and had a great time!! Since 10 years I have been studying English, but still have problem with understanding the spoken language. I have realised that videos like this one helps me. Plus I may improve my pronunciation either.
    Thank you for your work. I hope you are still making podcasts because I am going to enjoy of them a lot!!
    Ps- I found you on YT only yesterday ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. I love all the stories you choose to share!!! Thank you very much ๐Ÿ™. Alejandra from Guatemala

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