
10 Things To Request Of Your Public Defender / Defense Attorney


10 Things To Request Of Your Public Defender / Defense Attorney

#Request #Public #Defender #Defense #Attorney

10 Things To Request Of Your Public Defender : Defense Attorney
Provided by a viewer:
1 year ago (edited)
1) request ALL discovery
2) document communication (email)
3) Request Document of plea offer + deadline + score sheet?
4) Request documentation of comm of State v witness
5) request deposition
6) request transcript of deposition
7) request copy of motions + case law
8) Be proactive
9) Request defence of charges
10) Be educated

If you want to have a higher likelihood of success in your criminal case then this video is perfect for you. Knowing this information is crucial in every criminal case. If you are not involved in your case then things can go wrong. You don’t want anything to go wrong in a criminal case. The criminal justice system is difficult but gets worse when you are not involved. This is your life and your freedom. Take the time to be involved. I hope this video helps.

Law office of Roger P. Foley represents individuals throughout the State of Florida.

Phone: 561-746-7076
Email: [email protected]

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27 thoughts on “10 Things To Request Of Your Public Defender / Defense Attorney”

  1. in addition – he forgot to tell you all these documents you want even photocopying cost a lot – do you know that!?!

  2. as a client – you don't ask for those information and documents – your attorney should provide it to you – if he or she doesn't – then you have a useless lawyer – your lawyer should do all that for you – that's what you are he or she is your attorney ! this video is rubbish !

  3. Ty. I’m studying. I been charge for stealing a wallet I found outside of the supermarket. I return next day A year later I h didn’t know I had a warrant for stealing a wallet n $450 inside if this wallet. I go to court next week. First time ever first time offender. Disable n no funds fir a lawyer. Pray for me guys. Infinity blessing

  4. if your not guilty never give a plea!
    I write a letter and as the 3rd party lasisan for a person, kind of like the old style court runner for information. Its been a minute but ig thanks

  5. Thank you in advance for any feedback and suggestions you might offer. Please tell me you are able to practice in MA🙏🏻

  6. I wish you practiced in MA! I had a public attorney and he said a lot of things and yet couldn’t even return my calls, or my mothers for that fact. He answered one time and said that he would call me back and I never heard from him again and I was simply calling to ask him what time I had court and whether it was on Zoom or in person. Needless to say even the clerk of courts office couldn’t, or wouldn’t answer my questions. Hence why I was asking him. In fact the court appointed attorney, finally texted me on the day of court, ten minutes before. To tell me that it was on zoom and that I needed to sign in. By then I had already borrowed money from my son for a criminal defense attorney, who literally sold me a pitch and when it came down to it, he just wants me to plead guilty…although I am innocent, so he can take his money for doing nothing to help me. I suppose? I could have done that all by myself and I wouldn’t owe my son money. This attorney even told me after speaking with the court appointed attorney (a product liability attorney) that this shouldn’t have even been brought to court and that both of them agreed to that fact. As it’s my narcissistic abusive ex boyfriend who lied about everything, in order to have me charged. My ex who knew the officer that had came to my apartment the night I fled and knows my ex, as well as the dispatcher for the town and he also knows the other police officers and chief of police in town and he talks to them every morning at the coffee shop, with the old timers he hangs out with there. Who themselves are pretty well connected in the town. Along with the ADA, DA and other court officials, because his Aunt works as a Deputy Sheriff in the County. My son has told me that they each have each other’s personal numbers and talk all the time and are on first name basis’ as well as laughing and joking around as old friends do. So I personally was served with two protection from abuse orders at my oldest sons house in PA from my ex, as well as my middle son…who has mental health problems and isn’t truly the age he is, in his mind (he’s still a twelve year old. Which is well documented over 29 years.) Not to mention that he in fact was being abused (physically, emotionally and mentally, as well as being manipulated by my ex boyfriend, the female he had been cheating on me with for two years…unknowingly to me, her adult daughter, and her live In boyfriend. Who had all been manipulating and abusing my son. As I was getting onto the highway in a rented vehicle, as my vehicle had just been determined to be totaled after an accident five months earlier…to go to MA from PA. To go to court for the two PFA’s that were filed by them at the courthouse four days after I fled from the abuse. I received mail from the court regarding being charged with two felonies. It stated that I was being charged with grand larceny and felony destruction of property…neither of which is actually true. I fled from being abused and my ex had packed my things (taking it upon himself to go through my things, including the boxes of my things that he had hidden from me for the four years we were together…things from my life prior to his involvement in it.) Although I had repeatedly asked him and told him that I would be packing my own things and to leave my things alone. He locked me out of my bedroom and nailed a temporary styrofoam wall up in order to divide the room into two. Where he threw my things into leaving them in a horrible mess! Then he continued to pack boxes of some of my things. I wasn’t supposed to leave until 32 days after I did. But I couldn’t live in fear anymore and I was able to leave and so I did. My landlord looked at my apartment and said that he would give me a great reference and that nothing was damaged in the apartment. At which time I also found out that my ex had been slandering my name and defaming my character to everyone and anyone who would listen, from some of the workers in the business downstairs. To say I was crushed and mortified was an understatement. Needless to say, the Judge kept telling my son, “That’s your mother” as he had nothing to say against me to put him in fear from me. He even attempted to bring up when he was punished as a child as the reason why he was “in fear” and requesting a PFA. Come to find out, eight months later, once my ex didn’t want my son for anything anymore, my ex had threatened my son to do whatever he said and that was the reason why he requested a PFA. My ex also stated that he was in fear of me and of course lied and I had voicemails and proof that they in fact were threatening me and my other children and so the Judge denied them the PFA’s and canceled the temporary ten day PFA’s that day. However two weeks later when I had to drive back to MA to answer to the felony charges, (as the officer who had went to my apartment and spoke to me the next day, took his lies at face value and didn’t even speak to the landlord or do any investigating and just filed felony charges against me) of course “not guilty” and my ex had the ADA who knows him and his Aunt put a stay away order on me. (I was a bit worried because I didn’t want my son to contact me and I not be able to talk to him and I thought that was what was happening, until it was explained to me in less than thirty seconds outside the courtroom by the court appointed attorney) and I was assigned a court appointed attorney (product liability attorney) who actually wasn’t even going to meet with me in person and only did so because I had told him about the recordings and other information. So my ex’s friend the ADA requested a stay away order on me, which was requested from my ex because he was upset that he wasn’t granted the PFA. I hadn’t contacted him in any way shape or form, nor contacted my son or anyone about them either. So I am basically just waiting for the next thing that they are going to do to harm me. Also at the court hearing for the PFA my ex contradicted his own claims, regarding the felony charges. Not to mention I finally got to go through the storage unit, which I had told the Judge that I didn’t believe I had what he was claiming I did but since I was homeless, I hadn’t had a chance to go through the contents of the storage unit and if I had anything of his, he would have it back. But I went through it all and found out he stole so much of my things, I am in disbelief honestly. But he had even told my son that he had done some of it. Also my son didn’t realize that some things he saw my ex giving his girlfriend were mine until we went through storage with him and his friend. My ex stole my winter boots (bear paw) my fall leather boots (two pairs that are above the ankle and one that was at the ankle) he stole my winter coat (patriots coat that was old and had been sewn) my fall jacket ( just a black coat) my Wilson leather soft leather trench coat, and so many more things. Movies, tv, etc.

  7. What do you do if the the accused is a severely schizophrenic patient in the "civil" state mental hospital who was expedited there because they were a danger to themselves or others and while hospitalized, unstable hit DCF staff resulting in multiple felony assault charges? After being taken to jail, became suicidal, found incompetent and now is in the forensic state hospital. How can the patient do any of the things you suggest? Should the family be gathering this information? The public defender is not even told where they sent the patient until they receive a report from the facility. Patient needs to remain in treatment at a secure mental hospital and not punished or isolated in a prison or jail. The family did meet with the asst state attorney who also wanted patient to receive treatment and not punishment as well, they say the judge is empathetic but everything is out of our control. He gets bounced back and forth between the legal system and DCF.

  8. Please review my criminal case which contains dozens of court civil rights violations. I have a spreadsheet in my videos that contains all my court documents that can be read without needing to download anything.

  9. No.1 dont hire a De-fence Attorney.
    No.2 Know the Etemology of the word De-Fence (de-meaning without, fence-meaning participation, Litteraly meaning Witout Participaiton) and know that De-Fence is A term of COMMERCE.
    No.3 Your Not a De-Fendant, you are a Man, or Woman, Flesh and Blood Without the United States Corporation.
    No.4 You are the Authorized Representative of your ALL CAPS NAME TRUST ACCOUNT. Never admit to the Name because the Name is owned by the Federal Corporate Government.
    N0.5 You are the Beneficary of that ALL CAPS NAME
    No.6 Appoint the alleged Judge, As Administrator and TRUSTEE to the ALL CAPS NAME, Order the Judge to Fill out a IRS Form W9, 56F, and 1099 OID for the securites on the case.
    No.7 Instruct the Judge to dismiss the case for lack of subject matter jurisdiction.
    No.8 Smile and Laugh at the Prosecutor and demand he open up his check book, or face prosecution for TRUST FRAUD.

  10. I had a criminal lawyer who was a paid lawyer and he was unprofessional and did not act as if on my side at all.

  11. My PD was horrible! I had to object to his version of what happened to me because he just made some shit up!! Im a 100% disabled mentally from fighting in Iraq & stuff & they took my meds away upon arrest & I had no shot at defending myself. I wish I knew then, what I know now because my life is FUBAR from now until death. He never even told me I was entitled to civilian clothes! Instead I had to get hauled in looking like Charlie Manson in orange with no shave or haircut. I felt like a freak every time.

  12. the only time ive ever been arrested or charged with anything…

    the attorney i hired wouldnt speak with me through any means. basically ghosted me. everytime i tried calling the secretary scolded and talked down to me before hanging up on me.

    they had basic totally relevant information wrong and wasnt interested in any evidence i had to show my innocence.

    the thought of doing any work for the 4500 dollars they took from me went as far as when i tried to give a copy of a video of the event every employee in his office backed away from it acting as if like my thumb drive was radioactive or something.

    to top it off when i tried yet again days before my court date i was informed that my attorney accepted a plea deal on my behalf without informing me.

    when i found out about the plea deal i went to another attorney who looked into it only to inform me that the judge had signed everything and everything had been filed and finalized. he explained an outline of the process to resolve what had happened would cost me more than i could spend.

  13. I love this and need it right now thank you so much my public defender is precisely the slob who ignores all my question. I have been looking for solutions but the balif told me she has never seen a public defender be swapped or reprimanded as it relates to poor council. I feel defeated not being able to afford an attorney but not having the slightest clue what's going on in my case with trial in 3 months.

  14. It's not clearly explained WHY we need copies of every action and motion. You said "to keep them honest" but "honest" HOW; and HOW-SO?

  15. This city has no clue what is coming. A new database that discloses the criminal NAZI police, lawyers, judges, and politicians. I am going to create a boycott on Las Vegas. This city is going to pay me for damages or I will break Las Vegas.

  16. I followed these instructions. The public defenders refused to get them. When I fired all of them for criminal obstruction of justice, dereliction of duties and submitted them to the Nevada Bar Associaltion and the Attorney General, Glass Wall. Get a clue the legal system is about corruption, extortion and power. You know this and I bet you cannot find an attorney in Nevada who will defend my case. Because I interviewed no less than 15 attorneys. They are all in on the scam.

  17. I live in Las Vegas, I fired 5 public defenders. Withholding knowledge, withholding evidence, manifesting false witness statements and the judge coluding with the criminal prosecutors who withheld the pictures of me where I was attacked by a retired police officer. I am four years defending myself and the new judge refused me a jury trial when I filed a motion for jury trial and that I would pay for the jury. The event that happened was a retired police officer who premeditated attempted murder of me. I am still fighting the charges. This is hard to believe but World War Three has been declared on the Constitution. The police, attorneys, judges and all of the departments ignor the Constitution and State Laws. Commission for judicial iDisipline and Nevada Bar Association as well as the FBI. They ignor the Constitution. Glass Wall. I am creating a new database to exposed the criminals and start a BoyCott on Las Vegas. 702-807-3365

  18. Your attorney is a criminal. He or she is a prosecutor. Fire the bastard. The truth is that the prosecuter will withhold the full disclosure package.

  19. Liked the dialogue, and truer words were never spoken.. BUT, the best person to get for representation is yourself. With all the knowledge at the touch of a key there is no reason to have a fool for a client..
    I'm a retired construction whore that has a tendency to get a ticket every so often. I found out a long time ago that talking to an attorney is bullshit, simple fact is I was tired of being the smartest person in the room.
    Most times all it takes is to start filing motions, and keep filing motions. I want telemetry from the police car. Shit, I filled a motion once to find out what the cop had for lunch. Discovery, discovery, discovery… If denied? Word it different but same intent.. in the end comes down to one thing. GO TO COURT PREPARED!!.
    Don't stutter, stand up straight, say yes or no, not a-ya or nah, nice clothes a must, look at who you are talking to, and look them in the eye, and visa versa. So much truth in the eyes.
    Your secret weapon is, your power, is tell the truth. It is empowering.

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