
6 jurors seated in Trump’s criminal hush money trial


6 jurors seated in Trump’s criminal hush money trial

#jurors #seated #Trumps #criminal #hush #money #trial

Six jurors have been seated in former President Donald Trump’s criminal hush money trial.

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criminal law , 6 jurors seated in Trump’s criminal hush money trial, Donald,Trump,abc,abcnl,cohen,criminal,daniels,hush,jury,michael,money,news,p_cmsid=2494279,p_vid=news-109325518,seated,selection,stormy,trial

45 thoughts on “6 jurors seated in Trump’s criminal hush money trial”

  1. Trump 2024 Save and make America Great Again
    – pro life
    – pro 1st and 2nd amendment
    – pro small businesses
    – secure border
    – strong economy
    – low taxes
    – low inflation and interest rates
    – strong military
    – pro democracy
    – pro world peace

    Vote for Trump in November, our country is in danger from socialism by Joe and his satanic communist democrat loyalists.

  2. You need to stop talking about the jurors. You have a country full of crazy people looking to find and intimidate these people. We all know how much people are already intimidated to sit on this jury. I don't know why so many are surprised he is nodding out in the courtroom. He is probably taking pretty strong sedatives to keep him from overreacting in the trial.

  3. Rom 3:23
    For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

    Rom 6:23
    For the wages of sin is death;

    Psalms 9:17
    The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.

    Acts 8:37
    And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

    Rom 10:9
    That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

    Corinthians 15:3-4
    For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

    Ephesians 2:8-9
    For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

  4. Lifelong criminal and convicted sexual predator Donald Trump is never going to be held accountable in any meaningful way. Ever

  5. Corruptions The Game , Trump Is The Name . Evil Knows Evil When The Psychopath , Looks In The Mirror , Mirror Mirror On The Wall Who`s The Biggest National Nightmare Of Them All Yours Truly Said The Pathological Lier, This Man Has Even Betrayed , All The Sick Brain Washed Fools, Who Follow This , 3rd Anti Christ, No Future With This Nasty Pig Of A Beast, Only World War 3 , If Evil Prevails Over Good


  7. The one juror that didn't know about the other cases..👀

  8. Stupid fffn republicans think it’s ok to LIE. CHEAT. STEAL. to be a MISOGYNIST. RAPIST. SEXIST. RACIST. TRAITOR. INSURRECTIONIST.

  9. We finally see why Trump wants a jury for his property fraud case: Trump needs some much-needed sleep

  10. I know there are over 330 million people in America, but how can they be shocked when they knew today this was the trial they were on. Do they not follow any news?

  11. I wonder how long it will take, after this case concludes, for jury and witness tampering charges to be brought against Trump and his merry band of morons. There is no doubt in my mind that he will do anything he can think of to try and force any and all individuals involved in the outcome of this case to do what he wants. Whether it be threatening, paying off, or extorting people, he has proven that he is truly that awful. He is also so narcissistic and stupid that he would call a press conference and openly tell the world, on camera, what he has done and then, a day later, deny that he ever said or did anything of the sort.

  12. You are becoming the laughing stock of the world. We, the rest of the world, look at these cases and see just another corrupt 3rd world country now. Even People who don’t care about politics actually can’t believe what’s going. 😂 I’d be bit worried about China & Russia think what a corrupt group of clowns you’ve become. Why do you think countries are lining up to join BRICS, at least you know what their leaders stand for, like it or not, but in America, just a group of criminals in the White House now.

  13. Bill Clinton was serviced by Monica inside the white house many times and the Democrats said that was no big deal. Even Hillary thought it was ok…and your worried about Trump….come on man……like you guys say….Msnbc is a disgrace to the United States….

  14. The defendant Trump where he is even stay awake for a criminal trial that could cost him his freedom , So how in Gods name can he stay awake to fulfill his duties as potus . He can't remember where he is cant speak a gramatically correct sentence and is seling national secrets to pay his rape and fraud cases Yeah Thats the president maga wants ? I dont think so

  15. I would 1000% be unable to resist not trying to take a picture of him sleeping!🤣🤣🤣

  16. What color was the panelist with the phone? You report of the 6 NORMAL people (the one who was dismissed who gave an interview on TV, normal? who did not talk frankly about her "SHOCK"), what color was the dismissed juror (you did not say), the juror from Puerto Rico who sounds like from U, that he is PRO Trump, the teacher in East Harlem, but you implied by not saying anyone of their color? their race, yes. Lady, you chose to say the last juror's color, why? Why is this the types of people you want to say what their color is? WHY? What is the demography, since you say it? Are you biased journalists? Let me say, thank you for your pure journalism @oliviaruben, and @brianbuckmire?

  17. Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play."
              Joseph Goebbels

  18. This and next few cases is do or die folks.

    Shouldn't be multiple justice systems for DT.

    If did the crime, prove, charge and get him in more Orange asap.

    Dying in prison is better than at the seat of power for 2024 dictatorship.

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