
1st amendment audit #TakeMeBackTuesday 🤡👮 enforces feelings not the law, this is an oldie but goodie


1st amendment audit #TakeMeBackTuesday 🤡👮 enforces feelings not the law, this is an oldie but goodie

#1st #amendment #audit #TakeMeBackTuesday #enforces #feelings #law #oldie #goodie

criminal law , 1st amendment audit #TakeMeBackTuesday 🤡👮 enforces feelings not the law, this is an oldie but goodie, [vid_tags]

29 thoughts on “1st amendment audit #TakeMeBackTuesday 🤡👮 enforces feelings not the law, this is an oldie but goodie”

  1. Are you causing hatred to cops? Like I said would you like me film your home or car or family. Respect gets respect.

  2. The public is finally becoming aware of how the police truly feel about the citizens they are entrusted to serve. The police and their unions despise us. Several organizations and advocacy groups are actively working to abolish or reform qualified immunity in the United States. Several are listed below. Please support their efforts to abolish qualified immunity in all jurisdictions:
    * American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU): The ACLU has been actively involved in advocating for the reform or elimination of qualified immunity as part of its broader efforts to protect civil liberties.
    * Institute for Justice: The Institute for Justice is a libertarian public interest law firm that has been involved in legal battles challenging qualified immunity and advocating for its reform.
    * Campaign Zero: Campaign Zero is an organization focused on police reform, and it has been involved in efforts to address qualified immunity as part of its broader policy proposals.
    * National Police Accountability Project (NPAP): NPAP is a project of the National Lawyers Guild and is dedicated to promoting the accountability of law enforcement officers. They have been involved in legal challenges related to qualified immunity.
    * Cato Institute: The Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank, has been a vocal critic of qualified immunity and has published research and analysis on the topic.

  3. Popo can't be on the property with firearms unless there is an interagency contract. Popo could be committing felonies.

  4. I don’t care what the manager wants I want A hot fudge sundae every morning for breakfast but I don’t get it.

  5. Fordyce vs Seattle says you are wrong officer and their feelings don’t trump our rights. This is well settled case law sow there will be no grant of qualified immunity.

  6. Why do cops still not understand the laws that they aware to protect? Even after countless copy cat YouTubers use the same script. In towns all over America. If they would educate themselves better. There be no need for this.

  7. Ya know you gotta look at like this to.Just because something isn’t illegal to do doesn’t mean it can’t be weird or creepy behavior. If someone ive never seen showed up one day and stood across the street recording me-for a long period of time I’d think they were a weirdo. 😂

  8. Yes.. respect will always get respect.. and you always have to respect the law.. and when cops don’t know the law..? It means they are unable to respect the law.. cause you cannot respect something you don’t know..😂😂❤ peace..🙏🥹

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