
12 Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Lawyer (2023)


12 Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Lawyer (2023)

#Questions #Hiring #Lawyer

12 Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Lawyer (2023)

The reality is at some point you may need to hire a lawyer. In my case, of course, I had to hire a number of criminal defense attorneys due to my criminal investigation and ultimate conviction.

I had no idea how to hire a defense attorney. I also had no idea how to hold a lawyer accountable. I do not if I should pay an hourly or inclusive rate. I did not check references and I had no idea if their reviews were authentic.

I had no idea how often I should communicate with them, and at times when I spoke to them, I felt like I was bothering them.

Since 2008, White Collar Advice has guided thousands of defendants. We have also spoken with hundreds of civil and criminal defendants who regretted how they vetted and hired a civil or criminal defense attorney.

Some hired lawyers they could not afford. Others felt the lawyers lacked interest or innovation. Others had no idea what to think and were afraid to speak up.

Learn from them and me!

If you ever have to hire a lawyer, whether civil or criminal, this video will really help you. You will get a better understanding of the questions you have to ask. In sum, you will be able to move forward from an informed and principled position.

I needed this video when I was a criminal defendant.

I hope you find value in it.

Justin Paperny

P.S. Go to to get a free copy of my book, Lessons From Prison.

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39 thoughts on “12 Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Lawyer (2023)”

  1. Before you lock in with a lawyer, here are some quick tips
    1.Watch the cut
    If a lawyer wants more than 25% of what you win, be cautious—often they go for 33% to 40%.
    2.Costs sneak up:
    Contingency fees might not cover all the lawyer and court bills. Trials can easily rack up over $100,000 on their own.
    3.Read the fine print:
    Take the contract home. If anything's confusing, get another lawyer to break it down before you sign.
    4.Pay attention to timing:
    Make sure the lawyer's cut comes after you've covered all costs and bills, not before. And they should give you a heads-up before changing any fees.
    Just looking out for you!

  2. Yeah these are great questions and one never thinks of asking an attorney questions. Why wouldn’t we? We are hiring them. But those of us who are on the defense are very vulnerable and fear driven and I think many play on this. I feel this has happened to me recently. I’ve also worked alongside attorneys for many years and have hired a few myself and I have never heard of anyone doing this! Brilliant lol. Thanks so much for sharing and putting this info out there.

    To piggyback off asking if the attorney likes what he does- as being as conspicuous as possible- also ask “how do you feel about “pro bono cases?”

    And watch them in court if you can before hiring. To see the relationship they may have with the DA’s, Judges etc. Do they argue or defend a case to how we expect them to do for us. Are they comfortable before the judge and how many trials have they actually done what what hand been the rulings? And are they constantly keeping up with new case law

  3. I am facing a criminal charge. But there definitely was no probable cause or search warrant and I did not give them permission. There is no cause for them to see any marijuana etc. should I see what my court appointed attorney says before our a criminal lawyer

  4. I have no energy for that. I stood on train track 7 times today because I am sent from A- B-C- A‐ C – B- A – C only'to get yelled at " IF YOU DON LET ME ANSWER ( I didn't even ask the question) OR I WILL CUT THE CALL !

  5. It depends on what kind of case it is. If it's criminal (especially if it's a first time offense) you need a heavy weight. The people who work in the court houses ((clerks, bailiffs) know which lawyer is good and who's a flak, so you should go there and ask them which one you should take with your particular circumstances. All of the people that work there are decent people so you can approach them. Ask one for which lawyer you should take for your particular circumstances. Come back later when the shift has changed and ask 2 or 3 people if the lawyer that was recommended to you is any good. You might have to come up with 20 thousand, but a really good lawyer can have it so that, you get off scott free and it will not go down in any files. If it's recorded it's stay's in a file for quite a while and can cause problems for work or if you apply for a city job.
    If it's a minor question about taxes or something like that, again you should check at the court and ask who's a good guy. If you get a lawyer who's decent he or she will charge a minor fee of 50.
    It can be when you ask how much, he or she may say "Fuggedaboutit." If that happens, write out a note, telling him or her how much you appreciate it and leave thirty to fifty in an envelope and put it in the lawyer's mail box. That means a lot to any lawyer because sometimes they work a miracles for someone and the person never even bothered to thank them and that annoys them. Also you might in future have a question for a lawyer and you can call the lawyer that you asked before. In other words, "It's the thought that counts." Believe me, he or she is not going to forget you because you did a courtesy. You left a note with a little bit of cash so the guy or gal can have a dinner in Joe's Steak house or take his or her partner out to McDonalds.

  6. That 1st question seems very unfair. You cant expect that because your life has become complicated, that your lawyer should carry that weight as well.

    I expect him to do his job as best he can, not suffer with or for me.

  7. 15years+ago I was attending the sentencing hearing of someone I knew and by cheer luck I happened to be in the elevator with his lawyer and the sentencing judge. The lawyer was throwing his client under the bus to the judge. Then during the hearing the lawyer was unprepared. Dude got lucky and got house arrest but boy to this day I still get chills from how venurable we are to the justice system and your own lawyer will do you in.

  8. Thank you forgood advice.
    I am planning to get an lawyer for protecting my privacy and family and feeling humiliation from employers and employees.
    Is there any other advice for this specific issues?

  9. so if I were a lawyer would let a prospective client speak to my clients who were happy or not happy with my representation? hmm…

  10. I so appreciate your heartfelt sincerity. When you do not know the law and you are a lay person, in my case there was a federal investigation that acknowledged I was a victim of a crime, I assumed that a civil law attorney representing victims where the attorneys that cared about their clients. Oh boy that cost me a lot of money.

  11. In my experience. Never hire an hourly lawyer. There are lawyers who have set rates. Hourly will drain your bank account. N make you broke.

  12. Excellent suggestions. I am on my 5th attorney for civil lawsuit. Suing my aunt for stealing from my ill mom that died at 59 of MS. while I lived away in other state.
    After 5 bad attys…. I'm not so sure they would even answer these questions. I think they would tell you to find another atty if I need that much. Because they usually have plenty of clients and by their very nature are cocky and don't want questioned.
    So I am desperate for advice… Am I supposed to have say in my own case and strategy ? Because my last few attys insist I should just pay them and let them do their thing. Meanwhile they miss deadlines etc.
    And lastly… What should I do when they are NOT doing their job or returning calls or emails… Usually about 1 yr after you hire them. They get the attitude that if you don't like it… Than I can find another…. Knowing after 5 tries I am screwed. Grateful for any suggestions.

  13. I should have follow-through with the steps you provided. Now, we have incompetent lawyers who are not fighting for my son's case. I should have known when they made excuses to provide the information.

  14. Omg this is amazing. Especially going into worst points in your life. I am in the middle of getting crushed

  15. It's a little strange how you receive dislikes for these free consultation-type videos. Perhaps your advice is more centered around people who have net worths around 60k or more and folks who view these videos aren't fond of white-collar advice yet committed a white-collar crime. Regardless, there are great pieces of info in these questions regardless and I'm thankful you uploaded including examples of situations to correlate with these questions.

  16. I want to challenge my case w/ fraud & child abuse. #49D13-1305-DR021968
    Indianapolis Indiana
    Outlines, advice, Referrals… are all appreciated … thank uou

  17. Indiana Attorney, David Steele, was disbarred and his peers kept supporting him & he kept his office. He cheated his own clients!

  18. Always avoid the lawyers who have ex clients who want to kill them. Also avoid lawyers who will not accept Russian gangster clients. Avoid lawyers that have no pupils- just black hole eyes to hell. Immediately leave prospctive lawyers who ask how much money you have in liquid assets. Any lawyer who has checked out your home or business property online (he's going to take it). A lawyer that persuaded you to litigate when you're actually trying to settle privately but with a court order. At 5 minutes passed the free interview, if your prospective lawyer wants to now charge the full 35minutes then simply leave, don't look back. If you've engaged a lawyer but he calls you everyday painting the worst horrific scenario whilst charging £50 for 4 mins then feel lucky and cancel his retainer immediately. A bad lawyer will crucify your soul & undermine any good character because they like to make everyone evil like themselves so they can feel normal. .

  19. Justin, it also might be a good idea for the potential client to check peer-review websites like Martindale-Hubbell or an independently researched website like Chambers USA to search specifically for lawyers whose specialty is white-collar criminal defense. Especially the latter, Chambers USA. As you know, white-collar criminal defense is a niche practice, and the best lawyers are former AUSA, SEC prosecutors, od

  20. Thank you for this. My brother is facing a federal charge it's a railroad case to get someone he's linked with. I feel bad for most of them on that case because I know they are not who they are alleged of being and really the prosecutors want one specific person. It's my only brother and the last of my siblings. We are gathering to get him an attorney. However, my sisters and I don't have any money to waste in fact we are putting up our savings because we realize that innocent people get really lengthy and unfair sentences everyday so the need is overwhelming. I just prayed 🙏🏽 that God would help us to get the right lawyer after I dreamed about the lawyer we were going to retain Monday the dream revealed she was not the right lawyer. I woke up and researched her and was both grateful and horrified. As I Found out she may be in the process of being disbarred for filling a high profile invalid case that was thrown out and unethical. She had been persistent about us getting the fee paid. God used this video tonight for us thank you so very much. I'm sending my brother your book.

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