
2 ears 2 eyes 1 mouth Florida Criminal Defense Lawyer


2 ears 2 eyes 1 mouth Florida Criminal Defense Lawyer

#ears #eyes #mouth #Florida #Criminal #Defense #Lawyer

I’ve always believed that winning doesn’t hinge on my client’s words. Why? Because I turn the tables by using the statements of victims, witnesses, and the police against them. The more they talk the better for the defense. The less my client says, the stronger our position becomes.

When it comes to navigating the gritty world of criminal defense, you gotta be slick and savvy, especially when your client’s not always shooting straight. That’s where street smarts come in handy for defense attorneys. It’s all about tuning in sharp to what’s being said and what ain’t.

You know the saying, “two ears, two eyes, one mouth”? Well, that’s the name of the game. Listen and watch twice as much as you talk. Dive deep into your client’s words, their vibe, body language, and any fishy bits in their story. That’s where you find the truth hiding.

And let’s not forget the why behind the lies. Fear, desperation, or just plain thinking they can outsmart the system – understanding their motives is key. It’s like peeling back the layers to build a solid defense strategy that can weather any storm.

Now, going guns blazing at prosecutors or cops without sizing up the situation? That’s a surefire way to shoot yourself in the foot. Sure, you wanna fight tooth and nail for your client, but you gotta be smart about it. Jumping the gun based solely on your client’s word can blow up in your face, wrecking your credibility and leaving your defense in the dust.

Instead, it’s about playing it cool, gathering all the intel, and doing your homework before making any bold moves. That way, you’re armed with the facts and ready to lay down a strategic smackdown when the time comes.

So, when you’re dealing with a client who’s spinning tales, trust your instincts, keep your ears sharp, and your eyes peeled. It’s all part of the game, and with a streetwise approach, you can navigate the legal maze like a boss, fighting tooth and nail for your client’s rights while staying true to the code of honor.
criminal lawyer , 2 ears 2 eyes 1 mouth Florida Criminal Defense Lawyer, Criminal defendants,Clients,Honesty vs deceit in criminal justice system,Judges,Prosecutors,Criminal defense lawyer,Winning and losing criminal cases.

5 thoughts on “2 ears 2 eyes 1 mouth Florida Criminal Defense Lawyer”

  1. A lawyer said to me once “ I believe you’re not guilty, but can convince the jury” ? Trials are scary because even if you are truly not guilty, could be one piece of evidence that you wouldn’t think is a big deal that can make or break your case.

  2. I have a situation where they made videos of them lying while filming me. Still to this day dealing with them breaking into my online accounts obsessively trying to ruin my life. wont let go. twitter just got new comments, doesnt matter how many times i block them or report them, been happening for years, but im somehow the guilty person. i dont think i should have to go through court at all if police refuse to do anything for me.

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